21ª Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona

The 21st edition of the Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona (International Women's Film Festival of Barcelona), is organized by Drac Màgic in collaboration with the Centre Dona i Literatura. This year, the Mostra continues to promote and disseminate the work of women film-makers in particular and women's culture in general, though this edition offers several changes: events will be run throughout the year with a variety of programs and locations, new monographic spaces will be opened, and creative workshops and an online space will be carried out as a result of the collaborative work with other organizations and institutions. It is worth noting the section "The history that cinema uncovers" (La història que el cinema destapa), with the screening of commented films by Cecilia Bartolomé, Pilar Miró and Helena Taberna, and with the participation of Judith Colell, Rosa Vergés, Anna Petrus and Isona Passola.
The Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones de Barcelona is a space devised to make visible and appreciate cinematographic creation by women and to invite a variety of audiences to discover the circulation of new ways of seeing present in women's cinema, ways of seeing that enrich and transform cultural practices as well as audiovisual creation as a whole.
Up-to-date information can be found on the web page of the Mostra.