What we do
Approach from a pedagogical point of view to a peace and conflict culture. Assuming that violent responses are rooted in the ways of relating, research focuses on making educational proposals for an harmonious forms of coexistence, both intrapersonal level -with oneself- as interpersonal, including the relationship with the nature from an integral ecology. Thus research focuses on educating interiority as the first relational environment to deploy the self with authenticity.
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Buxarrais, M.R.; Burguet, M. (coords) (2016). Aprender a ser. Por una pedagogia de la interioridad. En Aprender a ser. Por una pedagogía de la interioridad.(pp. 3 – 184). Editorial Graó. ISBN: 978-84-9980-750-8 |
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Buxarrais, M.R.; Burguet, M. (2016). Pedagogia de la interioritat. Guix. Elements d’Acció Educativa, Julio-Agosto 20, 12-16. ISSN: 0213-8581 |
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