Aina Mir-Cerdà, Malena Fisher, Jose Luis Cortina, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas, Óscar Núñez, Mercè Granados
Assessing ion Exchange sorbents for purifying olive leaf extracts
IEX 2024 – Ion exchange for a sustainable future, Cambridge, United Kingdom (10-12 July, 2024)


Aina Mir-Cerdà, Paulina Tapia-Quirós, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Recovery of phenolic compounds from olive tree leaves: characterization of deep eutectic solvent extracts
Euroanalysis 2023, Geneve, Switzerland (27-31 August, 2023)

Paulina Tapia-Quirós, Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sònia Sentellas
Polyphenols recovery from olive mill waste by using deep eutectic solvents and microwave-assisted extraction
International Conference on Polyphenols, Nantes (3-6 July, 2023)


Javier Saurina, Aina Mir-Cerdà, Lenka Kubinyiová, Jennifer Dolghii, Alena Dolezalová, Eleonora Oliva, Óscar Nuñez, Mercè Granados, Sonia Sentellas
Polyphenol recovery from agri-food waste using deep eutectic solvents
XXIII Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Química Analítica, Oviedo (12-15 July, 2022)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sònia Sentellas
Reciclatge de residus agro-alimentaris per a la recuperació d’agents bioactius
12a Trobada de Joves Investigadors dels Països Catalans, Girona (24-26 January, 2022)


M.F. Montenegro-Landívar, P. Tapia-Quirós, X. Vecino, M. Reig, C. Valderrama, M. Granados, J. Saurina, J.L. Cortina
Orange and spinach processing wastes as a source of value-added compounds: polyphenol extraction and antioxidant activity evaluation
6th Green & Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Online (16-18 November, 2021)

P. Tapia-Quirós, M.F. Montenegro-Landívar, M. Reig, X. Vecino, M. Granados, J. Saurina, J.L. Cortina
Membrane technologies for polyphenols recovery from winery and olive mill wastes
Euromembrane 2021, Copenhagen (November 28 – December 02, 2021)



Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Olive tree leaves as a great source of polyphenols: Extract characterization and compound identification
XI Reunión de la Sociedad Española de Espectrometría de Masas (SEEM 2024), Barcelona, Spain (26-28 June, 2024)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Paulina Tapia-Quirós, Manal Ouchen, José Luis Beltrán, Óscar Nuñez, Mercè Granados, Sonia Sentellas, Javier Saurina
Perspectivas para la valorización de residuos obtenidos durante la producción de aceite de oliva: caracterización, extracción, purificación y aplicaciones
XXIV Reunión de la SEQA, Zaragoza, Spain (1-3 July, 2024)

Paulina Tapia-Quirós, Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Sonia Sentellas, Javier Saurina
Extracción ecosostenible de compuestos fenólicos de hojas de olivo: Comparación de disolventes eutécticos profundos naturales y convencionales
XXIV Reunión de la SEQA, Zaragoza, Spain (1-3 July, 2024)

Ruben Titos-Guillen, Sonia Sentellas, Javier Saurina, Mònica Reig, Edxon Licon
Upcycling polyphenols from industrial olive oil waste (LIFE CYCLOPS project)
XXIV Reunión de la SEQA, Zaragoza, Spain (1-3 July, 2024)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Purificación de extractos de hoja de olivo mediante resinas poliméricas para la recuperación de polifenoles
XXIV Reunión de la SEQA, Zaragoza, Spain (1-3 July, 2024)


Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Recovering bioactive compounds from olive leaves using natural deep eutectic solvents
VII Workshop de l’INSA-UB, Barcelona (22 November, 2023)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Olive oil waste as a great source of polyphenols: extract characterization and compound identification
XXXI International Conference on Polyphenols (ICP2023), Nantes (2023)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Verónica Ramos, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Purification of polyphenols in natural deep eutectic solvent extracts: assessing polymeric resins
The 1st International Conference on Antioxidants: Sources, Methods, Health Benefits and Industrial Applications (ICA2023), Barcelona (2023)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Dipa Dey, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas, Jose Luis Beltrán, Mercè Granados
Polyphenols recovery from natural deep eutectic solvent extracts using polymeric resins: searching strategies for sustainable extraction
The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2023), Tenerife (2023)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Sonia Sentellas, Javier Saurina
Green extraction of phenolic compounds from olive leaves: investigating deep eutectic solvents
The 25th International Symposium on Advances in Extraction Technologies (ExTech 2023), Tenerife (2023)


E. Oliva, A. Mir-Cerdà, J. Saurina, S. Sentellas, M. Sergi, D. Compagnone
Recovery of phenolic compounds from strawberry residues by natural deep eutectic solvents
XXIX Congresso della Divisione di Chimica Analitica, Messina (11-15 September, 2022)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Mass spectrometric characterization of bioactive compounds recovered from agri-food wastes introduction
International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Maastricht (27 August-2 September, 2022)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Iris Carretero, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sònia Sentellas
Characterization of polyphenolic composition of extracts from winery wastes by HPLC-UV-MS/MS
International Mass Spectrometry Conference, Maastricht (27 August-2 September, 2022)

Aina Mir-Cerdà, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sonia Sentellas
Agri-food wastes recycling for bioactive compounds recovery
VI Workshop INSA-UB: Revalorització i Reaprofitament Alimentary, Barcelona (9 February, 2022)


Álex Cáceres, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sònia Sentellas
Assessment of the polyphenolic composition of orange wastes from agri-food industries by HPLC-UV-MS/MS
The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Foods. Future Foods and Food Technologies for a Sustainable World. Online
(15-30 October, 2021)

Iris Carretero, Mercè Granados, Javier Saurina, Sònia Sentellas
Characterization of polyphenolic composition of extracts form winery wastes by HPLC-UV-MS/MS
The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Foods. Future Foods and Food Technologies for a Sustainable World. Online
(15-30 October, 2021)

J.R. Coves, P. Tapia-Quirós, B. Saenz, J. Saurina, M. Granados, J.L. Cortina,C.M. Castro-Barros, T. Alvarino, A.Pedrouso
Sustainable and valuable antioxidant recovery from winery food waste
RETASTE 2021, Athens (6-7 May, 2021)

M.F. Montenegro-Landívar, P. Tapia-Quirós, X. Vecino, M. Reig, C. Valderrama, M. Granados, J. Saurina, J.L. Cortina
Recovery and purification of polyphenols from fruits and vegetables by membrane technology
Euromembrane 2021, Copenhagen (November 28 – December 02, 2021)

P. Tapia-Quirós, M.F. Montenegro-Landívar, M. Reig, X. Vecino, T. Albariño, J.L. Cortina, J. Saurina, M. Granados
Polyphenols recovery from olive mill and winery wastes by using green solvent in solid-liquid extractions
6th Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference, Online (16-18 November, 2021)

P. Tapia-Quirós, L. Díaz, M.F. Montenegro-Landívar, M. Reig, X. Vecino, J.L. Cortina, J. Saurina, M. Granados
Total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity of agri-food wastes: Estimation by spectrophotometric assays and high-performance liquid chromatography
14th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, Online (22-24 September, 2021)

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