Màrqueting Day: march, 19th, 2020 Hour 14:00 a 16:00 Clasroom 1001 (Building 690) Inscripcions: here
Categoria: Students
CV Clinic,
Review of CV, s Day: February 26 Time: 13: 00 to 15:00 Careers Office (696) It is essential that you submit your CV according to the template you will find on the Virtual Career Campus. The order of arrival will be respected. You can sign up through this form
Personal Marketing Workshop
Day: February 25, 2020; Hour 12:00 to 14:00 Classroom 1007 (Building 690) Inscriptions: here
De 13:00 a 15:00 en el Coworking
(Català) Col·loqui Sector Públic
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(Català) Clínica CV
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(Català) Taller SAP
Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.
(Català) Taller de Taules Dinàmiques
Sorry, this entry is only available in Catalan and European Spanish.
Taller de Funcions d’Excel
(Català) Les empreses cada cop valoren més els coneixements avançats d’Excel, apunta’t al taller!
(Català) Taller de Big Data
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