Publication of the e-book ʻCiència i universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futurʼ

Ciència i universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futur is the title of the last work edited by David Bueno, lecturer at the Department of Genetics of the UB and co-director of the collection Catàlisi. The work, published by Publicacions i Edicions of the UB together with the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC), has a long introduction by Claudi Mans, emeritus professor of Chemical Engineering of the UB, in which he describes a qualitative and a quantitative panorama of the present situation of research and development in Catalonia. The book can be read online on the website of Publicacions i Edicions of the UB.

Ciència i universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futur is the title of the last work edited by David Bueno, lecturer at the Department of Genetics of the UB and co-director of the collection Catàlisi. The work, published by Publicacions i Edicions of the UB together with the Institute for Catalan Studies (IEC), has a long introduction by Claudi Mans, emeritus professor of Chemical Engineering of the UB, in which he describes a qualitative and a quantitative panorama of the present situation of research and development in Catalonia. The book can be read online on the website of Publicacions i Edicions of the UB.
According to David Bueno, “11th September gave place to a new future political scene: a sovereign Catalonia. This new condition, independently of the legal status it finally achieves, poses to us, the scientific and university community, a great number of questions and new challenges. Scientific research and university, two cornerstones of our society, must be present in these discussions, and that is the reason why Publicacions i Edicions of the UB considered essential to make public our reflections in the form of a book”.
“The book is born in this context —continues Bueno—, with service vocation, and comes from the positive philosophy and illusion that moves our country”. The work aims at generating a debate that contributes to the promotion of Catalan university and sciences by means of dialogue and at the same time, the reflections of professionals and experts contained in the book seek to produce opinion within the society.
The work collects reflections and answers to key questions about the state of research in Catalonia given by the following experts: Albert Arbós, dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training of the International University of Catalonia; Pere Arús, scientific director of the Catalan Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology; Eudald Carbonell, professor at the Rovira i Virgili University and director of the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution; David de Lorenzo, director of the Rare Genomics Institute and entrepreneur in Nutrigenomics; Roderic Guigó, lecturer at the Pompeu Fabra University and researcher at the Centre for Genomic Regulation; David Jou, professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona; Ramon Pascual, researcher at the Institute for High Energy Physics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona and at ALBA synchrotron; Josep A. Planell, professor of Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering at the Technical University of Catalonia; Pere Puigdomènech, director of the Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics and researcher at the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona (IBMB-CSIC); Jesús Purroy, scientific director of the Barcelona Science Park (PCB-UB); Diego Redolar, lecturer at the Open University of Catalonia; Sergi Sabater, professor of Ecology at the Institute of Aquatic Ecology (University of Girona), and Eduard Vieta, head of the Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychobiology at the Faculty of Medicine of the UB and expert at the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona.
Ciència i universitat a Catalunya. Projecció de futur will be presented on Monday 11th February, at 7 p.m. in the room Prat de la Riba of the IEC. Joandomènec Ros, vice-president of the IEC, Claudi Mans and David Bueno, among other personalities, will participate in the event, which will offer also a debate among some of the authors of the book.
The book can be downloaded from this link of Publicacions i Edicions of the UB.