Objectives and competences

The main objective of the master's degree in Specialized Communication is to equip future professionals with the knowledge and skills to develop their capabilities in the areas of cultural communication, social communication and scientific communication. It covers specialized areas in the field of communication that in recent years have been approached from new perspectives and with new techniques and theories, and that are closely linked to the demands and needs of contemporary society. Tuition is therefore provided by staff from the faculties of Philology and Communication, Law, Economics and Business, Medicine and Health Sciences, Pharmacy and Food Science and Biology.
The master's degree in Specialized Communication provides graduates from a range of academic backgrounds with knowledge and skills related to the practice of social, cultural and scientific communication. Therefore, this master's degree is open to students from all fields of science related to communication. Candidates could be communication graduates or degree-holders and professionals in other human and natural sciences who wish to learn new strategies for disseminating their knowledge and adapting to the new challenges of the information society: philologists, artists, historians, advertisers, journalists, musicians, biologists, nurses, pharmacists, meteorologists, sociologists, lawyers, economists, and others.

The master's degree is taught over two semesters. Core subjects are taught in the first semester, to ensure that students gain the general knowledge they need to be able to specialize. In the second semester, three subjects are taken in each specialization (science, cultural and social). The master's degree can be taken in one academic year or two. Classes are always taught in the afternoon.

Basic information

TypeMaster's degree
Faculty or schoolFaculty of Philology and Communication
Branch of knowledge
Mode of delivery
  • Face-to-face
Number of places available30
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instructionCatalan, Spanish and English
Approximate price per credit27.67 euros per credit (82 euros for students who are not EU nationals and do not currently reside in Spain). Fees for the academic year 2024-2025
Course detailsIndicators
Open pre-enrolmentYes
Open enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesYes
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualificationNo
Bridging coursesYes
  • Cultural Communication
  • Scientific Communication
  • Social Communication

Objectives and competences


The master's degree in Specialized Communication provides training in the organization and management of scientific, social and cultural information. The unique nature of the course derives from its integrated focus on skills and abilities in these three areas:

  • Scientific communication: understanding the key elements of transmitting scientific knowledge to society and developing the capacity to communicate, manage and transfer changes brought about by science.
  • Social communication: understanding the socioeconomic, political and legal environments in order to generate, manage and transmit knowledge and information specific to these areas.
  • Cultural communication: understanding and keeping abreast of cultural practices and consumption in the global market and developing the capacity to create, manage and transmit cultural information.

The specific objective of this master's degree is to develop these skills in a comprehensive manner, through the use of professional tools and a series of specialization modules. Graduates will boost their employment prospects and have suitable skills profiles for various professional roles in the scientific, social and cultural sectors.


Upon completion of the master's degree, successful students will be able to:
  • display a respect for ethical practice and intellectual integrity and a willingness to discuss personal opinions make independent judgements, showing clarity and rigor in evaluating their own arguments and those of others;
  • master the basic procedures of intellectual work, using tools to acquire knowledge (resources, bibliography, complementary disciplines), effective techniques to present their work, and strategies for the dissemination of the results obtained.
With regard to the specific applications of the course, students will be able to:
  • understand the theory and practice of specialized communication in different genres, registers and formats;
  • put into practice the main skills and tools (discourse analysis, oral and written communication skills, etc.) relevant to the field;
  • master the concepts specific to specialized professional areas and use the language of law, economics and science accurately and appropriately;
  • understand the key processes in the transmission of specialized knowledge and communicate, manage and transfer this knowledge to society;
  • apply knowledge and skills related to scientific, social and cultural communication in real professional contexts, and understand the working habits of different professional environments related to scientific, social or cultural communication;
  • apply the theoretical knowledge, methodological techniques and instrumental skills acquired throughout the course to generate knowledge in the fields of scientific, social and cultural communication.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

The master's degree is addressed primarily to graduates in the arts and humanities, health sciences, social sciences and law who are interested in learning about the mechanisms and processes of human communication. English-language skills at level B2, Spanish-language skills at level C1, a good working knowledge of Catalan, and user-level computer skills are also required.

The programme may also be of interest to experts in multimedia, advertising and marketing, communication professionals and institutional interlocutors. The Coordination Committee may consider applicants from different academic or professional backgrounds who can demonstrate a particular interest in the programme; for example, professionals in fields related to the focus of the syllabus.

In general terms, and irrespective of the chosen area of specialization, candidates are suitable for the master's degree provided that they have an interest in innovation and discovery of new perspectives in the field of communication; motivation for research and enthusiasm for discovering new ways of advancing knowledge; discipline and a capacity for work; creative abilities, and the capacity for analysis and critical observation.

Access requirements and conditions

General requirements
Students wishing to be admitted to a university master's degree must hold one of the following qualifications:

  • Official Spanish university degree.

  • A degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area framework that authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue.

  • A qualification issued by an institution outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area. In this case, applicants must request homologation of the degree to its equivalent official Spanish university qualification or obtain express approval from the University of Barcelona, which will conduct a study of equivalence to ensure that the degree is of a comparable level to an official Spanish university qualification and that it grants access to university master's degree study in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been recognized as equivalent to a Spanish master's degree and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.

Specific requirements
Preferential access to the master's degree in Specialized Communication is given to holders of bachelor's degree and pre-EHEA degrees in the arts and humanities, health sciences, social sciences and law.

However, as admission is not restricted and students generally hold a range of previous qualifications, bridging courses are available for those with no prior training in communication or philology. The Committee will decide whether bridging courses are required on the basis of previous qualifications and relevant professional experience stated in the candidate's curriculum vitae.

Bridging courses
The bridging courses comprise two subjects from the bachelor's degree in Communication and the Culture Industry at the University of Barcelona:
  • Genres and Formats of Written Communication (second-year subject, six credits, taught in the first semester).
  • Analysis of Media Discourse (third-year subject, six credits, taught in the first semester).



1 March'15 September


  • Pre-enrolment fee: A pre-enrolment fee of 30,21 euros is charged. Students who apply to more than one master's degree must pay the fee for each pre-enrolment request. Pre-enrolment requests cannot be processed until this fee has been paid.Fees will only be refunded if the master's degree in question is suspended.
  • Reserved places: A maximum of 5% of the new places of the master's degree are reserved for students who meet the general and specific access requirements and accredit the recognition of a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.

Required documentation

Selection criteria

Students are admitted to the master's degree in accordance with the specific requirements and criteria established by the University of Barcelona. Where additional criteria are to be considered, the Coordination Committee selects candidates on the basis of the following parameters:

  • 1. Curriculum vitae and academic record (50%).
  • 2. Professional or research experience (20%). In the case of students who have recently graduated from a degree course or equivalent studies, a written statement of interest outlining career aspirations or research goals related to the subject of the programme would be considered.
  • 3. Spoken and written language skills (Catalan and Spanish) at intermediate level or above and user-level computer skills (DELE C1) (10%).
  • 4. Proof of the level of English required for master's degree study according to European standards, equivalent to B2 in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (10%).
  • 5. A personal interview (10%). After evaluating all documents submitted, the Committee will interview candidates if considered necessary.


The Admissions Committee, which is formed by the course coordinator and the Coordination Committee, assesses applications from prospective students during the general pre-enrolment period for university master's degrees at the Faculty. The Committee meets on a monthly basis to evaluate applications and supporting documentation received, and makes its announcements at the ending of each month.


As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned

Course curriculum

Subjects and course plans

Distribution of credits

Compulsory 24
Optional 24
Compulsory placements 0
Compulsory final project 12

List of subjects

Subject Type Language Credits
Specialization: Cultural Communication
Bioethical Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Creative Writing Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Professional Sectors Compulsory 1st semester 6
Communication and Technological Innovation Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and the Environment Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication of Live Performances Optional 2nd semester 3
Cultural Journalism Optional 2nd semester 3
Digital Culture Optional 2nd semester 3
Discourse, Culture and Identities Optional 2nd semester 3
Economic and Financial Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project Compulsory 1st semester
2nd semester
Health Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Placement Optional 1st semester
2nd semester
Intercultural Pragmatics and Multimodal Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Law, Justice and Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Media and Ideology Optional 2nd semester 3
Political Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Public Relations and Brand Management Optional 2nd semester 3
Research Methodologies in Communication Compulsory 1st semester 6
Science and Media Literacy Optional 2nd semester 3
Science Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Strategic Communication and Organizations Compulsory 1st semester 6
Tools for Communication and Research Compulsory 1st semester 6
Specialization: Scientific Communication
Bioethical Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Creative Writing Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Professional Sectors Compulsory 1st semester 6
Communication and Technological Innovation Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and the Environment Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication of Live Performances Optional 2nd semester 3
Cultural Journalism Optional 2nd semester 3
Digital Culture Optional 2nd semester 3
Discourse, Culture and Identities Optional 2nd semester 3
Economic and Financial Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project Compulsory 1st semester
2nd semester
Health Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Placement Optional 1st semester
2nd semester
Intercultural Pragmatics and Multimodal Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Law, Justice and Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Media and Ideology Optional 2nd semester 3
Political Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Public Relations and Brand Management Optional 2nd semester 3
Research Methodologies in Communication Compulsory 1st semester 6
Science and Media Literacy Optional 2nd semester 3
Science Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Strategic Communication and Organizations Compulsory 1st semester 6
Tools for Communication and Research Compulsory 1st semester 6
Specialization: Social Communication
Bioethical Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Creative Writing Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and Professional Sectors Compulsory 1st semester 6
Communication and Technological Innovation Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication and the Environment Optional 2nd semester 3
Communication of Live Performances Optional 2nd semester 3
Cultural Journalism Optional 2nd semester 3
Digital Culture Optional 2nd semester 3
Discourse, Culture and Identities Optional 2nd semester 3
Economic and Financial Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project Compulsory 1st semester
2nd semester
Health Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Institutional Placement Optional 1st semester
2nd semester
Intercultural Pragmatics and Multimodal Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Law, Justice and Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Media and Ideology Optional 2nd semester 3
Political Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Public Relations and Brand Management Optional 2nd semester 3
Research Methodologies in Communication Compulsory 1st semester 6
Science and Media Literacy Optional 2nd semester 3
Science Communication Optional 2nd semester 3
Strategic Communication and Organizations Compulsory 1st semester 6
Tools for Communication and Research Compulsory 1st semester 6

Bridging courses

Subject Type Language Credits
Specialization: BC for admission to the Master's Degree in Specialized Communication
Discourse Analysis of the Media Optional 1st semester 6
Genres and Formats of Written Communication Optional 1st semester 6

Previous years


Placements in a company or another type of organization are an integral part of university studies, providing first-hand experience of working methodologies in students' chosen professional fields. They offer invaluable practical experience for the transition into work after graduation.

Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment. They are therefore included in the academic record.  There is also an option to complete non-curricular placements of up to 500 hours, which can be extended to 900 hours. For both curricular and non-curricular placements, an educational cooperation agreement is signed between the UB and the company, institution or other organization at which the placement will be carried out.

Institutional information

Career opportunities

What can you work on ?

This master's degree provides comprehensive training in communication, addressing the knowledge and skills pertinent to cultural, political, social and scientific communication, preparing graduates for professional roles in various aspects of design, management and planning from a multidisciplinary perspective.

More specifically, the programme aims to prepare graduates for professional activity in these different areas:
- Cultural communication: management of cultural services, cultural associations and foundations and cultural businesses; organization and production of exhibitions and events; consultancy and auditing in the cultural field.
- Social communication: communication departments; public-sector employees, centres of social and market research; media and multimedia editors and writers; professional activities in government, political parties, trade unions, mass media, marketing, advertising and political communication.
- Scientific communication: professional activities in science centres and museums; institutional communications officers (labs, NGOs, government, cultural managers); science journalism.

Access to the labour market

Data from the university system in Catalonia

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