Objectives and competences

The objective of the master's degree in Advanced Medical Skills is to provide specialized health training for medical graduates, to increase their competences in diffrent areas.
The aim of this master's degree is to provide specialized health training for medical graduates, to increase their competences in the following knowledge areas: rare anemias and related syndromes; regional anaesthesia based on anatomy; primary care and community health; kidney transplant surgery; cosmetic surgery and medicine; acute and perioperative intensive cardiac monitoring; diagnostic imaging in rheumatology; diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer; diagnosis and interventional treatment in coronary heart disease; use of advanced abdominal ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment; use of ultrasound in perioperative care; electrodiagnosis in peripheral neuropathies, motor control and sensory perception disorders; clinical electrophysiology and the administration of cardiac stimulants; advanced therapeutic digestive endoscopy;

Parkinson's disease and movement disorders; autoimmune diseases; neuromuscular diseases; pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine; infant pathophysiology; gynecology, oncology and multidisciplinary breast pathology; stroke; non-invasive cardiac imaging; infection in non-HIV immunocompromised patients; HIV and AIDS infection; maternal-fetal medicine; neuroanesthesia; therapeutic neuroradiology; interdisciplinary oncology (medical and surgical); advanced pathology of the skin; advanced diagnostic procedures in respiratory medicine; tobacco addiction; sleep disorders; endovascular and cardiac treatments; tuberculosis and infections by nontuberculous mycobacteria; urologic oncology.

Basic information

TypeMaster's degree
Faculty or schoolMedicine Training and Research Section (Clínic)
Branch of knowledge
  • Medicine and dentistry
  • Biomedical sciences
Mode of delivery
  • Face-to-face
Number of places available132
Length of course1 academic year
Language(s) of instruction50 % English - 25 % Catalan - 25 % Spanish
Approximate price per credit27.67 euros per credit (82 euros for students who are not EU nationals and do not currently reside in Spain). Fees for the academic year 2024-2025
Course detailsIndicators
Open pre-enrolmentYes
Open enrolmentNo
Lead to doctoral studiesYes
Admission for applicants not holding a degree qualificationNo
Bridging coursesNo
  • Acute Cardiac Care and Perioperative Intensive Care
  • Advanced Cutaneous Pathology
  • Advanced Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Medicine
  • Advanced Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy
  • Autoimmune Diseases
  • Clinical Electrophysiology and the Administration of Cardiac Stimulants
  • Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes Associated With Sudden Death
  • Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment in Coronary Heart Disease
  • Endovascular and Cardiac Treatments
  • HIV and AIDS Infections
  • Image Diagnosis in Rheumatic Disease
  • Interdisciplinary Oncology (Medical and Surgical)
  • Kidney Transplant Surgery
  • Maternal-Fetal Medicine
  • Neuroanesthesia
  • Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging
  • Oncological Gynecology and Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology
  • Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
  • Regional Anesthesia Based on Anatomy
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Urologic Oncology

Objectives and competences


The aim of the master's degree in Advanced Medical Skills is to provide specialized health training for medical graduates, to increase their competences in the following knowledge areas: rare anemias and related conditions; regional anatomy-based anesthesia; primary care and community health; kidney transplant surgery; cosmetic surgery and medicine; acute and perioperative intensive cardiac monitoring; diagnostic imaging in rheumatology; diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer; diagnosis and interventional treatment in coronary heart disease; use of advanced abdominal ultrasound in diagnosis and treatment; use of ultrasound in perioperative care; electrodiagnosis in peripheral neuropathies, motor control and sensory perception disorders; clinical electrophysiology and the administration of cardiac stimulants; advanced therapeutic digestive endoscopy; Parkinson's disease and movement disorders; autoimmune diseases; neuromuscular diseases; pharmacogenetics and personalized medicine; infant pathophysiology; gynecology, oncology and multidisciplinary breast pathology; stroke; non-invasive cardiac imaging; infection in non-HIV immunocompromised patients; HIV and AIDS; maternal-fetal medicine; neuroanesthesia; therapeutic neuroradiology; interdisciplinary oncology (medical and surgical); advanced pathology of the skin; advanced diagnostic procedures in respiratory medicine; tobacco addiction; sleep disorders; endovascular and cardiac treatments; tuberculosis and infections by nontuberculous mycobacteria; urologic oncology.


  • Capacity to work in interdisciplinary teams, collaborate with other researchers, act independently, and interact with and advise other medical specialists.
  • Capacity to design, analyse and assess methods and indicators of clinical quality and safety.
  • Ability to apply new diagnostic and therapeutic technologies.
  • Ability to critically read scientific papers, and to write and present scientific studies.
  • Capacity to design and draw up a clinical-biological research project.
  • Capacity to identify potential technological advances, and knowledge of the procedures and mechanisms required to transfer these advances to clinical medicine.

  • Identification of epidemiological, pathological, clinical and advanced therapeutic aspects of diseases that are relevant to the selected specialization.
  • Capacity to develop broad, advanced practical training on diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the selected specialization.
  • Capacity to identify, correctly interpret and diagnose in the laboratory complex disorders in the selected specialization.
  • Capacity to undertake the main complementary examinations for diseases in the selected specialization.
  • Ability to develop, implement and assess new clinical practice guidelines for patients with diseases in the selected specialization.
  • Ability to recognize the bioethical and medical-legal principles of research and professional practice related to diseases in the selected specialization.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

Applicants should hold bachelor's degrees or equivalent undergraduate degrees in medicine and surgery and have obtained an official qualification in a medical specialization. This will ensure that students have the necessary basic knowledge at the start of the course. International students must submit certification of their specialization issued in the country of origin. If the qualification has not been officially recognized in Spain, they will not be able to practise in the medical profession.

Access requirements and conditions

General requirements
Students wishing to be admitted to a university master's degree must hold one of the following qualifications:

  • Official Spanish university degree.

  • A degree issued by a higher education institution within the European Higher Education Area framework that authorizes the holder to access university master's degree courses in the country of issue.

  • A qualification issued by an institution outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area. In this case, applicants must request homologation of the degree to its equivalent official Spanish university qualification or obtain express approval from the University of Barcelona, which will conduct a study of equivalence to ensure that the degree is of a comparable level to an official Spanish university qualification and that it grants access to university master's degree study in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been recognized as equivalent to a Spanish master's degree and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.

Specific requirements
  • 1. Bachelor's degree or equivalent undergraduate degree in medicine or medicine and surgery. International students must meet the recognition requirements established in Article 16.2* of Royal Decree 861/2010.
  • 2. In addition to the requirements described in Point 1, candidates must hold an official health specialist qualification (international students' specialist qualifications do not need to be officially recognized), corresponding to the specific advanced medical skill that the candidate has selected. In exceptional circumstances, resident doctors in the final years of their training may be admitted, provided that they will complete the training by the end of the master's degree course.
  • 3. Previous experience in the specific advanced medical skill for which the applicant wishes to enrol.

*Royal Decree 861/2010: Article 16.2. Holders of a qualification from outside the framework of the European Higher Education Area may also be admitted, without official recognition of their degree, provided that the University of Barcelona can verify that the qualification corresponds to a level of education that is equivalent to official Spanish degrees and authorizes the holder to enter official postgraduate courses in the country of issue. Admission shall not, in any case, imply that prior qualifications have been officially recognized as equivalent to a Spanish degree, and does not confer recognition for any purposes other than that of admission to the master's degree course.



- First period: 20 February − 30 May 2023.
- Second period: 5 June - 31 August 2023.


  • Pre-enrolment fee: A pre-enrolment fee of 30,21 euros is charged. Students who apply to more than one master's degree must pay the fee for each pre-enrolment request. Pre-enrolment requests cannot be processed until this fee has been paid.Fees will only be refunded if the master's degree in question is suspended.
  • Reserved places: A maximum of 5% of the new places of the master's degree are reserved for students who meet the general and specific access requirements and accredit the recognition of a degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.

Required documentation

Selection criteria

The following aspects will be assessed together (weighted as shown):
  • Previous skills and knowledge in the specific area of the selected advanced medical skill, assessed on the basis of the curriculum vitae and the corresponding certificates for courses, conferences, publications, etc.: 25%.
  • Certified experience of clinical practice and/or research in the specific advanced medical skill for which the applicant wishes to enrol: 25%.
  • The candidate's academic transcript (including assessment reports): 25%.
  • Certified knowledge English (level B1, Cambridge University First Certificate, a score of 450 for the TOEFL examination, or an equivalent level): 25%.
  • Personal interview, if necessary, to clarify aspects of the above points.

Applications will be accepted from candidates who meet the admission requirements, and from candidates who do not meet the requirements at the time of application but are expected to have met them before the start of the course. Candidates must submit the supporting documents for evaluation, together with a statement of interest that outlines their reasons for applying.


The Coordination Committee for the master's degree specializations will carry out the selection process by assessing the degree to which each candidate meets the various requirements. The course secretary will notify students of admission decisions within the period established by the Coordination Committee.


As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned

Course curriculum

Subjects and course plans

Distribution of credits

Compulsory 18
Optional 18
Compulsory placements 12
Compulsory final project 12

List of subjects

Subject Type Language Credits
Specialization: Acute Cardiac Care and Perioperative Intensive Care
Acute Cardiac Failure, Acute Valvular Heart Disease and Acute Cardiovascular Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Acute Coronary Syndromes Optional 2nd semester 3
Advanced Cardiopulmonary Life Support Techniques. Optional 2nd semester 3
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Cardiac Endoluminal Techniques Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Electrocardiography and Arrhythmias in Acute Cardiovascular Pathology Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Image Diagnosis in Acute Cardiovascular Pathology Optional 2nd semester 3
Pacemaker Insertion, Programming and Monitoring Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Acute Cardiac Care and Perioperative Intensive Care Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specific Procedures for Critical Cardiovascular Patients Optional 2nd semester 3
Transoesophageal Echocardiogram Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Advanced Cutaneous Pathology
Advanced Dermatopathology Optional 2nd semester 3
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Autoimmune Skin Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Dermatoscopy and Confocal Microscopy (CM) in Pigmented Lesions and Other Dermatological Applications Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Genetic Principles of Cutaneous Oncology Optional 2nd semester 3
Malignant Melanoma Optional 2nd semester 3
Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Lymphoproliferative Syndromes Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Advanced Cutaneous Pathology Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Advanced Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Medicine
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Biomarkers in Respiratory Medicine Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Diagnostic Assessment of Diffuse Interstitial Lung Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Imaging Techniques Optional 2nd semester 3
Interrelation between Respiratory Allergy and Foods Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Advanced Diagnostic Procedures in Respiratory Medicine Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Pulmonary Function Testing Techniques Optional 2nd semester 3
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Respiratory Allergy Optional 2nd semester 3
Respiratory Endoscopy Optional 2nd semester 3
Techniques for Studying Pulmonary Vascular Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Advanced Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy
Advanced Endoscopy of the Small Intestine: Capsule Endoscopy and Balloon Assisted Enteroscopy Optional 2nd semester 3
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Endoscopy in the Screening and Prevention of Colorectal Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Examination and Intervention of the Biliary Tract via ERCP Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Placements: Advanced Therapeutic Digestive Endoscopy Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract I Optional 2nd semester 3
Upper Gastrointestinal Tract II Optional 2nd semester 3
Use of Ultrasound Endoscopy in Diagnosis and Treatment Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Autoimmune Diseases
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Autoimmune Skin Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Autoinflammatory Diseases and Advanced Clinical Immunology Optional 2nd semester 3
Cardiac and Pulmonary Autoimmune Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Hematological Autoimmune Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Neurological Autoimmune Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Ocular Autoimmune Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Autoimmune Diseases Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Renal Autoimmune Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Rheumatoid Arthritis and Autoimmune Diseases of the Locomotor System Optional 2nd semester 3
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus, Antiphospholipid Syndrome, Sjvgren's Syndrome and Systemic Sclerosis Optional 2nd semester 3
Systemic Vasculitis and Inflammatory Myopathies Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Clinical Electrophysiology and the Administration of Cardiac Stimulants
Ablation for Ventricular Tachycardia Optional 2nd semester 3
Ablation Techniques for Fibrillation Optional 2nd semester 3
Advanced Techniques in Ablation: Ablation for Arrhythmias Optional 2nd semester 3
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Defibrillator Insertion, Programming and Monitoring Optional 2nd semester 3
Diagnosis and Treatment of Syncope. The Tilt Table Test Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Invasive Diagnosis: Electrophysiological Studies Optional 2nd semester 3
Pacemaker Insertion, Programming and Monitoring Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Clinical Electrophysiology and the Administration of Cardiac Stimulants Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Resynchronization Therapy Device Insertion, Programming and Monitoring Optional 2nd semester 3
Theoretical Knowledge of Arrhythmology: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and Treatment (Pharmacological and Non-Pharmacological) Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes Associated With Sudden Death
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Congenital Heart Disease and Sport Optional 2nd semester 3
Diagnosis, Risk Stratification and Management of Patients with Channelopathies and Syndromes associated with Sudden Death Optional 2nd semester 3
Diagnosis, Risk Stratification and Management of Patients with Congenital Cardiomyopathy Optional 2nd semester 3
Diagnosis, Risk Stratification and Management of Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes associated with Sudden Death Optional 2nd semester 3
External Placement in Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes Associated With Sudden Death Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Imaging Techniques and Other Tests for the Study of Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes Associated With Sudden Death Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Ventricular Arrythmia in Patients with Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes associated with Sudden Death Optional 2nd semester 3
Molecular Genetic Diagnosis Optional 2nd semester 3
Organization of Specialist Units in Congenital Heart Disease and Syndromes associated with Sudden Death Optional 2nd semester 3
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment in Coronary Heart Disease
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Pathophysiology of Coronary Heart Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Coronary Intervention in Complex Anatomical Situations Optional 2nd semester 3
Electrophysiology, Ablation and Stimulation in Coronary Heart Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Indications and Forms of Coronary Revascularization Optional 2nd semester 3
Initial and Long-Term Antithrombotic Treatment Optional 2nd semester 3
Intracoronary Non-Invasive Imaging Techniques Optional 2nd semester 3
Mechanical Ventricular Assistance, Heart Transplantation and other Invasive Procedures in Acute and Chronic Ischemic Heart Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Acute Coronary Syndromes Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Diagnosis and Interventional Treatment in Coronary Heart Disease Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Technical Aspects, Material and Skills in Invasive Cardiology Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Endovascular and Cardiac Treatments
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Cardiac Endoluminal Techniques Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Endovascular Techniques of the Great Vessels Optional 2nd semester 3
Endovascular Techniques to Treat Diseases of the Lower Limbs Optional 2nd semester 3
Endovascular Techniques to Treat Diseases of the Supra-Aortic Vessels and the Upper Limbs Optional 2nd semester 3
Endovascular Techniques to Treat Vessels Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Functional and Image Diagnosis Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Endovascular and Cardiac Treatments Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Radioprotection for Health Professionals Optional 2nd semester 3
Vascular Access and Complications Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: HIV and AIDS Infections
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Image Diagnosis in Rheumatic Disease
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Interdisciplinary Oncology (Medical and Surgical)
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Advances in Molecular Mechanisms of Cell Transformation Optional 1st semester 3
Cancer Epidemiology Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research in Oncology Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Comprehensive Approach to Inherited Predisposition to Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Efficient Scientific Writing in Oncology Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Genomics and Proteomics Optional 1st semester 3
Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapies Optional 2nd semester 3
Molecular Advances in Oncology Optional 2nd semester 3
Onco-Hematology Optional 2nd semester 3
Oncoplastic Surgery and Microsurgery of Soft Tissue and Skin Sarcomas Optional 2nd semester 3
Oncoplastic Surgery and Microsurgery of the Breast Optional 2nd semester 3
Oncoplastic Surgery and Microsurgery of the Head and Neck Optional 2nd semester 3
Palliative Care for Oncology and Hematology Patients Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Multidisciplinary Oncology Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Radiobiology Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Kidney Transplant Surgery
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Complex Kidney Transplantation Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Heterotopic Kidney Transplantation Optional 2nd semester 3
Indication and Selection of Candidates for Kidney Transplantation Optional 2nd semester 3
Kidney Transplantation in Children Optional 2nd semester 3
Organ Donation Optional 2nd semester 3
Orthotopic Kidney Transplantation Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Kidney Transplant Surgery Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Neuroanesthesia
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Basic Principles in Neuroanesthesia and in Procedures for Patients with Neurological Disorders Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and Neuroimaging Applied to Anesthesia Optional 2nd semester 3
Neuroanesthesia in Critically Ill Patients Optional 2nd semester 3
Neuroanesthesia in Neurosurgical Procedures Optional 2nd semester 3
Neuroanesthesia outside of the Surgical Setting. Postoperative Monitoring in Neurosurgery Optional 2nd semester 3
Pediatric Neuroanesthesia and Neuroanesthesia in Pregnant Patients Optional 2nd semester 3
Perioperative Neuromonitoring Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Neuroanesthesia Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Cardiac Computerised Tomography Optional 2nd semester 3
Cardiac Imaging in Congenital Heart Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Echocardiogram in the Monitoring of Cardiovascular Intervention Optional 2nd semester 3
Ergometry and Nuclear Cardiology Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Placements: Non-Invasive Cardiac Imaging Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Stress Echocardiogram Optional 2nd semester 3
Transoesophageal Echocardiogram Optional 2nd semester 3
Transthoracic Echocardiogram I Optional 2nd semester 3
Transthoracic Echocardiogram II Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Oncological Gynecology and Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology
Advanced, Minimally Invasive Surgical Techniques Robotic Surgery Optional 2nd semester 3
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Breast Cancer: Diagnosis, Staging and Surgical Approach Optional 2nd semester 3
Cervical and Lower Genital Tract Cancer. Multidisciplinary Treatment Approach Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Comprehensive Approach to Inherited Predisposition to Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Ovarian and Fallopian Tube Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Gynecology, Oncology and Multidisciplinary Breast Pathology Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Uterine Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Parkinson's Disease and Movement Disorders
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Ataxias Optional 2nd semester 3
Atypical Parkinsonism Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Dystonia Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Functional Surgery for Movement Disorders Optional 2nd semester 3
Huntington's Disease and other Choreas Optional 2nd semester 3
Parkinson's Disease Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Parkinson¿s Disease and Movement Disorders Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specialization: Regional Anesthesia Based on Anatomy
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Anatomy and Techniques for the Brachial Plexus and the Upper Limb Optional 2nd semester 3
Anatomy and Techniques for the Head, Neck and Trunk Optional 2nd semester 3
Anatomy and Techniques for the Lumbosacral Plexus and the Lower Limb Optional 2nd semester 3
Anatomy and Techniques for the Neuraxis Optional 2nd semester 3
Anatomy, Pathophysiology and Technology in Regional Anesthesia Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Placements: Regional Anesthesia Based on Anatomy Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Specific Applications of Regional Anesthetic Techniques, Scientific and Teaching Methodology Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Sleep Disorders
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Assessment of the Upper Respiratory Tract in Patients with Respiratory Sleep Disorders Optional 2nd semester 3
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Disorders Involving Abnormal Behaviour During Sleep Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
General Aspects of Sleep Analysis. Physiology of Normal Sleep Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Sleep Disorders Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Respiratory Sleep Disorders: Snoring and Sleep Apneas Optional 2nd semester 3
Sleep Disorders in Neurological Diseases Optional 2nd semester 3
Sleep Disorders Involving Hypersomnia (Excluding Snoring and Sleep Apneas) Optional 2nd semester 3
Sleep Disorders Involving Insomnia Optional 2nd semester 3
Sleep Monitoring Techniques and their Interpretation Optional 2nd semester 3
Specialization: Urologic Oncology
Advances in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologies Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Clinical Research Methodology Compulsory 2nd semester 6
Comprehensive Care for Urological Oncology Patients Optional 2nd semester 3
Diagnosis of Urinary Tract Tumours Optional 2nd semester 3
Final Project: Professional Pathway Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Management of Musculo-Invasive Bladder Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Non-Musculo-Invasive Bladder Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Penis Cancer and Testicular Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Prostate Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Renal Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Management of Upper Urinary Tract Cancer Optional 2nd semester 3
Molecular Biology of Urinary Tract Tumours Optional 2nd semester 3
Placements: Urologic Oncology Compulsory 2nd semester 12
Quality Management and Clinical Safety Compulsory 2nd semester 6

Previous years


Placements in a company or another type of organization are an integral part of university studies, providing first-hand experience of working methodologies in students' chosen professional fields. They offer invaluable practical experience for the transition into work after graduation. Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment. They are therefore included in the academic record. 

Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment.They are therefore included in the academic record. There is also an option to complete non-curricular placements of up to 500 hours. For both curricular and non-curricular placements, an educational cooperation agreement is signed between the UB and the company, institution or other organization at which the placement will be carried out.


Institutional information

Career opportunities

What can you work on ?

The master's degree does not lead to an officially recognized health specialization. As medicine is a legally regulated profession, students with an official or officially recognized qualification are already authorized to work in the health specialization with which they are admitted. The master's degree enables students to develop advanced medical skills in their field of knowledge, and to gain the admission requirements for the corresponding doctoral programme.

Access to the labour market

Data from the university system in Catalonia

Contact us

Clínic Campus, Casanova, 143. 08036 Barcelona

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The University of Barcelona (General Secretary’s Office) will process your data in order to provide you with information about this course of study. You can exercise your rights under the data protection regulations and consult the full information on the protection of personal data.