
The bachelor's degree in Podiatry focuses on knowledge and application of the fundamentals of podiatry, as well as basic health sciences, the scientific method and measurement of biological functions, and the structure and function of the human body, especially the lower limbs, relating overall pathology with pathologies of the foot.
The bachelor's degree in Podiatry at the University of Barcelona provides students with the knowledge to acquire the skills, ability and dexterity required to diagnose, prescribe, indicate, carry out and assess all kinds of podiatric, orthopodiatric, chiropody, preventive or educational treatments; and podiatric surgery, physical or pharmacological treatments, on the basis of the clinical history, in line with ethical obligations, current legislation and guidelines for good practice. Our School is committed to offering a university degree with an extensive practical workload in preclinical and clinical fields. The clinical aspect of these studies has been traditionally developed at the Podiatry Hospital of the University of Barcelona, managed by the Josep Finestres Foundation, which facilitates the clinical training of students in direct touch with patients, constantly supervised by the experienced teaching staff who are also professionals in the field.

Basic information

TypeBachelor's degrees
Faculty or schoolFaculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
Branch of knowledge
  • Health Sciences
  • Sciences
Mode of delivery


Number of places available


Length of course4 academic years
Language(s) of instructionCatalan 70,2%, Spanish 28,7%, English 1,1%
Admission grade

8.513  (July 2024, start of process, via official entrance examinations/vocational training)


Approximate price per credit18,46 €
Compulsory placementsNo
Course detailsIndicators
Professional practiceYes
Profesión regulada--


Objectives and competences


  1. To understand the fundamental theories and methodologies of podiatry.
  2. To understand sciences essential for health, the scientific method and the principles for the measurement of biological functions, as well as the evaluation of scientifically proven facts and data analysis in general.
  3. To become familiar with independent learning to continue developing, innovating and showing professional responsibility through continuous education.
  4. To understand the structure and operation of the human body, specially the lower limbs, their semiology, the general mechanisms, causes and manifestations of diseases and the diagnosis methods for medical and surgical pathological processes, linking general and foot pathology.
  5. To acquire the skills, ability and dexterity required to diagnose, prescribe, indicate, carry out and assess all kinds of podiatric, orthopodiatric, chiropody, preventive or educational treatments; and podiatric surgery, physical or pharmacological treatments, on the basis of the clinical history, in line with ethical obligations, current legislation and guidelines for good practice.
  6. To acquire solid clinical experience in all areas of podiatry covered by accredited training centres in podiatry, learning to foster relationships across disciplines and to communicate successfully with patients.


The curriculum is designed so that the student of the Bachelor's Degree in Podiatry acquires the competences that allow them to carry out the activities aimed at diagnosing and treating foot infections and deformities, through the therapeutic techniques typical of the discipline.

Access and admission

Applicant profile and access requirements

Recommended applicant profile

Students with the following competences are encouraged to apply:

  • Knowledge of biology, chemistry and physics.
  • Capacity for analysis and synthesis.
  • Capacity to manage information.
  • Capacity for decision-making.
  • Capacity for problem-solving and to work as part of a team.

Students who have accessed to the degree via an advanced vocational qualification are recommended to have completed a healthcare pathway.


Access requirements and conditions

Admission for students with studies completed outside Spain.

Applicants holding higher educational qualifications from a university outside Spain should consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications to find out about specific admission requirements.


Students that have studied abroad and who wish to study at the University of Barcelona may be admitted to EHEA bachelor's degree courses. Procedures for gaining admission will depend on the qualifications held by each applicant.

For further information about admission, consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications.


As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online via the Món UB portal. To find out the date and time you have been assigned, check the specific information for your course. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned.

Academic information



Support and guidance

Pre-enrolment information and events


Course curriculum

Subjects and course plans

Distribution of credits

Basic training 78
Compulsory 144
Optional 12
Compulsory placements 0
Compulsory final project 6

List of subjects

Pathways and specializations

Check the planning of the different pathways of the degree

Previous years


Placements are supervised by tutors and subject to assessment.They are therefore included in the academic record.  There is also an option to complete non-curricular placements of up to 500 hours. For both curricular and non-curricular placements, an educational cooperation agreement is signed between the UB and the company, institution or other organization at which the placement will be carried out.

Institutional information


Career opportunities

What can you work on ?

Once the studies have finished, graduates in Podiatry can practice as podiatrists at clinics and hospitals, or they can open up their private practice, both in their own consultations and in healthcare centres.

The presence of podiatrists is increasingly important, being part of multidisciplinary teams in charge of healthcare in different areas, such as sports organizations, services for patients at risk for diabetic foot, geriatric homes, etc.

Access to the labour market

Data from the university system in Catalonia

Contact us

Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences


Questions mailbox
Open days
13/02/2025 12:00
Activities for prospective students
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