Basic information
Type | Bachelor's degrees |
Faculty or school | Faculty of Physics |
Branch of knowledge |
Mode of delivery | face-to-face |
Credits | 240 |
Number of places available |
162 (excluding double degree) |
Length of course | 4 academic years |
Language(s) of instruction | Catalan 70,3%, Spanish 22,1%, English 7,5% |
Admission grade |
11.716 (July 2024, start of process, via official entrance examinations/vocational training)
Approximate price per credit | 18,46 € |
Compulsory placements | No |
Course details | Indicators |
Specializations | Yes |
Objectives and competences
Access and admission
Applicant profile and access requirements
Recommended applicant profile
What you will need Personal interest in the operation of physical phenomena in different fields, including astronomy, meteorology, the behaviour of materials, electronics, electromagnetism and optics. Motivation in the study of science and new technologies. Logical reasoning skills. Ability in the study of mathematics and physics. Successfully completed school leaver studies in science and technology, especially in physics and mathematics. Applicants are also recommended to have completed upper secondary school subjects in electrical engineering, chemistry, biology, earth science and environmental science.Access requirements and conditions
Admission for students with studies completed outside Spain.
Applicants holding higher educational qualifications from a university outside Spain should consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications to find out about specific admission requirements.
Students that have studied abroad and who wish to study at the University of Barcelona may be admitted to EHEA bachelor's degree courses. Procedures for gaining admission will depend on the qualifications held by each applicant.
For further information about admission, consult the page Admission with foreign qualifications.
As a general rule, at the UB you will be required to enrol online via the Món UB portal. To find out the date and time you have been assigned, check the specific information for your course. Remember that you can lose your place if you do not enrol on the day you have been assigned.
Academic information
- Documents required for enrolment
- Procedure to formalize enrolment
- After enrolment
- Grants and financial aid
Support and guidance
Pre-enrolment information and events
Course curriculum
Subjects and course plans
Distribution of credits
Type | ECTS |
Basic training | 60 |
Compulsory | 84 |
Optional | 90 |
Compulsory placements | 0 |
Compulsory final project | 6 |
TOTAL | 240 |
List of subjects
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Calculus of a Single Variable | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Chemistry | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Computer Science | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Linear Algebra and Geometry | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Principles of Mechanics | 1st semester | Basic training | 6 |
Differential Equations and Vector Calculus |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Basic training | 6 |
Multivariable Calculus |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Basic training | 6 |
Principles of Electromagnetism and Optics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Basic training | 6 |
Principles of Laboratory Practice | 2nd semester | Basic training | 6 |
Principles of Waves, Fluids and Thermodynamics | 2nd semester | Basic training | 6 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Astronomy |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Mathematical Methods for Physics I |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Mechanics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 9 |
Thermodynamics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 9 |
Electromagnetism |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 9 |
Mathematical Methods for Physics II |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Meteorology and Climatology |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Optics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 9 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Quantum Physics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Statistical Physics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Subject | Language | Type | Credits |
Solid State Physics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Degree Project |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory final project | 6 |
Physical Electronics |
1st semester
2nd semester |
Compulsory | 6 |
Pathways and specializations
Specialization in Fundamental PhysicsSpecialization in Applied Physics
Specialization in Fundamental Physics and Specialization in Mathematics
Specialization in Applied Physics and Specialization in Mathematics
Check the planning of the different pathways of the degree
Previous years
Las prácticas contribuyen a la formación integral de los estudiantes universitarios y facilitan el conocimiento de una metodología de trabajo adecuada a la realidad profesional. De este modo, ofrecen una experiencia práctica que permite la inserción de los futuros titulados en el mercado laboral.
Las prácticas son tutorizadas y se evalúan. Por lo tanto constan al expediente académico del estudiante. Además, se pueden hacer prácticas extracurriculares de un máximo de 500 horas, que se pueden prorrogar hasta 900 horas. Tanto en cuanto a las prácticas curriculares como las extracurriculares, hace falta la formalización previa de un convenio de cooperación educativa con la entidad colaboradora donde se tienen que hacer las prácticas.
Información institucional
Career opportunities
What can you work on ?
Physics. Basic and applied research. Industrial R&D. Education. Meteorological services. Geophysics. Health care. The environment. Nuclear physics. Private sector IT.Access to the labour market
Data from the university system in CataloniaContact us
Faculty of Physics
Martí i Franquès, 1-11 - 08028 Barcelona
Secretary: 934 021
17/02/2025 | 15:00 | |
Face-to-face |