Published: June 29th 2021 – Last revision: July 26th 2021

The nanoMOOCs come from the hybridization of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) that a few years ago have inundated the Internet and revolutionized online learning. NanoMOOCs focus on just one competence to make the learning process much more effective. This is the central feature of nanoMOOC: to focus on a very specific content (a competence) and a short time (a week).

Our group focus on the gamification part of these courses. Gamification consists in applying game mechanics in non-game contexts aiming at motivating and shaping behaviours. This paper proposes an adaptive approach for gamification, which takes as initial information players’ profiles – gathered from Hexad player type questionnaire – and considers also how these profiles change over time based on users’ interactions. Then, we provide the users with a personalized experience through the use of game elements that correspond to their dynamic playing profile.

More information is available at the nanoMOOCs webpage



Universitat de Barcelona

Maria Salamó
Àlex Rodríguez-Campoy
Ianire Gallego

Lavinia Next

Ignasi Marcet

Grupo Ormo

Anna Ortiz

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We Are Not the Same Either Playing: a Proposal for Adaptive Gamification

Rodriguez, I.; Puig, A.; Rodríguez, A. CCIA Congress, 2021 (Accepted)
