Published: September 9th 2021– Last revision: September 9th 2021

The educational game development is a multidisciplinary software engineering process, where participate instructional and game designers, artists and programmers. Nevertheless, educators, who have an important role in the process, have limitations in authoring games at any moment to adapt them according to key educational aspects such as intended learning outcomes and their metrics, students’ learning styles, teaching and learning activities and embedded assessment.

In this research line we attempt to deal with the designing, configuring and playing games easily by all the involved roles (developers, teachers and students). Thus, we start with a web tool to register and configure games and a set of configurable games playable by students with different profiles. 


Coming Soon

Clash Of Myths

Clash of Myths: diseño de un juego de cartas, 2018 – F. Willians

Note It

Note it: aplicació gamificada per la pràctica de dictats musicals, 2019 – L. Roigé

Serious Games in LMS

Integració de serious games en un LMS, 2019 – R. Vega

Serious Game with Editable Content

Design and Development of a Virtual Reality Serious Game with Editable Content. 2020 – A. Dickson



Universitat de Barcelona

Leandro Zardaín
Francisco Javier Williams Monardez
Laura Roigé Foix
Raúl Vega Nielfa
Alexander Dickson Roig

Universidad Pontificia de Perú

Johan Baldeón

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A platform for the authoring of educational games.

Baldeon, Johan & Puig, Anna & Rodriguez Santiago, Inmaculada & Zardaín, Leandro. (2018). A platform for the authoring of educational games. 1-6. 10.23919/CISTI.2018.8399394. Resource.

A Conceptual Model for Educational Game Authoring: A Showcase in Math Games.

Baldeon, Johan & Puig, Anna & Rodriguez Santiago, Inmaculada & Muriel, Cristian & Zardaín, Leandro. (2017). A Conceptual Model for Educational Game Authoring: A Showcase in Math Games. 347-361. 10.1007/978-3-319-58637-3_28. Resource.
