Published: July 14th 2021 – Last revision: July 26th 2021

Decidim is a technopolitical project providing a digital citizen-participation platform meant to open new spaces for collaboration, deliberation, and direct democracy. 

Improving decision-making is key for the transition from representative democracy to participatory democracy. The project “Decidim Intel·ligent” explores how Artificial Intelligence techniques can enhance participatory decision-making. In particular, it focuses on optimizing participatory budgeting processes as well as to enrich informed deliberation. 

Indeed,  deliberation leads us to a model of deliberative democracy, where collective decisions are taken by giving citizens the opportunity to propose new ideas, to discuss their advantages and disadvantages, as well as to support those ideas and reasoning they agree with. In the process, the overall aggregated opinion can be automatically computed to render a collective decision.

More information is available at



Universitat de Barcelona

Marc Serramià


Patricio Escobar
Juan A. Rodríguez Aguilar

LID – Democratic Investigation Laboratory

Related Publications

The list of WAI – related publications is available here.

The full list of publications and contributions is available at the webpage.


Ajuntament de Barcelona