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This programme is established by the European Commission and National Agencies of Programme countries are responsible for its execution as indirect management. The Spanish Service for Internationalization of Education (SEPIE) is the Spanish National Agency for the management, dissemination, promotion and impact studies of the Erasmus+ programme in the field of education and training (2014-2020). SEPIE performs the tasks of budget implementation, promote and implement the programme at national level and act as links between the European Commission and the participating organizations. Learning mobility opportunities aim to encourage the mobility of students, staff between programme and partner countries. Programme countries are those that are member states of the European Union and 6 non-EU countries and partner countries are those which are not part of the EU but which take part as partner of the programme country. The University of Barcelona under the framework of the Erasmus+ project (KA107) 2016-1-ES01-KA107-023474 between programme institutions and partner institutions has been awarded with scholarships for student and staff from our partner countries.


Erasmus+ programme guide

ECTS Users Guide

Erasmus charter


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This section is addressed to all candidates (students and staff) from our partner universities willing to come to the University of Barcelona.



Mobility period To apply Text of the call Resolution of the call
Spring semester 2016/2017 (February - June) 11/12/2016 1st call spring 16/17
Winter semester 2017/2018 (September - January) 24/01/2017- 18/03/2017

2nd call winter semester 17/18

Annex to the 2nd call

Spring semester 2017/2018 (February - June) 25/04/2017-02/07/2017

3rd call spring semester 17/18

Annex to the 3rd call

Before 30/06/2018 10/10/2017-24/11/2017 4th call 17/18 academic course Resolution
Winter semester 2018/2019 (September-January) 19/12/2017-16/03/2018

Call winter semester 18/19

Amendment to the call (change of number of mobilities)

Spring semester 2018/2019 (February-June) 27/09/2018- 07/11/2018 Call spring semester 18/19


Annex: resolution of the Islamic University of Gaza places

marcadorTo apply candidates must:

  1. Complete on-line the Erasmus+ Application form:
  2. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the academic records (ONLY STUDENTS)
  3. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the Learning Agreement proposal indicating the subjects to be followed at the University of Barcelona and the subjects susceptible to be recognised for undergraduate/master students (TEMPLATE: Learning Agreement proposal).
  4. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the proof of language proficiency (Certificate of language schools or transcript of records or certificate of high school) with a level of B2 in English or B1 of Spanish/Catalan Language

To check the programmes offered (always taking into account the fields of study agreed and indicated in the call for applications)by the University of Barcelona and the percentage of the programme taught in English: http://www.ub.edu/sl/en/socio/transparencia.php?angles=1

For more information: erasmus.ka107@ub.edu


Mobility period To apply Text of the call Resolution of the call
Spring semester 2016/2017 (February - June) 11/12/2016 1st call spring 16/17
Winter semester 2017/2018 (September - January) 24/01/2017- 18/03/2017

2nd call winter semester 17/18

Annex to the 2nd call

Spring semester 2017/2018 (February - June) 25/04/2017-02/07/2017

3rd call spring semester 17/18

Annex to the 3rd call

Before 30/06/2018 10/10/2017-24/11/2017 4th call 17/18 academic course Resolution
Winter semester 2018/2019 (September-January) 19/12/2017-16/03/2018

Call winter semester 18/19

Amendment to the call (change of number of mobilities)

Before 30/06/2018 16/05/2018 - 06/06/2018 Exceptional call for professors of the Mohammed V University in Rabat Resolution
Spring semester 2018/2019 (February-June) 27/09/2018-07/11/2018 Call spring semester 18/19


Annex: resolution of the Islamic University of Gaza places

marcadorTo apply candidates must:

  1. Complete on-line the Erasmus+ Application form:
  2. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.eduthe CV in English language (ONLY STAFF)
  3. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the Teaching Mobility Agreement proposal indicating the teaching plan to be followed at the University of Barcelona (TEMPLATE: Teaching Mobility Agreement proposal).
  4. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the proof of language proficiency
  5. Send by email to erasmus.ka107@ub.edu the invitation letter from hosting department/professor

For more information: erasmus.ka107@ub.edu


CALL 2020

Text of the call: Call for Applications Erasmus+ KA107 scholarships for staff from partner countries


To apply candidates must:

Complete on-line the Erasmus+ Application form: https://www.ub.edu/ubforms/ca/ompi/erasmus-ka107-incoming-staff-partner-countries

  1. Attach the CV in English language
  2. Attach a nomination letter issued by the home institution

For more information: erasmus.ka107@ub.edu

LInk to the news published about the staff week: http://www.ub.edu/web/ub/en/menu_eines/noticies/2017/04/041.html?

Programme of the staff week (2018): programme

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If you have consulted the web page and would like more information, contact us
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layout image © Universitat de Barcelona Edition: Oficina de Mobilitat i Programes Internacionals
Last update: 27.10.2016
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