Network of researchers working on environment and health


ToxicBody is an interdisciplinary network of researchers dedicated to the study of the influence of the environment on human health, focused on the relationships between corporality, health and food.

The ToxicBody network is attached to the Department of Social Anthropology of the University of Barcelona, ​​bringing together members from different institutions whose areas of knowledge range from anthropology to medicine.


Eating Matters

Eating Matters

Eating Matters. The challenges of an inclusive, healthy and sustainable diet for better ageing. 2020-2024.


Territories and bodies at risk

Pesticides in the food system and their effects on health in the municipality of Miguel Calmon, Piedmont region of Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil.
ToxicBody, line of research of the Departament of Social Anthropology, Universitat de Barcelona.

c/ Montalegre, 1-6

08001 Barcelona


Cristina Larrea-Killinger, Professor of Social Anthropology at Universitat de Barcelona.