
Research Group in Algebraic Topology

Infinity Topoi

  • Javier J. Gutiérrez: An introduction to Grothendieck topoi

    3 October 2022, 10:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • David Martínez: Infinity topoi as localizations

    10 October 2022, 10:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • David Martínez: Introduction to higher topos theory

    17 October 2022, 10:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • Carles Casacuberta: Modalities

    24 October 2022, 10:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • Pedro Magalhães: Goodwillie calculus I

    7 November 2022, 9:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • Carles Casacuberta: Goodwillie calculus II

    14 November 2022, 9:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • Coline Emprin (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord): GUEST TALK

    21 November 2022, 12:00, IMUB

    Kaledin obstruction classes and formality criteria
    Abstract: The formality of differential graded algebras over differential graded operads can be equivalently expressed in terms of the triviality of some Massey products. From this point of view, one can construct Kaledin classes which are obstruction classes to formality over any coefficient ring. This construction is closely related to pre-Lie deformation theory and generalizes to study formality in more general contexts, such as colored operads or properads. The aim of this talk is to present new formality criteria based on these classes.

  • David Martínez: Semantics of homotopy type theory

    28 November 2022, 9:00, IMUB

    [ Notes for this talk ]
  • Thomas Jan Mikhail (UAB): Type theory and the internal point of view

    12 December 2022, 9:00, IMUB

  • Thomas Jan Mikhail (UAB): CaTT - A type theory for ω-categories

    16 January 2023, 12:00, IMUB

  • Wilson Forero (UAB): The ∞-topos of Möbius decomposition spaces I

    23 January 2023, 12:00, IMUB

  • Wilson Forero (UAB): The ∞-topos of Möbius decomposition spaces II

    30 January 2023, 12:00, IMUB

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