Further information

Self-access language learning centres

Centres d’autoaprenentatge de llengües

Centres d’autoaprenentatge de llengües

What is a self-access language learning centre?

The self-access language learning centres offer a range of materials, including audio and video resources, computer facilities, and learning materials such as self-correction activities, activities designed specifically for self-access language learning, text books and recommended reading, newspapers and magazines, games and exercises for improving spoken and written expression, and much more. Resources are classified by language, area and level.

The centres provide resources for the following languages: Catalan, Chinese, English, French, German, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Russian and Spanish.

In addition, the self-access learning centres also have a learning-support adviser who can provide guidance on the most suitable learning strategies and activities for particular goals, identifying specific weaknesses using the Language Services' questionnaires, and how best to assess your progress through self-access learning activities.

Facebok dels Centres d’Autoaprenentatge de Llengües

Who are they for?

The centres are for students, teachers and members of the administrative and service staff, as well as students of the School of Modern Languages and other groups with an official link to the University of Barcelona. The centres are particularly useful for:

  • people who want to look in more depth at a particular aspect covered in class or who would like to expand their knowledge in general;
  • people who want to learn at their own pace;
  • people looking to refresh or simply maintain their language skills;
  • people who haven't found a course compatible with their timetable, level or location;
  • people who are struggling with their language skills and need extra practice;
  • members of the UB's administrative and service staff who wish to improve their specific knowledge of administrative language; and
  • teaching staff who wish to consolidate their specific training in the scientific and technical language of their fields of expertise.