The State University – Higher School of Economics (HSE)


The State University – Higher School of Economics (HSE) is a leading Russian university established in the year of 1992 at the initiative of the Russian Government with an aim of developing a new body of highly qualified professionals in social sciences and humanities. In 1995 HSE became a university with broad social and economic specialization. HSE has been working towards advancement of Russian economic and social science schools and overcoming the gap with the top world standards in social research and education.
Currently, the HSE is a multi-disciplinary centre of education and research under the Government of the Russian Federation (since August 2008). In 2009 upon the results of the national competition of the Ministry for Education and Science, HSE became one of the 12 winners (out of over 200 applicants) and was awarded the status of “national research university”. It enjoys good partnership relations with leading foreign universities, international programmes and organizations, research consortia and scientific periodicals/editions, foreign companies and transnational corporations (over 130). Among them are 40 foreign partners from 13 countries of Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia, who signed Cooperation Agreements by 2007. The HSE structure includes the Institute of Demography (IDEM), the Institute for Industrial and Market Studies (IIMS), and the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK).
HSE have participated in EU projects: Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window project 2008-2009 “Integration, Interaction and Institutions – Triple I”; “The modernisation and internationalisation of the curriculum at Urals Academy of Public Administration”  JEP_25241_2004; “Adjustment of educational programs in the Russian high schools”, TEMPUS SCM – TO27B05; “Practice oriented  EU-RU Master in Business Informatics” JEP 27208-2006. HSE experts participate in the FP5, FP6 and FP7 INCO projects, including “Building of an Information Interface for RTD Cooperation between the European Union and Russia” (FP5 INCO-Copernicus-2); “Connecting Russian and European Technologies and Innovation systems”, “Scenarios for a co-ordinated approach to sustainable S/T co-operation with the Eastern Neighbours of the EU” (FP6-INCO); “S&T International Cooperation Network for Eastern European and Central Asian Countries”, “Enhancing the bilateral S&T Partnership with the Russian Federation”, “Linking Russia to the ERA: Coordination of MS´/AC´S&T programmes towards and with Russia”, “Trans-national co-operation among NCPs for International Cooperation” (FP7-INCO).