A basic concern of our research group has always been the transmission to society of the knowledge generated in scientific research. We consider that information and education about the dangers of natural phenomena and the risks they entail play a fundamental role in implementing effective mitigation strategies: rising social awareness, on the one hand, favors a more active and collaborative response by the population and, on the other, they encourage taking adequate decisions at a political and technical level.
From this perspective, examples of contributions at various levels are:
- We took an active part in the participatory process (2015-2016) and in the review of the preliminary draft (2017) of the Llei de Territori de Catalunya promoted by the Departament de Territori i Sostenibilitat, focusing on aspects of exposure to natural risk in relation to territorial and urban planning.
- We collaborated in the design and development of the first database on active faults in the Iberian Peninsula, currently managed by the IGME. This tool is used by professionals (engineering, construction) and is considered in the discussions on the modification of the earthquake-resistant standards in the Spanish state.
- We produced the short dissemination documentary (Tierra de Temblores: A short documentary on the geology of earthquakes) that refers to the incidence of earthquakes in areas where the population has a low perception of seismic risk. We are also developing a web portal (Earthquakes in the Iberian Peninsula) that will present an annotated collection of materials on earthquakes, aimed at facilitating the development of educative material by teachers in schools and institutes. Unlike other existing sources, we focus on seismic activity and its effects on the Iberian Peninsula.
- We have participated in the training of researchers in impoverished countries, for example, in master’s studies in Nicaragua, the delivery of a course on paleoseismology at the University of Medellin, or training on flood risks in Haiti.
- We have prepared the reference document: Effects of Climate Change in the Global South and adaptation actions of the International Cooperation sector requested by the Àrea d’Acció i Cooperació Internacional of the Area Metropolitana of Barcelona (2022, unpublished).
- We participate in the Geological Risks Commission at the Observatori de Georisc of the Col·legi de Geòlegs de Catalunya. One of our main collaborators, J.M. Vilaplana (former coordinator of RISKNAT), is now director of the Observatory and from his position makes valuable outreach contributions.
Hence, we disseminate, divulge and contribute to the awareness of society through the media. We provide rigorous and proven information on natural disasters, within our research areas. The following list shows relevant examples: