SGR 2009-1328
Consolidated research
Stephen Vanduffel
(Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium)
Financial Bounds for Insurance Claims and Explicit
Representation of cost-efficient Strategies. May, 16-18.
Insurance claims are
priced using an indifference pricing principle. In a jiont
work with Carole Bernard, we first revisit the traditional
economic framework and then extend it to include the
presence of a complete financial market. In this context
we derive lower bounds for claims’ prices, and these
bounds correspond to the market prices of some explicitly
known financial payoffs. In particular we show that the
discounted expected value is no longer valid as a
classical lower bound for insurance prices in general, and
has to be corrected by a covariance term which reflects
the interaction between the insurance claim and the
financial market. The paper is illustrated by examples
with equity-linked insurance contracts subject to
financial and mortality risk.
About the speaker
Vanduffel is an Associate Professor at the Vrije
Universiteit Brussel (VUB). Prior to joining the VUB
he was holding a position as Assistant Professor at
the KULeuven (2006-2008). By training he has MSc
degrees in mathematics and actuarial sciences from the
KULeuven and a PhD from the University of
Amsterdam (2005).
His research topics are in the field of actuarial and
financial mathematics with a current emphasis on the
valuation of insurance claims, the optimal design of
derivatives and the modeling of stochastic dependence.
He has published in actuarial and (financial)
mathematics journals including Journal of Risk and
Insurance, Applied Mathematical Finance, Insurance,
Mathematics & Economics, Stochastic Models,
Journal of Applied Probability, European Journal of
Operational Research, International Journal of
Theoretical and Applied Finance, Statistics &
Probability Letters, Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics, Scandinavian Actuarial Journal,
Journal of Pension Economics and Finance and North
American Actuarial Journal.
Bernard, C.,
Vanduffel, S. (2012). Financial Bounds for Insurance
Claims. The Journal of Risk and Insurance, In Press.
This paper received the SCOR-EGRIE Young Economist
Best Paper Award
Day 1: Wednesday May 16 9-12
Day 2: Thursday May 17 9-12
Day 3: Friday May 18 9-12