Malalties genètiques del teixit conjuntiu: la síndrome de Marfan. IP: Gustavo Egea
La síndrome de Marfan és una malaltia genètica del teixit conjuntiu que apareix en 1 de cada 5,000 persones i que a afecta al sistema cardiocirculatori (aorta i cor), respiratori (alvèols pulmonars), esquelètic (músculs i ossos llargs i costelles) i ocular (cristal·lí de l’ull). Aquesta síndrome ve originada per mutacions en el gen que codifica la proteïna fibrilina-1 que és un integrant fonamental de les fibres elàstiques. La manifestació clínica més important i determinant per la vida dels malalts és la aparició de l’aneurisma (dilatació anormal) a l’arrel de l’aorta que amb el temps dona lloc a la dissecció i ruptura de aquest vas. Cal un diagnòstic correcte i a temps, i el seguiment de la progressió de l’aneurisma per intervenir quirúrgicament a temps. Avui en dia hi ha teràpies farmacològiques que ajuden a alentir l’aparició de l’aneurisma però no l’eviten. En el nostre laboratori utilitzem models de ratolins que presenten la malaltia i assagem teràpies alternatives i investiguem processos fisiopatològics que siguin determinants en la formació i progres de la malaltia.
PARAULES CLAU: Síndrome de Marfan, aneurisma aòrtic, matriu extracel·lular, TGF-beta, malalties cardiovasculars, estrès oxidatiu
D’esquerra a dreta: Victoria Campuzano, María de la Encarnación Palomo, Gustavo Egea i Isaac Rodriguez
Gustavo Egea Guri
Catedràtic i IP del grup
934 021 909
Isaac Rodriguez Rovira
Investigador Predoctoral
934 021 912
Maria de la Encarnación Palomo Buitrago
Tècnica de Laboratòri
- Impacte de l’estrès oxidatiu en la formació de l’aneurisma d’aorta en la síndrome de Marfan
- Histopatologia d’alta resolució de l’aneurisma d’aorta en la síndrome de Marfan: micro-CT i tomografia per raigs X
- Estudi terapèutic d’un pèptid anti-TGF-β en la prevenció de l’aneurisma aòrtic en la síndrome de Marfan
- Novel redox stress targets and therapies to combat genetic aortopathies
Fundació La Maratò 2022 ”Salut cardiovascular”.
Coordinador/IP: Gustavo Egea. Tres subprojectes liderats per Vivian de Waard (University of Amsterdam), María Galán (Universidad Juan Carlos I, Madrid) i Gustavo Egea (Universitat de Barcelona).
- Patogénesis del aneurisma aórtico y estrés oxidativo en el síndrome de Marfan
IP: Gustavo Egea
- Impacto fisiopatológico de un peptido anti-TGF-beta, del ejercicio físico y del humo de los cigarrillos en la formación del anaurisma aórtico en el síndrome de Marfan
IP: Gustavo Egea
- Apolinker P144: a potential anti-TGF-beta therapeutic tool to fight against aortic aneurysm in Marfan syndrome
National Marfan Foundation (NMF, USA)
IP: Gustavo Egea
- Mechanotransduction and oxidative stress in vascular smooth muscle cells of syndromic aortic aneuryms: the paradigm of Marfan syndrome
MINECO SAF2015-64136-R
IP: Gustavo Egea
Per a més informació sobre les publicacions de l’IP del grup podeu visitar els següents enllaços:
Scopus Author ID: 7003420161
ResearcherID: I-2394-2014
Loop profile: 77740
SciProfiles: 941962
Google Scholar: citations
Egea, G. Navigating toward gene therapy in Marfan syndrome: A hope for halting aortic aneurysm. Molecular Therapy - Methods & Clinical Development 2024-03 | journal-article. Vol. 32 March 2024. DOI: https:// j.omtm.2024.101196.
Rodríguez-Rovira I, López-Sainz A,Palomo-Buitrago, ME, Pérez B, Jiménez-Altayó, F, Campuzano V, Egea G.Hyperuricaemia Does Not Interfere with Aortopathy in a Murine Model of Marfan Syndrome. Int J Mol Sci 2023 Jul 10;24(14): 11293. doi: 10.3390/ ijms241411293.PMID: 37511051
Rodríguez-Rovira I, Arce C, De Rycke K, Pérez B, Carretero A, Arbonés M, Teixidò-Turà G, Gómez-Cabrera MC, Campuzano V, Jiménez-Altayó F, Egea G. Allopurinol blocks aortic aneurysm in a mouse model of Marfan syndrome via reducing aortic oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med. 2022 Nov 5;193 (Pt 2): 538-550. doi: 10.1016/ j.freeradbiomed.2022.11.001. Online ahead of print. PMID: 36347404
Jiménez-Altayó F, Marzi J, Galan M, Dantas AP, Ortega M, Rojas S, Egea G, Schenke-Layland K, Jiménez-Xarrié E, Planas AM. Arachnoid membrane as a source of sphingosine-1-phosphate that regulates mouse middle cerebral artery tone. J Cereb Blood Flow Metab. 2022 Jan; 42(1):162-174. doi: 10.1177/ 0271678X211033362. Epub 2021 Sep 2. PMID: 34474613
Arce C, Rodríguez-Rovira I, De Rycke K, Durán K, Campuzano V, Fabregat I, Jiménez-Altayó F, Berraondo P, Egea G. Anti-TGFβ (Transforming Growth Factor β) Therapy With Betaglycan-Derived P144 Peptide Gene Delivery Prevents the Formation of Aortic Aneurysm in a Mouse Model of Marfan Syndrome. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2021 Sep; 41(9): e440-e452. doi: 10.1161/ ATVBAHA.121. 316496. Epub 2021 Jun 24. PMID: 34162229
Mas-Stachurska A, Egea G, de Bruin-Bon R, Rudenick P, Sanchis L, Bouma BJ, Mulder BJ, Bijnens B, Sitges M. Postsystolic thickening is a potential new clinical sign of injured myocardium in marfan syndrome. Sci Rep. 2021 Aug 4; 11(1): 15790. doi: 10.1038/ s41598-021-95263-5. PMID: 34349174 Free PMC article.
Ortiz-Romero P, González-Simón A, Egea G, Pérez-Jurado LA, Campuzano V. Co-Treatment With Verapamil and Curcumin Attenuates the Behavioral Alterations Observed in Williams-Beuren Syndrome Mice by Regulation of MAPK Pathway and Microglia Overexpression. Front Pharmacol. 2021 Aug 3; 12:670785. doi: 10.3389/ fphar.2021.670785. eCollection 2021. PMID: 34413771
Costa TJ, Barros PR, Arce C, Santos JD, da Silva-Neto J, Egea G, Dantas AP, Tostes RC, Jiménez-Altayó F. The homeostatic role of hydrogen peroxide, superoxide anion and nitric oxide in the vasculature. Free Radic Biol Med. 2021 Jan; 162:615-635. doi: 10.1016/ j.freeradbiomed.2020.11.021. Epub 2020 Nov 25. PMID: 33248264 Review.
Egea G, Jiménez-Altayó F, Victoria C. Reactive Oxygen Species and Oxidative Stress in the Pathogenesis and Progression of Genetic Diseases of the Connective Tissue. Antioxidants (Basel). 2020 Oct 19; 9(10): 1013. doi: 10.3390/ antiox9101013. PMID: 33086603
Perrucci GL, Rurali E, Corlianò M, Balzo M, Piccoli M, Moschetta D, Pini A, Gaetano R, Antona C, Egea G, Fischer G, Malešević M, Alamanni F, Cogliati E, Paolin A, Pompilio G, Nigro P. Cyclophilin A/EMMPRIN Axis Is Involved in Pro-Fibrotic Processes Associated with Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm of Marfan Syndrome Patients. Cells. 2020 Jan 8;9 (1). pii: E154. doi: 10.3390/ cells9010154. PMID: 31936351
Francesc Jiménez-Altayó, Thayna Meirelles, Eva Crosas-Molist, M. Alba Sorolla, Darya Gorbenko del Blanco, Judit López-Luque, Aleksandra Mas-Stachurska, Ana-Maria Siegert, Fabio Bonorino, Laura Barberà, Carolina García, Enric Condom, Marta Sitges, Fernando Rodríguez-Pascual, Francisco Laurindo, Katrin Schröder, Joaquim Ros, Isabel Fabregat, and Gustavo Egea (2018). Redox stress in Marfan syndrome: dissecting the role of the NADPH oxidase NOX4 in aortic aneurysm. Free Radic Biol Med. 2018 Apr; 118:44-58. doi: 10.1016/ j.freeradbiomed. 2018.02.023. Epub 2018 Feb 20. PMID: 29471108
Anna-Maria Siegert, Gerardo García Díaz-Barriga, Anna Esteve-Codina, Darya Gorbenko del Blanco, Jordi Alberch, Simon Heath, María Galán and Gustavo Egea (2019). Impact of FBN1 3’UTR mutation in the aortic aneurysm in Marfan syndrome through an endoplasmic reticulum stress molecular mechanism. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2019 Jan; 1865(1): 107-114. doi: 10.1016/ j.bbadis.2018. 10.029. Epub 2018 Oct 30. PMID: 30385411
Júlia López-Guimet, Lucía Peña Pérez, Robert S. Bradley, Patricia García-Canadilla, Catherine Disney, Hua Geng, Andrew J. Bodey6 Philip J. Withers, Bart Bijnens, Michael J. Sherratt, Gustavo Egea (2018). MicroCT imaging reveals differential micro-scale remodelling of the murine aorta in ageing and Marfan syndrome. Theranostics 2018; 8(21): 6038-6052. doi:10.7150/ thno.26598. ISSN: 1838-7640
Anna-Maria Siegert, Carla Serra-Peinado, Enric Gutiérrez-Martínez, Fernando Rodríguez-Pascual, Isabel Fabregat and Gustavo Egea (2018). Altered TGF-β endocytic trafficking contributes to the increased signaling in Marfan syndrome. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Basis Dis. 2018 Feb; 1864(2): 554-562. doi: 10.1016/ j.bbadis.2017.11.015. Epub 2017 Nov 23. PMID: 29174139
Francesc Jimenez-Altayo, Anna-Maria Siegert, Fabio Bonorino, Thayna Meirelles, Laura Barbera, Ana Paula Dantas, Elisabet Vila, and Gustavo Egea (2017). Differences in the Thoracic Aorta by Region and Sex in a Murine Model of Marfan Syndrome. Front Physiol. 2017 Nov 15; 8:933. doi: 10.3389/ fphys.2017. 00933. eCollection 2017. PMID: 29187826
Aleksandra Mas-Stachurska; Anna-Maria Siegert; Monsterrat Batlle; Darya Gorbenko del Blanco; Thayna Meirelles; Carla Serra-Peinado; Bart Bijnens; Julio Baudin; Cira Rubies; Marta Sitges; Lluís Mont; Eduard Guasch, Gustavo Egea (2017). Cardiovascular benefits of moderate exercise training in Marfan syndrome: insights from an animal model. Journal of the American Heart Association Sep 25; 6(9). pii: e006438. doi: 10.1161/ JAHA.117.006438. PMID: 28947563
López-Guimet J, Andilla J, Loza-Alvarez P and Egea G. High resolution morphological approach to analyse elastic laminae injuries of the ascending aorta in a murine model of Marfan syndrome (2017). Scientific Reports 7(1):1505
Yara Onetti, Thayna Meirelles, Ana P Dantas, Katrin Schröder, Elisabet Vila, Gustavo Egea, Francesc Jiménez-Altayó (2016). NADPH oxidase 4 attenuates cerebral artery changes during the progression of Marfan syndrome. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2016 May 1; 310(9): H1081-90. doi: 10.1152/ ajpheart.00770.2015. Epub 2016 Mar 4. PMID: 26945079
Juan José Uriarte; Thayna Meirelles; Darya Gorbenko del Blanco; Paula Naomi Nonaka; Noelia Campillo; Elisabet Sarri; Daniel Navajas; Gustavo Egea; Ramon Farré (2016). Early impairment of lung mechanics in a murine model of Marfan syndrome. PLoS One. 2016 Mar 22; 11(3): e0152124. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0152124. PMID: 27003297
Busnadiego O., Gorbenko del Blanco, D, Habashi J.P., Calderon J.F., Sandoval P., Bedja D., Guinea-Viniegra J., López-Cabrera M., Forteza A., Dietz HC, Egea G*., Rodríguez-Pascual F* (2015). Elevated expression levels of lysyl oxidase protect against aortic aneurysm progression in Marfan syndrome mice. *equally contributed. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2015 Aug; 85: 48-57. doi: 10.1016/ j.yjmcc. 2015.05.008. Epub 2015 May 16. PMID: 25988230
Eva Crosas-Molist, Thayna Meirelles, Judit López-Luque, Carla Serra-Peinado, Javier Selva, Laia Caja, Darya Gorbenko del Blanco, Juan José Uriarte, Esther Bertran, Yolanda Mendizábal, Vanessa Hernández, Carolina García-Calero, Oscar Busnadiego, Enric Condom, David Toral, Manel Castellà, Alberto Forteza, Daniel Navajas, Elisabet Sarri, Fernando Rodríguez-Pascual, Harry D. Dietz, Isabel Fabregat, and Gustavo Egea (2015). Vascular smooth muscle phenotypic changes in patients with Marfan syndrome. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2015 Apr; 35(4): 960-72. doi: 10.1161/ ATVBAHA.114. 304412. Epub 2015 Jan 15. PMID: 25593132
Renata Kelly Palma, Ramon Farre, Josep María Montserrat, Daria Gorbenko Del Blanco, Gustavo Egea, Luís Vicente Franco de Oliveira, Daniel Navajas, Issac Almendros (2015). Increased Upper Airway Collapsibility in a Mouse Model of Marfan Syndrome. Respir Physiol Neurobiol. 2015 Feb 1;207: 58-60. doi: 10.1016/ j.resp. 2014.12.013. Epub 2014 Dec 23. PMID: 25541192
Per a més informació sobre les publicacions de l’IP del grup podeu visitar els següents enllaços:
Scopus Author ID: 7003420161
ResearcherID: I-2394-2014
Loop profile: 77740
SciProfiles: 941962
Google Scholar: citations
Leslie Matalonga, Miren Bravo, Carla Serra Peinado, Elisabeth García-Pelegrí, Olatz Ugarteburu1, Silvia Vidal1, Maria Llambrich, Ester Quintana, Pedro Fuster-Jorge, Maria Nieves Gonzalez-Bravo, Sergi Beltran, Joaquin Dopazo, Francisco Garcia-Garcia, François Foulquier, Gert Matthijs, Philippa Mills, Antonia Ribes, Gustavo Egea, Paz Briones, Frederic Tort1, Marisa Girós (2016). Mutations in TRAPPC11 are associated with a congenital disorder of glycosylation. Hum Mutat. 2017 Feb; 38(2): 148-151. doi: 10.1002/ humu. 23145. Epub 2016 Nov 26. PMID: 27862579
Serra-Peinado C, Sicart A., Llopis J and Egea G (2016). Actin filaments are involved in the functional coupling of Vo-V1 domains of vacuolar H-ATPase at the Golgi complex. Journal Biological Chemistry 291(14):7286-99. doi. org/10. 1074/ jbc.M115.675272
Moreno-Càceres, Joaquim; Mainez, Jèssica; Mayoral, Rafael; Martín-Sanz, Paloma; Egea, Gustavo; Fabrega Isabel (2016). Caveolin-1-dependent activation of the metalloprotease TACE/ADAM17 by TGF-β in hepatocytes requires activation of Src and the NADPH oxidase NOX1. FEBS J. 2016 Apr; 283(7): 1300-10. doi: 10.1111/ febs. 13669. Epub 2016 Feb 22. PMID: 26815118
Klionsky DJ….Egea G…et al (2012). Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy. 2016; 12(1): 1-222. doi: 10.1080/ 15548627.2015. 1100356. PMID: 26799652
Ruddi Rodríguez-García, Iván López-Montero, Michael Mell, Gustavo Egea, Nir S. Gov and Francisco Monroy (2015). Direct cytoskeleton forces cause membrane softening in red blood cells. Biophys J. 2015 Jun 16; 108(12): 2794-806. doi: 10.1016 /j.bpj.2015.05.005. PMID: 26083919
Cepeda EB; Tatjana Dediulia; Joan Fernando; Esther Bertran; Gustavo Egea; Estanislao Navarro; Isabel Fabregat (2015). Mechanisms regulating cell membrane localization of the chemokine receptor CXCR4 in human hepatocarcinoma cells. Biochemia and Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Research Volume 1853, Issue 5, May 2015, Pages 1205-1218. 10.1016/ j.bbamcr. 2015.02.012.
Prades R., Oller-Salvia, B., Scharzmaier S.M., Selva J., Moros M., Balbi M., Grazú, V., de la Fuente J.M., Egea G., Pilesnila N., Teixidó M., and Giralt, E. (2015). Applying the Retro‐Enantio Approach To Obtain a Peptide Capable of Overcoming the Blood–Brain Barrier. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2015 Mar 23; 54(13): 3967-72. doi: 10.1002/ anie.201411408. Epub 2015 Feb 4. PMID: 25650865
Sicart A., Katan M., Egea G, Sarri E (2015). Phospholipase Cgamma 1 is involved in post-Golgi transport and DAG production triggered by cargo arrival at the Golgi complex. Traffic. 2015 Mar; 16(3): 250-66. doi: 10.1111/ tra.12246. Epub 2015 Jan 6. PMID: 25491205
Egea G, Serra-Peinado C, Gavilán M.P. and Rios RM (2015). Cytoskeleton and Golgi apparatus interactions: a two-way road on function and structure. Cell Heath and Cytoskeleton 7:37-54. 10.2147/ CHC.S57108.
Egea G and Serra-Peinado C (2014). Golgi apparatus”, finally mechanics comes to play in the secretory pathway. Curr Biol. 2014 Aug 18; 24(16): R741-3. doi: 10.1016/ j.cub. 2014.07.002. PMID: 25137584
Moreno-Càceres J, Laia Caja, Jèssica Mainez, Rafael Mayoral, Paloma Martín-Sanz, Roberto Moreno-Vicente, Miguel Ángel del Pozo, Steven Dooley, Gustavo Egea and Isabel Fabregat (2014). Caveolin-1 is required for TGF-β-induced transactivation of the EGF receptor pathway in hepatocytes through the activation of the metalloprotease TACE/ADAM17. Cell Death & Disease 2014 Jul 17;5:e1326. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2014.294. PMID: 25032849
López-Quesada, C., A.-S. Fontaine, A. Farre, I. Llop-Tous, M. Joseph, J. Selva, G. Egea, M.D. Ludevid, E. Martín-Badosa, M. Montes-Usategui (2014). Artificially-induced organelles are optimal targets for optical trapping experiments in living cells. Biomed Opt Express. 2014 Jul 1; 5(7): 1993–2008. doi: 10.1364/ BOE.5. 001993. PMID: 25071944
- Ofertes de la Universitat de Barcelona:
- Ofertes del Grup de Recerca:
Estudiants motivats per la recerca i interessats en les malalties rares en el sistema cardiovascular (síndrome de Marfan) per fer el treball de Màster i/o el doctorat. Es convenient que tinguin una bona nota en l’expedient acadèmic.