The research interests of our group are focused on theoretical aspects of Partial Differential Equations (PDE) and related topics.
We study quite diverse problems, including: elliptic and parabolic PDE, Calculus of Variations, free boundary problems, nonlocal equations, geometric inequalities, and relativistic quantum mechanics. Some of these lines of research have interesting connections to Physics, Geometry, or Probability.
Group Members
Albert Clop
Gyula Csato
Xavier Ros-Oton
Tomás Sanz-Perela
Marvin Weidner (postdoc)
Philipp Zimmermann (postdoc)
Joan Domingo (PhD student)
Alejandro Martinez (PhD student)
ERC Grants
• ERC Consolidator Grant 2024-2029
"Stable solutions and nonstandard diffusions: PDE questions arising in mathematical physics"
PI: X. Ros-Oton
• ERC Starting Grant 2019-2024
"Regularity and singularities in elliptic PDE: beyond monotonicity formulas
PI: X. Ros-Oton
• ERC Starting Grant 2020-2022
"Global existence and Computer-Assisted Proofs of singularities in incompressible fluids, with Applications"
PI: J. Gómez-Serrano
Former group members
Javier Gómez Serrano (Professor, 2020-2022)
María Ángeles García Ferrero (Assistant Professor, 2022-2024)
Martí Prats (Assistant Professor, 2021-2023)
Claudia García (postdoc, 2020-2022)
Eduardo García Juárez (postdoc, 2020-2022)
Jaemin Park (postdoc, 2020-2022)
Bruno Vergara (postdoc, 2020-2022)
Juan Carlos Cantero (postdoc, 2023-2024)
Clara Torres-Latorre (PhD student, 2020-2024)
Teo Kukuljan (PhD student, 2019-2022)