last update: September 2016
DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH: March 21, 1968, Barcelona, Spain CITIZENSHIP: Spanish
Post Graduate, Editorial processes, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain, July 2002.
Ph.D., Geology, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, January 1996.
B.Sc., Geology, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain, June 1991.
Associate Professor (Professor Agregat). Departament d’Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. January 2001 to 2012.
Assistant Professor (Professor Associat / Professor Ajudant / Professor Lector). Departament d’Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències Marines, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. January 2001-to date.
Associate Instructor. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, U.S.A. January 1999-June 1999.
Post-Doctoral Associate. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah, U.S.A. January 1997-December 1998.
Teaching assistant. Departament de Geologia Dinàmica, Geofísica i Paleontologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain. January 1996- June 1996.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Moratalla, J.J., Mángano, M.G. & Buatois, L.A. 2016. Ichnoassemblage (trace fossils). In: Poyato-Ariza, F., & Buscalioni, A.D. (eds.), Las Hoyas: a Cretaceous wetland. A multidisciplinary synthesis after 25 years of research on a exceptional fossil deposit from Spain. Verlag Dr. Friedrich Pfeil - München, p. 195-201. [website]
Aguirre, J., Belaústegui, Z., Domènech, R., GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 2014. Snapshot of a lower Pliocene Dendropoma reef from Sant Onofre (Baix Ebre Basin, Tarragona, NE Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 395, 9-20. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Belaústegui, Z., GIBERT, J.M. de, López-Blanco, M. & Bajo, I. 2014. Recurrent constructional pattern of the crustacean burrow Sinusichnus sinuosus from the Paleogene and Neogene of Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 59(2), 461-474. [free access to full text]
Ekdale, A.A. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2014. Late Miocene deep-sea trace fossil associations in the Vera Basin, Almería, Southeastern Spain. Spanish Journal of Paleontology, 29(1), 95-104. [free access to full text]
Belaústegui, Z. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2013. Bow-shaped, concentrically laminated polychaete burrows: A Cylindrichnus concentricus ichnofabric from the Miocene of Tarragona, NE Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 381-382, 119-127. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, R. & Martinell, J. 2013. Rocky shorelines. In: Knaust, D. & Bromley, R.G. (eds.), Trace fossils as indicators of sedimentary environments, Developments in Sedimentology, pp. 441-462. Elsevier.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Muñiz, F., Belaústegui, Z. & Hyžný, M. 2013. Fossil and modern fiddler crabs (Uca tangeri: ocypodidae) and their burrows from SW Spain: ichnologic and biogeographic implications. Journal of Crustacean Biology 33, 537-551. [abstract + full text in BrillOnline]
Belaústegui, Z., GIBERT, J.M. de, Nebelsick, J.H., Domènech, R. & Martinell, J. 2012. Clypeasteroid tests as benthic islands for gastrochaenid bivalve colonization: evidences from the Middle Miocene of Tarragona (NE Spain). Palaeontology 56, 783–796. [abstract + full text in Wiley Online Library]
Belaústegui, Z., GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, R., Muñiz, F. & Martinell, J. 2012. Clavate borings in a Miocene cetacean skeleton from Tarragona (NE Spain) and the fossil record of marine bone bioerosion. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 323-325, 68-74. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Belaústegui, Z., Nebelsick, J., GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, & Martinell, J. 2012. A taphonomic approach to the genetic interpretation of clypeasteroid accumulations from Tarragona (Miocene, NE Spain). Lethaia 45, 548-565. [abstract + full text in Wiley Online Library]
Gámez Vintaned, J.A., GIBERT, J.M. de & Casas, J.M. 2012. First ichnological data from the pre-Upper Ordovician rocks of the Pyrenees. Geotemas.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Mas, G. & Ekdale, A.A. 2012. Architectural complexity of marine crustacean burrows: unusual helical trace fossils from the Miocene of Mallorca, Spain. Lethaia 45, 574-585. [abstract + full text in Wiley Online Library]
Villegas, J., GIBERT, J.M. de, Rojas, R. & Belaústegui, Z. 2012. Jurassic Teredolites from Cuba: new trace fossil evidence of early wood-boring behavior in bivalves. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 38, 123-128. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Belaústegui, Z., GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, R., Muñiz, F. & Martinell, J. 2011. Tafonomía y contexto paleoambiental de los restos de un cetáceo del Mioceno medio de Tarragona (NE España). Geobios 44, 19-31. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Domènech, R., Martinell & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2011. Registro paleontológico marino del Mioceno de la Cuenca del Vallès Penedès. Guía de Campo, XXVII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Paleontologia I Evolució, Mem. Esp. 6, 47-54. [free access to full text]
Domènech, R., Martinell & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2011. Parada 2. El Mioceno medio marino (Burdigaliense superior-Langhiense): el arrecife coralino de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia. Guía de Campo, XXVII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Paleontologia I Evolució, Mem. Esp. 6, 89-94. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de. 2011. Las trazas fósiles del Mioceno al oeste de Alcoy: la localidad tipo de Spongeliomorpha iberica. Isurus 4(4), 22-26.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Casanovas-Vilar, I. 2011. Contexto geológico del Mioceno de la Cuenca del Vallès-Penedès Guía de Campo, XXVII Jornadas de la Sociedad Española de Paleontología, Paleontologia I Evolució, Mem. Esp. 6, 39-46. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Ramos, E. & Marzo, M. 2011. Trace fossils and depositional environments in the Hawaz Formation, Middle Ordovician, western Libya. Journal of African Earth Sciences 60, 28-37. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Aguirre, J., GIBERT, J.M. de & Puga-Bernabéu, A. 2010. Proximal-distal ichnofabric changes in a siliciclastic shelf, Early Pliocene, Guadalquivir Basin, southwest Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoeclimatology 291, 328-337 [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Belaústegui, Z., Muñiz, F. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2010 Madrigueras de Uca tangeri (Decapoda: Brachyura: Ocypodidae), ensayos de moldeo con resinas en el estuario del río Piedras (Lepe, Huelva, SO España). Cidaris 30, 73-76.
Ekdale, A.A. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2010. Paleoethologic significance of bioglyphs: fingerprints of the subterraneans. Palaios 25, 540-545. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Ekdale, A.A. 2010. Paleobiology of the crustacean trace fossil Spongeliomorpha iberica in the Miocene of southeastern Spain. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 55, 733–740. [free access to full text]
Muñiz, F., GIBERT, J.M. de & Esperante, R. 2010. First fossil evidence of bone-eating worms in whale carcasses. Palaios 25, 269-273. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
Muñiz, F., GIBERT, J.M. de, Mayoral, E. & Belaústegui, Z. 2010. Workshop on Crustacean Bioturbation - Fossil and Recent, Fieldtrip Guidebook. Universidad de Huelva, 46 pp.
Belaústegui, Z. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2009. Icnofábrica de Cylindrichnus en el Mioceno de la costa de Tarragona (Cataluña, España). Paleolusitana, 1, 97-104.
Benner, J.S. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2009. Cochlea archimedea: Hitchcock’s fish trail. Ichnos 16, 274-280 [abstract + full text in Taylor & Francis]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Buatois, L.A. 2009. Lacustrine bioturbation and ichnofacies: an introduction. Palaeogeography, Palaeoecology, Palaeoeclimatology 272, 125-126. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Sáez, A. 2009. Paleohydrological significance of trace fossil distribution in Oligocene fluvial-fan-to-lacustrine systems of the Ebro Basin (Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 272, 162-175. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Benner, J.S., Ekdale, A.A. & GIBERT, J.M. de, 2008. Enigmatic organisms preserved in early Ordovician macroborings, western Utah, USA. In: Wisshak, M. & Tapanila, L. (eds.), Current Developments in Bioerosion, Erlangen Earth Conference Series, Springer-Verlag, 55-64.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Domènech, R. 2008. Trazas fósiles de nuculoideos (Protovirgularia) del Mioceno marino de la Cuenca del Vallès-Penedès. Revista Española de Paleontología 23, 129-138. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Goldring, R., 2008. Spatangoid-produced ichnofabrics (Bateig Limestone, Miocene, Spain) and the preservation of spatangoid trace fossils. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 270, 299-310. [resum + text complet a Science Direct]
Martinell, J., Domènech, R. & GIBERT, J.M. de. 2008. Taphonomy, the understanding of fossilization processes in paleontology and archeology. Geobios 41, 1-3. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Arbués, P., Mellere, D., Falivene, O., Fernández, O., Muñoz, J.A., Marzo, M. & GIBERT, J.M. de, 2007. Architecture of the Ainsa-1-quarry channel complex, Ainsa Basin, Eocene South Central Pyrenees, Spain. In: Nilsen, T.H., Shew, R. D., Steffens, G.S., & Studlick, J.R.J. (eds.), Atlas of deep-water outcrops, AAPG Studies in Geology 56, 330-331.
Arbués, P., Mellere, D., Falivene, O., Fernández, O., Muñoz, J.A., Marzo, M. & GIBERT, J.M. de, 2007. Context and architecture of the Ainsa-1-quarry channel complex, Spain. In Nilsen, T.H., Shew, R. D., Steffens, G.S., & Studlick, J.R.J. (eds.), Atlas of deep-water outcrops, AAPG Studies in Geology 56, CD-ROM, 20 p.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Goldring, R. 2007. An ichnofabric approach to the depositional interpretation of the intensely burrowed Bateig Limestone, Miocene, SE Spain. Sedimentary Geology, 194, 1-16. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, R. & Martinell, J., 2007. Bioerosion in shell beds from the Pliocene Roussillon Basin, France: Implications for the (macro)bioerosion ichnofacies model. Acta Palaeontologica Polonica 52: 783–798. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, López-Blanco, M. & Ramos, E., 2007. Presencia de Dactyloidites ottoi en el complejo de abanico costero de Sant Llorenç del Munt (Eoceno, Cuenca del Ebro, NE de España). Geogaceta 41, 91-94.
Sáez, A., Anadón, P., GIBERT, J.M. de, Herrero, M.J. & Moscariello, A. 2007. Alluvial-lacustrine transition modes in Paleogene distal fluvial-fan systems (Eastern Ebro Basin, Spain). In: Arenas, C., Alonso-Zarza, A.M. & Colombo, F. (eds.), Geological field trips to the lacustrine deposits of the northeast of Spain, Geo-Guías 3, International Association of Limnogeology / Sociedad Geológica de España, Zaragoza, 11-50.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Netto, R.G., Tognoli, F.M.W. & Grangeiro, M.E. 2006. Commensal worm traces and possible juvenile thalassinidean burrows associated to Ophiomorpha nodosa, Pleistocene, Southern Brazil. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 230, 70-84. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Ramos, E., Marzo, M., GIBERT, J.M. de, Tawengi, K., Khoja, A. & Bolatti, N.D. 2006. Stratigraphy and sedimentology of the Middle Ordovician Hawaz Formation (Murzuq Basin, Libya). AAPG Bulletin 90, 1309-1336. [abstract + full text in Geosciences World]
Ferrer, O. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2005. Presencia de Teredolites en la Formacion arcillas de Morella (Cretácico inferior, Castellón). Revista Española de Paleontología Número extraordinario X, 39-47. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Robles, J.M. 2005. Firmground ichnofacies recording high-frequency marine flooding events (Langhian transgression, Vallès-Penedès Basin, Spain). Geologica Acta 3, 295-305. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 2005. Shell concentrations and bioerosion in the Miocene shallow marine Ardenya Unit, Tarragona. In: Gibert, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. (eds.), Field Trip Guide Book, 2nd International Meeting TAPHOS’05 / 4ª Reunión de Tafonomía y Fosilización. Universitat de Barcelona, 3-11. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. (eds.) 2005, Field Trip Guide Book, 2nd International Meeting TAPHOS’05 / 4ª Reunión de Tafonomía y Fosilización. Universitat de Barcelona, 19 p. [free access to full text]
Martinell, J., Domènech, R. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2005. (eds.) 2nd International Meeting TAPHOS’05 / 4ª Reunión de Tafonomía y Fosilización, Abstract Volume. Universitat de Barcelona, 162 pp.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 2004. An ethological framework for animal bioerosion trace fossils upon mineral substrates with proposal of a new class, Fixichnia. Lethaia 37, 429-438. [abstract + full text in IngentaConnect]
Agirrezabala, L.M. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2004. Paleodepth and paleoenvironment of Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz, 1849) from Lower Cretaceous deltaic deposits (Basque-Cantabrian Basin, West Pyrenees). Palaios 19, 276-291. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
Benner, J.S., Ekdale, A.A. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2004. Macroborings (Gastrochaenolites) in Lower Ordovician hardgrounds of Utah: sedimentologic, paleoecologic and evolutionary implications. Palaios 19, 543-550. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 2004. An ethological framework for animal bioerosion trace fossils upon mineral substrates with proposal of a new class, Fixichnia. Lethaia 37, 429-438. [abstract + full text in Wiley Online Library]
Goldring, R.G., Cadée, G., D’Alessandro, A., GIBERT, J.M. de, Jenkins, R. & Pollard J.E. 2004. Climatic control of trace fossil distribution in the marine realm. In: McIlroy, D. (ed.), The application of ichnology to palaeoenvironmental and stratigraphic analysis. Geological Society of London, Special Publication 228, 77-92. [abstract + full text in Geological Society, London, Online Publications]
GIBERT, J.M. de 2003. Criterios icnológicos para reconocer comportamientos homólogos y homoplásicos en el registro fósil. In: Buatois, L.A. & Mángano, M.G. (eds), Icnología: hacia una convergencia entre geología y biología. Asociación Argentina de Paleontología, Publicación especial 9, 9-15.
Ekdale, A.A., Benner, J.S., Bromley, R.G. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2002. Bioerosion of Lower Ordovician hardgrounds in Southern Scandinavia and Western North America. Acta Geológica Hispánica 37(1), 9-13. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Benner J.S. 2002. The trace fossil Gyrochorte: ethology and paleoecology. Revista Española de Paleontología, 17(1), 1-12. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de. & Ekdale, A.A. 2002. Ichnology of a restricted epicontinental sea, Arapien Shale, Middle Jurassic Utah. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 183(3-4), 275-286. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Martinell, J., Domènech, R. & GIBERT, J.M. de (eds.) 2002. Bioerosion, Recent and Ancient. Acta Geológica Hispánica 37(1), 75 p. [free access to full volume]
Bland, B.H., GIBERT, J.M. de & Goldring, R. 2001. A fossil whodunnit. Geology Today 17, 229-231. [abstract + full text in Wiley Online Library]
Domènech, R., GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J 2001. Ichnological features of a marine transgression: Middle Miocene rocky shores of Tarragona, Spain. Geobios 34(1), 99-107. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J. M. de 2001. Undichna gosiutensis, isp.nov.; a new fish trace fossil from the Jurassic of Utah. Ichnos 8(1), 15-22. [abstract + full text in Taylor & Francis]
Martinell, J., GIBERT, J.M. de, Domènech, R., Ekdale, A.A. & Steen, P.P. 2001. Cretaceous ray traces?: an alternative interpretation for the alleged dinosaur tracks of La Posa, Isona, NE Spain. Palaios16(4), 409-416. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
Buatois, L.A., Mángano, M.G., Fregenal-Martínez, M.A. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2000. Short-term colonization trace-fossil assemblage in a carbonate lacustrine Konservat-Lagerstätte (Las Hoyas fossil site, Lower Cretaceous, Cuenca, Central Spain). Facies 43, 145-156. [abstract + full text in SpringerLink]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Fregenal-Martínez, M.A., Buatois, L.A. & Mángano, M.G. 2000 Trace fossils and their palaeoecological significance in Lower Cretaceous lacustrine conservation deposits, El Montsec, Spain. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 156 (1-2), 89-101. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
Martinell, J., Domènech, R. & GIBERT, J.M. de 2000. Shallow marine macrobioerosion in the Neogene of Catalonia. Fieldtrip Guidebook, Third International Bioerosion Workshop, Barcelona, 19 p. [free access to full text]
Martinell, J., Domènech, R. & GIBERT, J.M. de (eds.) 2000. Third International Bioerosion Workshop, Contributions. Barcelona, 68 p.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Ekdale, A.A. 1999. Trace fossil assemblages reflecting stressed environments in the Middle Jurassic Carmel Seaway of Central Utah. Journal of Paleontology, 73(4), 711-720.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1999. Proximal-distal variations of trace fossil assemblages in a Pliocene ria, Baix Llobregat, northeastern Spain. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 12(2), 209-214. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Jeong, K. & Martinell, J. 1999. Ethologic and ontogenic significance of the trace fossil Sinusichnus sinuosus, Pliocene, northwestern Mediterranean. Lethaia 32, 31-40. [abstract + full text in BlackwellSynergy]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Buatois, L.A., Fregenal-Martínez, M.A., Mángano, M.G., Ortega, F., Poyato-Ariza, F.J. & Wenz, S. 1999. The fish trace fossil Undichna from the Cretaceous of Spain. Palaeontology 42(3), 409-427. [full text in BlackwellSynergy]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1998. El modelo de icnofacies, 30 años después. Revista Española de Paleontología 13(2), 167-174. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1998. Ichnofabric analysis of the Pliocene marine sediments of the Var Basin (NE France). Geobios 31(2), 271-281. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1998. Ichnofabrics of the Pliocene marginal marine basins of the northwestern Mediterranean. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España 11(1-2), 43-56. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 1998. Entobia ichnofacies in fossil rockyshores, Lower Pliocene, Northwestern Mediterranean. Palaios13(5), 476-487. [abstract + full text in sepmonline]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Silva, C.M. da & Cãchao, M. 1998. Icnofábrica de Ophiomorpha/Conichnus en el Mioceno inferior de Christo Rei (Almada, Portugal). Implicaciones paleoambientales. Revista Española de Paleontología 13(2), 251-259. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de 1996. A new decapod burrow system from the NW Mediterranean Pliocene. Revista Española de Paleontología 11(2), 251-254. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de 1996. Diopatrichnus odlingi n. isp. (annelid tube) and associated ichnofabrics in the White Limestone (M. Jurassic) of Oxfordshire: sedimentological and palaeoecological significance. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 107, 189-198. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1996. Trace fossil assemblages and their palaeoenvironmental significance in the Pliocene marginal marine deposits of the Baix Ebre (Catalonia, NE Spain). Géologie Méditerranéenne 23, 211-225.
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 1996. El Mioceno marino entre las playas de L’Arrabassada y El Miracle (Tarragona): aspectos paleontológicos e implicaciones sedimentológicas. Acta Geológica Hispánica 29(2/4) (1994), 133-148. [free access to full text]
GIBERT, J.M. de 1995. Ichnology. In: Martínez-Delclòs, X. (coord.), Montsec & Montral-Alcover. Two Konservat-lagerstätten. Catalonia, Spain. Institut d’Estudis Ilerdencs, Lleida, 59-60.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1995. Sedimentary substrate and trace fossil assemblages in marine Pliocene deposits in north-east Spain. Geobios, M.S. 28, 197-206. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de, Martinell, J. & Domènech, R. 1995. The rosetted feeding trace fossil Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz) from the Miocene of Catalonia. Geobios 28(6), 769-776. [abstract + full text in Science Direct]
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1993. Controles paleoambientales sobre la distribución de las paleoicnocenosis en el estuario plioceno del Baix Llobregat (Barcelona, Catalunya). Revista Española de Paleontología 8(2), 140-146. [free access to full text]
González, J.L. & GIBERT, J.M. de 1993. Braquiópodos y otra fauna asociada del Ordovícico superior de Aiguafreda (Montseny): consideraciones tafonómicas y paleoecológicas. Comunicats de l’Institut Català de Mineralogia & Gemmologia 8, 31-36.
GIBERT, J.M. de & Martinell, J. 1992. Principales estructuras biogénicas en el Plioceno marino de la cuenca del Baix Llobregat (Catalunya). Geogaceta 12, 104-105. [free access to full text]