Click on a year:

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

  • Bonilla-Alba, R., Gómez-Paccard, M., F.J. Pavón-Carrasco, Arquero-Campuzano, S., Beamud, E., V. Martínez-Ferreras, V., Gurt-Esparraguera, J.M., Ariño-Gil, E., F. Martín-Hernández, F., Osete, M. L. (2024) - First full-vector archeomagnetic data from Central Asia (3rd BCE - 15th CE centuries): evidence for a large non-dipole field contribution around the 1st century BCE. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 129, e2023JB027910.
  • Juvany, P., Garcés, M., López-Blanco, M., Martín-Closas, C., Beamud, E., Tosquella, J., Bekkevold, S. (2024) - Chronostratigraphy and tectono-sedimentary history of the Eastern South-Pyrenean foreland basin (Ripoll Syncline, NE Spain). The Depositional Record,
  • Juvany, P., Garcés, M., López-Blanco, M., Valero, L., Beamud, E., Poyatos-Moré, M., Martínez, A. (2024) - Unraveling the sediment routing systems evolution of the south Pyrenean foreland basin during the lower to middle Paleogene period. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 167, 106913,
  • Lashgari, A., Najafi, M., Beamud, E., Maestre, E., Vergés, J. (2024) - Age of folding in NW Lurestan arc across the Khanaqin Fault by magnetostratigraphy on Aghajari growth strata, Zagros fold belt. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 164, 106828.
  • Monforte-Barberán, A., Beamud, E., Breu, A., Cuscó, R., López-Bultó, O., Sisa-López de Pablo, J., Gallego, J.M., Martínez, P., Molist, M. (2023). A multidisciplinary toolset to study a fifth millennium combustion structure from the northeastern coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 47.

  • Simón-Muzas, A., Casas-Sainz, A., Soto, R., Beamud, E., Gisbert, J. (2023). Dike or pipe? Contributions of magnetic fabrics to the reconstruction of the geometry of an eroded subvolcanic body (Cadí Basin, Pyrenees). Journal of Structural Geology, 172, 104891.

  • Simón-Muzas, A., Casas-Sainz, A., Soto, R., Pueyo, E.L., Beamud, E., Oliva-Urcia, B. (2023). Paleomagnetic study of Late-Carboniferous-Permian rocks from the Cadí Basin (Eastern Pyrenees): Tectonic implications. Tectonophysics, 869, 230148.
  • Valero, L., García-Alix, A., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Camuera, J., López-Avilés, A., Ramos-Román, M.J., Jiménez-Espejo, F.J., Beamud, E., Maestre, E., Scott Anderson, R. (2023). Evidences of the Blake and Iceland Basin magnetic excursions in southeastern Iberia and chronological implications for the Padul sedimentary record. Quaternary Geochronology, 74, 101421.

  • Alba, D.M., Robles, J.M., Casanovas-Vilar, I., Beamud, E., Bernor, R.L., Cirilli, O., DeMiguel, D., Galindo, J., Llopart, I., Pons-Monjo, G., Sánchez, I.M., Vinuesa, V., Garcés, M. (2022) A revised (earliest Vallesian) age for the hominoid-bearing locality of Can Mata 1 based on new magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data from Abocador de Can Mata (Vallès-Penedès Basin, NE Iberian Peninsula). Journal of Human Evolution, 170. 103237.

  • Ayala, C., Beamud, B., Huebert, J., Jones, S. A., Kumar, A., Miller, S. R., et al. (2022). Geomagnetism, Paleomagnetism and Electromagnetism perspectives on Integrated, Coordinated, Open, Networked (ICON) Science. Earth and Space Science, 9, e2021EA002141.

  • Casanovas-Vilar, I.; Garcés, M.; Marcuello, A.; Abella, J.; Madurell-Malapeira, J.; Jovells-Vaqué, S.; Cabrera, L.; Galindo, J.; Beamud, E.; Ledo, J.J.; Queralt, P.; Martí, A.; Sanjuan, J.; Martín-Closas, C.; Jiménez-Moreno, G.;  Luján, A.H.; Villa, A.; DeMiguel, D.; Sánchez, I.M.; Robles, J.M.; Furió, M.; Van den Hoek Ostende, L.W.; Sánchez-Marco, A.; Sanisidro, O.; Valenciano, A.; García-Paredes, I.; Angelone, C.; Pons-Monjo, G.; Azanza, B.; Delfino, M.; Bolet, A.; Grau-Camats, M.; Vizcaíno-Varo, V.; Mormeneo, D.; Kimura, Y.; Moyà-Solà, S.; & Alba, D.M. (2022). Els Casots (Subirats, Catalonia), a key site for the Miocene vertebrate record of Southwestern Europe, Historical Biology,

  • Clariana, P.; Soto, R.; Ayala, C.; Casas-Sainz, A.M.; Román-Berdiel, R.; Oliva-Urcia, B.; Pueyo, E.L.; Beamud, E.; Rey-Moral, C.; Rubio, F.; Margalef, A.; Schamuells, S.; Bach, N.; Martí, J. (2022). Basement and cover architecture in the Central Pyrenees constrained by gravity data. International Journal of Earth Sciences, 111, 641-658.
  • Pueyo, E.L.; Román-Berdiel, T.; Calvín, P.; Bouchez, J.L.; Beamud, E.; Ayala, C.; Loi, F.; Soto, R.; Clariana, P.; Margalef, A.; et al. (2022) Petro-physical Characterization of Non-Magnetic Granites; Density and Magnetic Susceptibility Relationships. Geosciences, 12, 240.

  • Simón-Muzas, A.; Casas-Sainz, A.M.; Soto, R.; Gisbert, J.; Román-Berdiel, T.; Oliva-Urcia, B.; Pueyo, E.L.; Beamud, E. (2022). Axial longitudinal flow in volcanic materials of the Late-Carboniferous-Permian Cadí basin (Southern Pyrenees) determined from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 421, 107443.

  • Soto, R., Clariana, P., Ayala, C., Rey-Moral, C., Casas-Sainz, A.M., Román-Berdiel, T., Margalef, A., Rubio, F., Oliva-Urcia, B., Pueyo, E.L., Martín-León, J., Beamud, E. (2022) Assessing the internal uppermost crustal structure of the Central Pyrenees by gravity constrained cross sections. Tectonics, 41, e2021TC007009.

  • R. Bonilla-Alba, M. Gómez-Paccard, F.J. Pavón-Carrasco, J.del Río, E. Beamud, V. Martínez-Ferreras, J. M. Gurt-Esparraguera, E. Ariño-Gil, A. Palencia-Ortas, F. Martín-Hernández, A. Chauvin, M. L. Osete (2021) - Rapid Intensity Decrease During the Second Half of the First Millennium BCE in Central Asia and Global Implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126 (10),e2021JB022011.
  • C. Galli, R.N. Alonso, E. Beamud, H. Pingel, E. Eveling, B.L. Coira, D. F. Stockli, D. González (2021) - Plio-Pleistocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the intermontane Humahuaca Basin, southern Central Andes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 111,103502.
  • M. Garcés, E. Beamud (2021) - Geochronology: Magnetostratigraphic Dating. In: Alderton, David; Elias, Scott A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Geology, 2nd edition, vol.[6], pp. 140-152. United Kingdom: Academic Press.
  • J.C. Larrasoaña, J. Pey, X. Zhao, D. Heslop, T. Mochales, P. Mata, E. Beamud, J. Reyes, J.C. Cerro, N. Pérez, S. Castillo (2021) - Environmental magnetic fingerprinting of anthropogenic and natural atmospheric deposition over southwestern Europe. Atmospheric environment.
  • C. Läuchli, M. Garcés, E. Beamud, L. Valero, L. Honegger, T. Adatte, J.E. Spangenberg, J. Clark, C. Puigdefàbregas, A. Fildani, E. de Kaenel, T. Hunger, A. Nowak, S. Castelltort (2021) - Magnetostratigraphy and stable isotope stratigraphy of the middle-Eocene succession of the Ainsa basin (Spain): New age constraints and implications for sediment delivery to the deep waters. Marine and Petroleum Geology.
  • M. Najafi, E. Beamud, J. Ruh, F. Mouthereau, A.Tahmasbi, G. Bernaola, A. Yassaghi, H. Motamedi, S. Sherkati, M.G.H. Goodarzi, J. Vergés (2021) - Pliocene Growth of Dowlatabad Syncline as a Constraint of Folding Propagation Across the Fars Arc in Zagros. GSA Bulletin, 133 (7-8), 1381-1403.
  • A. Vinyoles, M. López-Blanco, M. Garcés, P. Arbués, L. Valero, E. Beamud, B. Oliva-Urcia, P. Cabello (2021) - 10 Myr evolution of sedimentation rates in a deep marine to nonmarine foreland basin system: Tectonic and sedimentary controls (Eocene, Tremp–Jaca Basin, Southern Pyrenees, NE Spain) Basin Research, 33 (1), 447-477.

  • M. Garcés, M. López-Blanco, L. Valero, E. Beamud, J. A. Muñoz, B. Oliva-Urcia, A. Vinyoles, P. Arbués, P. Cabello, L. Cabrera (2020) - Paleogeographic and sedimentary evolution of the south-pyrenean foreland basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology , 113.
  • A. Lashgari, M.R. Hayhat, J. Vergés, E. Beamud, M. Najafi, M.M. Khatib, H.M. Karimnejad (2020) - Age of synorogenic deposits and timing of folding in Dezful Embayment, SW Zagros Fold Belt. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 113.

From laboratory service
  • Casas, L., Auguet, C., Guasch-Ferré, N, Gómez-Paccard, M., Prada, J.L., Pitarch, A., Badia, M., Sanjurjo-Sánchez, J., Díaz, M., Menchon, J. (2020). Archaeomagnetic study of a limekiln in the Les Ferreres Roman aqueduct, World Heritage Site of Tarraco. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12: 212
  • Evangelinos, D., Escutia, C., Etourneau, J., Hoem, F., Bijl, P., Boterblom, W.,, van de Flierdt, T., Valero, B., Flores, J.A., Rodriguez-Tovar, F.J., Jimenez-Espejo, F.J., Salabarnada, A., López-Quirós, A. (2020). Late Oligocene- Miocene proto-Antarctic Circum Polar Current dynamics off the Wilkes Land margin, east Antarctica. Global and PLanetary Change: 191:103221.
  • Gibert, L., Deino, A., Valero, L., Anaya, F., Lería, M., Saylor, B., Croft, D.A. (2020). Chronology of Miocene terrestrial deposits and fossil vertebrates from Quebrada Honda (Bolivia). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 560.
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Waldmann, N., Mischke, S., Avni, Y., Ginat, H. (2020). Magnetostratigraphy and paleoenvironments of the Kuntila Lake sediments, southern Israel: implications for Late Cenozoic climate variability at the northern fringe of the Saharo-Arabian desert belt. Frontiers in Earth Science, 8, 173.
  • Piñero, P., Agustí, J., Oms, O., Blain, H.A., Furió, M., Laplana, C., Sevilla, P., Rosas, A., Vallverdú, J. (2020). First continuous pre- Jaramillo to Jaramillo terrestrial vertebrate succession from Europe. Scientific Reports, volume 10, Article number: 1901

  • B. Oliva-Urcia, E. Beamud, C. Arenas, E.L. Pueyo, M. Garcés, R. Soto, L. Valero, F.J. Pérez-Rivarés (2019) - Dating the northern deposits of the Ebro foreland basin; implications for the kinematics of the SW Pyrenean front. Tectonophysics, 765, 11-34.
  • Montes, M., Beamud, E., Nozal, F., Santillana, S. (2019) - Late Maastrichtian-Paleocene chronostratigraphy from Seymour Island (James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula): Eustatic controls on sedimentation. Advances in Polar Science, 30(2), 1-12.
  • J. Ruh, L. Valero, L. Aghajari, E. Beamud, G. Gharabeigli (2019) - Vertical-axis rotation in East Kopet Dagh, NE Iran, inferred from paleomagnetic data: oroclinal bending or complex local folding kinematics?. Swiss Journal of Geosciences,
  • M. Sinnesael, D. de Vleeschouwer, C. Zeeden, S. Batenburg, A.C. da Silva, N. de Winter, J. Dinarès-Turell, A.J. Drury, G. Gambacorta, F. J. Hilgen, L. A. Hinnov, A. J. L. Hudson, D.B. Kemp, M.L. Lantink, J. Laurin, M. Li, D. Liebrand, C. Ma, S.R. Meyers, J. Monkenbusch, A. Montanari, T. Nohl, H. Pälike, D. Pas, M. Ruhl, N. Thibault, M. Vahlenkamp, L. Valero, S. Wouters, H. Wu, P. Claeys (2019) - The Cyclostratigraphy Intercomparison Project (CIP): consistency, merits and pitfalls. Earth Science Reviews, 199.

From laboratory service
  • Saylor, B.; Gibert, L.; Deino, A., Alene, M.; Levin, N.; Melillo, S.; Peaple, M.; Feakins, S.; Bourel, B.; Barboni, D.; Novello, A.; Sylvestre, F.; Mertzman, S. Haile-Selassie, Y. (2019) . Age and context of mid- Pliocene hominin cranium from Woranso-Mille, Ethiopia. Nature, Vol: 573 pp 220-224.
  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J.; Arenas, C.; Pardo, G.; Garcés, M. (2019) Temporal aspects of genetic stratigraphic units in continental sedimentary basins: Examples from the Ebro basin, Spain. Earth-Science Reviews, 178, 136-153. Invited review.

  • Ortega, D., Roqué, C., Ibáñez, J., Beamud, E., Larrasoaña, J.C., Sáez, A., Terradas, X. (2018) - The chert from the Castelltallat Formation (south-central Pyrenees): archaeometric characterization and archaeological implications. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 10, 1329-1346. DOI 10.1007/s12520-016-0458-1
  • Vergés, J., Emami, H., Garcés, M., Beamud, E., Homke, S., Skott, P. (2018) - Zagros foreland and fold belt timing across Lurestan to constrain Arabia-Iran collision. In: Ali Farzipour Saein (Ed.) Tectonic and Structural Framework of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. Developments in Structural Geology and Tectonics 10.1016/b978-0-12-815048-1.00003-2

From laboratory service
  • Alba, David M.; Moya-Sola, Salvador; Demiguel, Daniel; Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac; Garces, Miguel; Robles, Josep M.; Madurell-Malapeira, Joan; Almecija, Sergio. (2018) Ape quest in the Valles- Penedes Basin (2014-2017): Fieldwork results and prospects for the future. American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Volume 165.
  • Casas, L., Auguet, C., Cantoni, G., López-Vilar, J., Guasch, N., Prevosti, M. (2018). Using archaeomagnetism to improve the dating of three sites in Catalonia (NE Spain) Journal of Cultural Heritage 31 (2018) 152–161
  • Oliva-Urcia B, Gil-Peña I, Samsó JM, Soto R and Rosales I (2018) A Paleomagnetic Inspection of the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) in the Southern Pyrenees. Frontiers in Earth Science 6:202. doi: 10.3389/feart.2018.00202
  • Pérez-Asensio, J.N., Larrasoaña, J.C., Samankassou, E., Sierro, F.J., Garcia-Castellanos, D., Jiménez- Moreno, G., Salazar, A., Salvany, J.M., Ledesma, S., Mata, M.P., Civis, J., Mediavilla, C. (2018). Magnetobiochronology of lowerPliocene marine sediments from the lower Guadalquivir 1Basin: insights into the tectonic evolution of the Strait of Gibraltar area. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 130, 1791-1808.
  • Piñero, P., Agustí, J., Oms, O. (2018). The late Neogene rodent succession of the Guadix–Baza Basin (south‐eastern Spain) and its magnetostratigraphic correlation. Paleontology, 61 (2): 253—272.

  • Soto, R., Beamud, E., Roca, E., Carola, E., Almar, Y. (2017) - Distinguishing the effect of diapir growth on magnetic fabrics of syn-diapiric overburden rocks: Basque–Cantabrian basin, Northern Spain. Terra Nova, 29 (3), 191-201. doi:10.1111/ter.12262.

From laboratory service
  • Alba, D.M.; Casanovas-Vilar, I.; Garcés, M.; Robles, J.M. (2017) Ten years in the dump: An updated review of the Miocene primate-bearing localities from Abocador de Can Mata (NE Iberian Peninsula). In Journal of Human Evolution. Volume 102. 2017 .
  • Alba, David M.; Casanovas-Vilar, Isaac; Garces, Miguel; Robles, Josep M. (2017) Updated chronology for the Miocene primate succession at Abocador de Can Mata (NE Iberian Peninsula). In American Journal of Physical Anthropology. Volume 162.
  • Marra A.C., Carone G., Agnini C., Ghinassi M., Oms O. & Rook L. (2017). Stratigraphic and chronologic framework of the Upper Miocene Cessaniti succession (Vibo Valentia, Calabria, Italy). Riv. It. Paleontol. Strat., 123(3): 379-393.

  • Garcés, M., García-Senz, J., Muñoz, J.A., López-Mir, B., Beamud, E. (2016) - Timing of magnetization and vertical-axis rotations of the Cotiella massif (late Cretaceous, South Central Pyrenees). In: Pueyo, E. L., Cifelli, F., Sussman ,A.J. & Oliva-Urcia, B. (eds) Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives. Geological Society London Special Publication, 425, http: // / 10.1144 / SP425.11
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Beamud, E., Olivares, M., Murelaga, X., Tarriño, A., Baceta, J., Etxebarria, N. (2016) - Magnetic properties of cherts from the Basque-Cantabrian basin and surrounding regions: archeological implications. Frontiers in Earth Science.
  • Oliva-Urcia, B., Beamud, E., Garcés, M., Arenas, C., Soto, R., Pueyo, E., Pardo, G. (2016) - New magnetostratigraphic dating of the Paleogene syntectonic sediments of the West-Central Pyrenees: Tectonostratigraphic implications. In: Pueyo , E. L., Cifelli, F., Sussman, A.J .& Oliva-Urcia , B. (eds) Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 425 http: // / 10.1144 / SP425.5
  • Soriano, C., Beamud, E., Garcés, M., Ort, M. (2016) - "Anomalous" magnetic fabrics of dikes in the stable single domain/superparamagnetic threshold. Geophysical Journal International, 204(2), 1040-1059. 10.1093/gji/ggv495
  • Soto, R., Larrasoaña, J.C., Beamud, E., Garcés, M. (2016) - Early–Middle Miocene subtle compressional deformation in the Ebro foreland basin (northern Spain); insights from magnetic fabrics.Comptes Rendus Geoscience, 348, 213-223.
  • Valcárcel, M., Soto, R., Beamud, E., Oliva-Urcia, B., Muñoz, J.A. and Biete, C. (2016) - Integration of paleomagnetic and structural data to characterize the obliquity of the Altomira Range and Loranca basin structures (Central Spain). In: Pueyo, E.L., Cifelli, F., Sussman, A.J. & Oliva-Urcia, B. (eds.) Palaeomagnetism in Fold and Thrust Belts: New Perspectives. Geological Society London Special Publication, 425.
  • Valero, L., Cabrera, L., Sáez, A., Garcés, M. (2016) - Long-period astronomically-forced terrestrial carbon sinks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 444, 131-138.

  • Borruel, V., Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Rico, M., Valero-Garcés, B., Moreno, A., Jambrina-Enríquez, M., Soto, R. (2015) - Late Pleistocene to Holocene palaeoenvironmental variability in the north-west Spanish mountains: insights from a source-to-sink environmental magnetic study of Lake Sanabria. Journal of Quaternary Science, 30(3), 222-234
  • Daura, J., Sanz, M., Julià, R., García-Fernández, D., Fornós, J.J., Vaquero, M., Allué, E., López-García, J.M., Blain, H.A., Ortiz, J.E., Torres, T., Albert, R.M., Rodríguez-Cintas, A., Sánchez-Marco, A., Cerdeño, E., Skinner, A.R., Asmeron, Y., Polyak, V.J., Garcés, M., Arnold, L.J., Demuro, M., Pike, A.W.G., Euba, I., Rodríguez, R.F., Yagüe,. A.S., Villaescusa, L., Gómez, S., Rubio, A., Pedro, M., Fullola, J.M., Zilhão, J. (2015) - Cova del Rinoceront (Castelldefels, Barcelona): a terrestrial record for the Last Interglacial period (MIS 5) in the Mediterranean Coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Quaternary Science Reviews, 114, 203-227
  • Oliva-Urcia, B., Gil-Peña, I., Maestro, A., López-Martínez, J., Galindo-Zaldívar, J., Soto, R., Gil-Imaz, A., Rey, J., Pueyo, O. (2015) - Paleomagnetism from Deception Island (South Shetlands archipelago, Antarctica), new insights into the interpretation of the volcanic evolution using a geomagnetic model. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol. Rundsch) DOI 10.1007/s00531-015-1254-3.
  • Valero, L. (2015) - Controls on the development of sedimentary sequence in continental basins. Examples from the Cenozoic of Iberia. Tesi Doctoral, Universitat de Barcelona.
  • Valero, L., Huerta, P., Garcés, M., Armenteros, I., Beamud, E., Gómez-Paccard, M. (2015) - Linking sedimentation rates and large-scale architecture for facies prediction in non-marine basins. (Paleogene, Almazán Basin, Spain). Basin Research. doi: 10.1111/bre.12145




Amb la participació del personal del laboratori:

  • Soto, R., Beamud, E., Oliva-Urcia, B., Roca, E., Rubinat, M., Villalaín, J.J. (2014) - Applicability of magnetic fabrics in rocks associated with the emplacement of salt structures (the Bicorb-Quesa and Navarrés salt walls, Prebetics, SE Spain). Tectonophysics, 629, 319- 334.
  • Valero, L., Garcés. M., Cabrera, L., Costa, E., Sáez, A. (2014) - 20 Myr of eccentricity paced lacustrine cycles in the Cenozoic Ebro Basin. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 183-193. 
Derivades de prestacions del laboratori:
  • Casas, L., Prevosti, M., Fouzai, B.,  Álvarez, A. (2014) - Archaeomagnetic study and dating at five sites from Catalonia (NE Spain).  Journal of Archaeological Science, 41, 856-867.
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Liu, Q., Hu, P. Roberts, A.P., Mata, P., Civis, J., Sierro, F.J. Pérez-Asensio, J.N. (2014) - Paleomagnetic and paleoenvironmental implications of magnetofossil occurrences in late Miocene marine sediments from the Guadalquivir Basin, SW Spain. Frontiers in Microbiology, 5, article 71, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2014.00071
  • Martínez-Navarro, B., Karoui-Yaakoub, N., Oms , O., Amri, L., López-García, J.M., Zerai, K., Blain, H.A.,  Mtimet, M.S., Espigares, M.P., Ben Haj Ali, N., Ros-Montoya, S., Boughdiri, M., Agustí, J., Khayati-Ammar, H., Maalaoui, K., Om El Khir, M., Sala, R., Othmani, A., Hawas, R., Gómez-Merino, G., Solè, A., Carbonell, E., Palmqvist, P. (2014) - The early Middle Pleistocene archeopaleontological site of Wadi Sarrat (Tunisia) and the earliest record of Bos primigenius. Quaternary Sciene Reviews, 90, 37-46.
  • Pocoví,  A., Pueyo –Anchuela, O., Pueyo, E.L. , Casas-Sainz, A.M.,  Román Berdiel, M.T., Gil, A., Ramajo , J., Mochales, T.,  García-Lasanta, C., Izquierdo-Llavall, E., Parés, J.M. , Sánchez, E., Soto, R.,  Oliván, C.,   Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Oliva-Urcia, B., Villalaín, J.J. (2014) - Magnetic fabrics in the Western Central-Pyrenees: An overview. Tectonophysics, 629, 303-318.
  • Pueyo-Anchuela, O., Gil, A., Gil-Peña, I.,  Maestro, A.,  Galindo-Zaldivar, J., López-Martínez, J., Rey, J. Soto, R., Oliva-Urcia, B. (2014) - Application of AMS for reconstruction of the geological evolution of recent volcanic systems: Case of Deception Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica). Tectonophysics, 626, 69-85.
  • Puy, A., Balbo, A.L.,  Virgili, A.,  Kirchner, H. (2014) - The evolution of Mediterranean wetlands in the first millennium AD: The case of Les Arenes floodplain (Tortosa, NE Spain). Geoderma, 232-234, 219-235.  

  • E. Beamud, M. Najafi, J. Vergés, A. Reza, A. Yassaghi, S. Sherkati, F. Mouthereau, A. Bahroudi, H. Goodarzi, H. Motamedi. (2014) - Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the timing of deformation in Frontal Fars Arc (Zagros Folded Belt, Iran). 14th Castle Meeting (Magiber VII). Evora (Portugal). Oral.  
  • Beamud, E., Muñoz, J.A., Garces, M.,  Fitzgerald, P.G., Cabrera, L. (2014) - Kinematic evolution of an intracontinental convergent orogen from the analysis of syntectonic sediments in piggy-back basins. Application to the South-Central Pyrenees. EGU General Assembly 2014, Viena (Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16. Poster.  
  • M.  Garcés, M. López-Blanco, L. Valero, E. Beamud, E. Pueyo-Morer, A. Rodríguez-Pinto. (2014) -   Testing orbital forcing in the Eocene deltaic sequences of the South-Pyrenean Foreland Basins. EGU General Assembly 2014, Viena (Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16. PICO.
  • B. Oliva-Urcia, E.  Beamud, M. Garcés, R. Soto, E. Pueyo,  C.  Arenas. (2014) - Dating the West-Central Pyrenean deformation Front with magnetostratigraphy of its Oligo-Miocene syntectonic deposits. EGU General Assembly 2014, Viena (Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, 16.
  • E. Roca, E. Beamud, O. Ferrer, R. Soto, M. Rubinat. (2014) - Thick vs. Thin-Skinned Formation and Inversion of Salt Walls in SE Iberian Peninsula: Constraints From Paleomagnetic an Inner Diapiric Structural Data. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2014, Houston (USA).
  • J. A. Muñoz, O. Ferrer, P. Arbués, E. Beamud, E. Roca, O. Fernandez Bellon. (2014) - Diapir Growth by Longitudinal Extension during the Development of a Thrust Salient in a Deepwater Fold and Thrust Belt: The Ainsa Oblique Zone in the Central Pyrenees. AAPG Annual Convention & Exhibition 2014, Houston (USA).



Amb la participació del personal del laboratori:

  • Beamud, E. (2013) - Paleomagnetism and thermochronology in Tertiary syntectonic sediments of the South-Central Pyrenees: Chronostratigraphy, kinematic and exhumation constraints. Tesi Doctoral, Universitat de Barcelona, 250 pp.
  • Costa, E; Garcés, M; López-Blanco, M; Serra-Kiel, J; Bernaola, G; Cabrera, Ll; Beamud, E. (2013) - The Bartonian-Priabonian marine record of the eastern South Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain): A new calibration of the larger foraminifers and calcareous nannofossil biozonation. Geologica Acta, 11(2), 177-193.  
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Sancho, C., Muñoz, A., McDonald, E., Rhodes, E.J., Osácar, M.C., Costa, E., Beamud, E. (2013) - Environmental response of a fragile, semiarid landscape (Bardenas Reales Natural Park, NE Spain) to Early Holocene climate variability: A palaeo- and environmental-magnetic approach. CATENA, 103, 30-43 (DOI:10.1016/j.catena.2011.05.013)
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Beamud, E., McIntosh, G., Larrasoaña, J.C. (2013) - New archaeomagnetic data recovered from the study of three roman kilns from northeast Spain: a contribution to the Iberian palaeosecular variation curve, Archaeometry, 55(1), 159-177, doi:10.1111/j.1475-4754.2012.00675.x
  • Muñoz, J.A., Beamud, E., Fernández, O., Arbués, P., Dinarès-Turell, J., Poblet, J. (2013) - The Ainsa Fold and Thrust Oblique Zone of the Central Pyrenees: Kinematics of a curved contractional system from paleomagnetic and structural data. Tectonics, 32, 1142-1175 (DOI: 10.1002/tect.20070)
  • Roca, E., Beamud, E., Rubinat, M., Soto, R., Ferrer, O. (2013) - Paleomagnetic and inner diapiric structural constraints on the kinematic evolution of a salt-wall: the Bicorb-Quesa and northern Navarrés salt-wall segments case (Prebetic Zone, SE Iberia). Journal of Structural Geology , 52, 80-95.
  • Agustí, J., Blain, H.A., Furió, M.,  De Marfá, R.,  Martínez-Navarro, B., Oms, O. (2013) - Early Pleistocene environments and vertebrate dispersals in Western Europe: The case of Barranco de los Conejos (Guadix-Baza Basin, SE Spain). Quaternary International   295, 59-68.
  • Casas, Ll., Ramírez, J., Navarro, A., Fouzai, B., Estop, E., Rosell, J.R. (in press) (2013) - Archaeometric dating of two limekilns in an industrial heritage site in Calders (Catalonia, NE Spain). Journal of Cultural Heritage (Doi : 10.1016/j.culher.2013.11.008)
  • Fouzai, B., Casas,Ll.,  Ouazaa, N. L., Fantar, M., Álvarez, A. (2013) - Archaeomagnetic data from three Punic sites in Tunisia.  Journal of Archaelogical Science 40(4), 1703-1714.
  • Guerra-Merchán, A.; Serrano, F.; Hlila, R.; El Kadiri, K.; Sanz de Galdeano, C.; Garcés, M. (in press) (2013) - Tectono-sedimentary evolution of the peripheral basins of the Alboran sea in the Arc of Gibraltar during the latest Messinian-Pliocene. Journal of Geodynamics.
  • Guerra-Merchán, A.; Serrano, F.; Ruiz Bustos, A.; Garcés, M.; Insua-Arévalo, J.M.; García-Aguilar, J.M. (2013) - Approach to the Lower Pliocene marine-continental correlation from southern Spain. The micrommamal site of Alhaurín el Grande-1 (Málaga Basin, Betic Cordillera, Spain). Estudios Geologicos-Madrid 69(19), 85-96
  • Prevosti, M.,  Casas, Ll.,  Roig Pérez, J.F.,  Fouzai,  B., Álvarez, A., Pitarch, A. (2013) - Archaeological and archaeomagnetic dating at a site from the ager Tarraconensis (Tarragona, Spain): El Vila-sec Roman pottery. Journal of Archaelogical Science 40(6), 2676-2701.
  • Rodríguez-Pintó, A., Pueyo, E. L., Pocoví, A., Ramón, M. J., & Oliva-Urcia, B. (2013) - Structural control on overlapped paleomagnetic vectors: A case study in the Balzes anticline (Southern Pyrenees). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, 215, 43–57.
  • Ruiz-Sánchez, F.J.; Murelaga, X.; Freudenthal, M.; Larrasoaña, J.C; Furió, M.; Garcés, M.; González-Pardos, M.; Suárez-Hernando, O. (2013) - Micromammalian faunas from the middle miocene (middle Aragonian) of the Tudela formation (Ebro Basin, Spain). Bulletin Of Geosciences 88(1), 131-152.
  • Guerra-Merchán, A.; Serrano, F.; Ruiz Bustos, A.; Garcés, M.; Insua-Arévalo, J.M.; García-Aguilar, J.M. (2013) - Approach to the Lower Pliocene marine-continental correlation from southern Spain. The micrommamal site of Alhaurín el Grande-1 (Málaga Basin, Betic Cordillera, Spain). Estudios Geologicos-Madrid 69(19), 85-96
  • Toro-Moyano, I., Martínez-Navarro, B., Agustí, A.,  Souday, C.,  Bermúdez de Castro, J.M.,  Martinón-Torres, M., Fajardo, B.,  Duval, M.,  Falguères, C.,  Oms, O. et al. (2013) - The oldest human fossil in Europe, from Orce (Spain). Journal of Human Evolution   65(1), 1-9.
  • Beamud, E., Muñoz, J.A., Garces, M.,  Fitzgerald, P.G., Cabrera, L.,  Fernández, O. (2013) - Paleomagnetism and thermochronology of synorogenic materials of the South-Central Pyrenees: kinematic evolution of an intracontinental convergent orogen. AGU FALL MEETING, San Francisco, 9-13 desembre 2013. Oral.
  • Carola, E., Beamud, E., Roca, E., Muñoz, J.A., Almar, Y., Escosa, F. (2013) - Origin and evolution of the Burgalesa Platform salient (Western Basque Pyrenees, northern Spain): Preliminary paleomagnetic results. AGU FALL MEETING, San Francisco, 9-13 desembre 2013. Poster.



  • Beamud, E. (2012) - Paleomagnetism: Principles and Applications. In: Seoane, J.R and Llovet, X. (Eds.) Handbook of instrumental techniques for materials, chemical and biosciences research. MT8.1-MT8.9
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., McIntosh, G., Chauvin, A., Beamud, E., Pavón-Carrasco,F.J., Thiriot, J. (2012) - Archaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of six kilns from North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco), Geophysical Journal International (in press)
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Giralt, S., Roberts, A. P.  (2012) - First paleomagnetic results of mid- to late Holocene sediments from Lake Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan): implications for paleosecular variation in central Asia. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 13: 1-18
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Lanos, P., Dufresne, P., Kovacheva, M., Hill, M.J., Beamud, E., Blain, S., Bouvier, A., Guibert , P. and Archaeological WorkingTeam (2012) - Improving our knowledge of rapid geomagnetic field intensity changes observed in Europe between 200 and 1400 AD, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 355-356: 131-143 [PDF]

  • Hüsing, S.K.; Oms, O.; Agustí, J.; Garcés, M.; Kouwenhoven, T.J.; Krijgsman, W.; Zachariasse, W.J. (2012) - On the Late Miocene continentalization of the Guadix Basin: more evidence for a major Messinian hiatus. Geobios, in press.
  • Ruiz-Sánchez, F.J.; Murelaga, X.; Freudenthal, M.; Larrasoaña, J.C.; Garcés, M. (2012) - A new species of Vasseuromys (Gliridae, Rodentia) from the Aragonian (Miocene) of the Ebro Basin (north-eastern Spain). Acta Palaeontologica Polonica, 57 (2): 225-239.
  • Ruiz-Sánchez, F.J.; Murelaga, X.; Freudenthal, M.; Larrasoaña, J.C.; Garcés, M. (2012) - Vasseuromys rambliensis sp.nov. (Gliridae, Mammalia) from the Ramblian (Lower Miocene) of the Tudela Formation (Ebro Basin, Spain) Palaeontologia Electronica, 15 (1):16p.

  • Ruiz-Sánchez, F.J.; Murelaga, X.; Larrasoaña, J.C.; Freudenthal, M.; Garcés, M. (2012) - Hypsodont Myomiminae (Gliridae, Rodentia) from five new localities in the Lower Miocene Tudela Formation (Bardenas Reales, Ebro Basin, Spain) and their bearing on the age of the Agenian-Ramblian boundary. Geodiversitas, 34 (3): 645-663.
  • Sáez, A.; Cabrera, Ll., Garcés, M; Bogaard, P.; Jensen, A.; Gimeno, G. (2012) - The stratigraphic record of changing hyperaridity in the Atacama desert over the last 10 Ma. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 355-356 : 32-38. [PDF]

  • Sheldon, N.D.; Costa, E.; Cabrera, L.; Garcés, M. (2012 - Continental climatic and weathering response to the Eocene-Oligocene transition, Journal of Geology, 120 (2): 227-236. [PDF]
  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - Intensity of the Earth´s magnetic field in Greece during the last five millennia: New data from Greek pottery. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 202-203: 14-26
  • Soto, R., Rubinat, M., Beamud, E., Oliva-Urcía, B., Roca, E. (2012) - Fábricas magnéticas en estructuras salinas; el diapiro de Bicorb-Quesa, Zona Prebética (SE España). VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 378
  • Oliva-Urcía, B., Beamud, E., Garcés, M., Soto, R., Pueyo, E.L. (2012) - Magnetoestratigrafía del relleno continental de la Cuenca del Ebro en su margen Norte (Fm. Campodarbe, Sierra de Santo Domingo, Pirineo) VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 374
  • Valcárcel, M., Soto,R., Muñoz, J.A., Oliva, B., Beamud, E. (2012) - Estructuración de un cinturón de pliegues-falla a partir de ASM (Sierra de Altomira-Cuenca de Loranca, España). VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 370
  • Valcárcel, M., Soto, R., Muñoz, J.A., Beamud, E., Oliva, B. (2012) - Rotación parcial del frente de deformación sur-occidental de la Cordillera Ibérica a partir de datos paleomagnéticos (Sierra de Altomira, España) VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 168
  • Sánchez,E., Pueyo, E.L., Bausa, J., Beamud, E., Ramón, M.J., Oliva, B., Pocoví, A. (2012) - Geometría no-coaxial del anticlinal de Santo Domingo (Pirineo occidental) deducida de la fábrica magnética (ASM). VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 368
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Lanos, P., Dufresne, P., Kovacheva, M., Beamud, E., Hill, M.J., Blain, S., Bouvier, A., Guibert, P. and Archaeological Working Team -New archaeointensity data from Western Europe: an improved description of the 800 AD intensity bump. VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 359
  • Borruel,V., Larrasoaña, J.C., Gómez-Paccard, M., Rico, M., Valore-Garcés, B., Moreno, A., Soto, R. (2012) - Rock magnetic properties of sediments from Lake Sanabria and its catchment (NW Spain): paleoenvironmental implications. VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 352
  • Beamud, E., Costa, E., Garcés, M., Marín, M.A., Cabrera, L., Roca, E., Gómez-Paccard, M. (2012) - An integrated Eocene chronostratigraphy for the central sector of the SE margin of the Ebro Basin. VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 350
  • Rubinat, M., Soto, R., Beamud, E., Roca, E. (2012) - Estudio de estructuras salinas mediante paleomagnetismo: el ejemplo de las paredes salinas de Bicorb-Quesa y Navarrés (Zona Prebética). VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 163 T
  • Montes, M., Santillana, S., Nozal, F., Beamud, E., Marenssi, S. (2012) - Estratigrafía del Paleoceno medio-Eoceno de la Península Antártica. Isla Marambio (Seymour) VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 108
  • Montes, M., Santillana, S., Nozal, F., Beamud, E., Marenssi, S. (2012) - Estratigrafía del Maastrichtiense terminal-Paleoceno inferior de la Península Antártica. Isla Marambio (Seymour). VIII Congreso Geológico de España, Oviedo July 17th-19th. Geotemas 13, 107
  • M. Rubinat, E. Roca, B. Beamud, and R. Soto (2012) - Application of the paleomagnetism analysis in the kinematics characterization of salt diapirs: the Bicorb-Quesa salt diapir case (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain) European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • E. Costa, M. Garcés, M. López-Blanco, E. Beamud, M. Gómez-Paccard, and J.C. Larrasoaña (2012) - Closing and continentalization of the South Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain) and its impact on basin fill trends and thrust-belt evolution. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • E. Beamud, M. Gómez-Paccard, G. McIntosh, and J.C. Larrasoaña (2012) - New archaeomagnetic data from three roman kilns in northeast Spain: a contribution to the Iberian palaeosecular variation curve. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • M. Gomez-Paccard, G. McIntosh, E. Beamud, A. Chauvin, F. J. Pavon-Carrasco, and J. Thiriot (2012) - Archaeomagnetic and rock magnetic study of six kilns from North Africa (Tunisia and Morocco). European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • E. Costa, M. Garcés, M. López-Blanco, J. Serra-Kiel, G. Bernaola, L. Cabrera, and E. Beamud (2012) - The Bartonian-Priabonian marine record of the Eastern South Pyrenean Foreland Basin (NE Spain): A new calibration of the larger foraminifers and calcareous nannofossil biozonations. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Viena (Austria) April 22nd-27th
  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - The use of ceramics in the reconstruction of the geomagnetic field intensity variations in the past: New data from Greek pottery. 13th Castle Meeting, New trends in Geomagnetism, Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, Geophysical Institut SAS, Zvolen, Slovakia, 17-23 June 2012
  • Tema, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Kondopoulou, D., Almar, Y. (2012) - New archaeointensity results from Greek ceramics and their contribution on the intensity secular variation in Greece< 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry. Book of abstracts of the 39th International Symposium on Archaeometry, pp.185. , Leuven, Belgium, May 28th-June 1st




  • Agustí, J., Pérez-Rivarés, F.J., Cabrera, L., Garcés, M., Pardo, G., Arenas, C. (2011) - The Ramblian-Aragonian boundary and its significance for the European Neogene continental chronology. Contributions from the Ebro Basin record (NE Spain). Geobios, 44: 121-134.
  • Casanovas-Vilar,I., Alba, D., Garcés, M., Robles, J., Moyà-Solà, S. (2011) - Updated chronology for the Miocene hominoid radiation in Western Eurasia, PNAS, 108(14), 5554-5559
  • Costa,E., Garcés, M., Sáez, A., Cabrera, L., López-Blanco, M. (2011) - The age of the "Grande Coupure" mammal turnover: New constraints from the Eocene-Oligocene record of the Eastern Ebro Basin (NE Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 301(1-4), 97-107 [PDF]
  • Beamud,E., Muñoz, J.A., Fitzgerald, P.G., Baldwin, S.L., Garcés. M., Cabrera, L., Metcalf, J.R. (2011) - Magnetostratigraphy and detrital apatite fission track thermochronology in syntectonic conglomerates: constraints on the exhumation of the South-Central Pyrenees. Basin Research 23 (3), 309-331 [PDF]
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Sancho, C., Muñoz, A., McDonald, E., Rhodes, E.J., Osácar, M.C., Costa, E., Beamud, E. (2011) - Environmental response of a fragile, semiarid landscape (Bardenas Reales Natural Park, NE Spain) to Early Holocene climate variability: A palaeo- and environmental-magnetic approach. CATENA [PDF]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Gómez-Paccard, M., Giral, S., Roberts, A.P. (2011) - Rapid locking of tectonic magnetic fabrics in weakly deformed mudrocks. Tectonophysics507 (1-4) 16-25 [PDF]
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Sancho, C., Muñoz, A., McDonald, E., Rhodes, E.J., Osácar, M.C., Costa, E., Beamud, E. (2011) -  Early Holocene rapid climate change and its impact on semiarid landscape dynamics: evidence from the Bardenas Reales Natural Park (NE Spain). EGU General Assembly 2011, Viena (Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-9953, 2011
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Chauvin, A., Beamud, E., Gutierrez-Lloret, S., Cañavate, V., Hill, M., Lanos. P. (2011) - Improving our knowledge of the rapid geomagnetic field intensity variation observed in Europe around 800 AD: new archeointensity data from Visigothic Spanish potteries. EGU General Assembly 2011, Viena (Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-8050, 2011
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Gómez-Paccard, M., Giralt, S., Roberts, A.P. (2011) - Rapid locking of tectonic magnetic fabrics in weakly deformed mudrocks. EGU General Assembly 2011, Viena (Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-10298, 2011
  • Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Giralt, S. (2011) - A new Late Holocene paleosecular variation sedimentary records from central Asia (lake Issyk-Kul, Kirgyzstan). EGU General Assembly 2011, Viena (Austria), Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-8174, 2011
  • López-Blanco, M., Gómez-Paccard, M., Costa, E., Garcés, M., Beamud, E., Larrasoaña, J.C. (2011) - Climatic and tectonic controls on T-R cyclicity in  fan-delta successions (Montserrat and Sant Llorenç del Munt, Eocene, Ebro basin, NE Spain). 28th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology, Zaragoza (Spain) 5th-8th July
  • Sancho, C., Peña, J.L., Muñoz, A., Osácar, M.C., Bastida, J., Benito, G., Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Longares, L.A., Machado, M.J., McDonald, E., Moreno, A., Murelaga, X., ortega, L.A., Rhodes, E. (2011) - Holocene environmental change inferred from alluvial record in a Western Mediterranean semiarid area (NE Spain): a multiproxy approach. XVIII International Union for Quaternay Research, Bern (Switzerland), 21st-27th July




  • Costa, E; Garcés. M; López-Blanco, M; Beamud, E; Gómez-Paccard, M; Larrasoaña, J.C. (2010) -  Closing and continentalization of the Ebro foreland basin (NE Spain): magnetochronological constraints. Basin Research (in press) [PDF]
  • Antonio Guerra-Merchán ; Francisco Serrano; Miguel Garcés; Serge Gofas; Daniela Esu; Elsa Gliozzi; Francesco Grossi. (2010) - Messinian Lago-Mare deposits near the Strait of Gibraltar (Malaga Basin, S Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 285 (3-4), 264-276 >[PDF]
  • Roger Urgeles, Angelo Camerlenghi, Daniel Garcia-Castellanos,Ben De Mol, Miguel Garcés, Jaume Vergés, Ian Haslamk and Martin Hardmank (2010) - New constraints on the Messinian sealevel drawdown from 3D seismic data of the Ebro Margin, western Mediterranean. Basin Research doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2010.00477.x [PDF]
  • Hüsing, S.K;, Oms, O; Agustí, J; Garcés, M; Kouwenhoven, T.J; Krijgsman, W;  Zachariasse, W.J. (2010) - On the late Miocene closure of the Mediterranean-Atlantic gateway through the Guadix Basin (southern Spain). Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology  291(3-4) 167-179 [PDF]
  • Khadivi, S; Mouthereau, F.; Larrasoaña, J; Verges, J; Lacombe, O; Khademi, E; Beamud, E; Melinte, M; Suc, J.P. (2010) - Magnetochronology of synorogenic Miocene foreland sediments in the Fars arc of the Zagros Folded Belt (SE Iran) Basin Research (in press) [PDF]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Ortuño, M., Birks, H.H., Valero-Garcés, B., Parés, J.M., Copons, R., Camarero, L., Bordonau, J. (2010) - Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoseismic implications of a 3700-years sedimentary record from proglacial Lake Barrancs (Maladeta Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, (in press) [PDF]
  • Kenneth Martínez, Joan Garcia, Eudald Carbonell, Jordi Agustí, Jean-Jaques Bahain, Hugues-Alexandre Blain, Francesc Burjachs, Isabel Cáceres, Mathieu Duval, Christophe Falguères, Manuel Gómez, and Rosa Huguet (2010) - A new Lower Pleistocene archeological site in Europe (Vallparadís, Barcelona, Spain). Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (PNAS) 200913856
  • Fitzgerald, P.G., Muñoz, J.A:, Beamud, E., Baldwin, S.L., Metcalf, J.R. (2010) -  Detrital apatite fission track thermochronology: Application to the syn-tectonic conglomerates of the south-central Pyrenees and exhumation of the central Pyrenean orogen.Thermo2010. 12th International Conference on Thermochronology. Glasgow (UK), 16-20 August
  • Costa, E., Garcés, M., López-Blanco, M., Beamud, E., Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Cabrera, L., Sáez, A. (2010) - Key tectonic and climatic processes from the Middle Eocene-Oligocene record of the Eastern Ebro Basin. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • F. J. Pérez-Rivarés, G. Pardo, M. Garcés, X. Murelaga, C.Arenas (2010) - Registro magnetoestratigráfico de los materiales aluviales y lacustres del Mioceno de Tarazona de Aragón: implicaciones bioestratigráficas. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • L. Valero, M. Garcés, L. Cabrera (2010) - Control Orbital en secuencias lacustres oligoceno superior-miocenas en el sector central de la Cuenca del Ebro. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • M. Montes, F. Nozal, B. Beamud, F. García Tortosa, S. Santillana (2010) - Magnetoestratigrafía del Paleógeno de la península Antártica (isla Marambio-Seymour). Datos preliminares. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • J. Luengo, M. Garcés, M. Montes, E. Beamud, F. Nozal, F. López (2010) - Olmedo, I. Armenteros - Magnetoestratigrafía del Neógeno de la Cuenca del Duero. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • E Costa, M. Garcés, M. López-Blanco, J. Serra-Kiel, G. Bernaola, L. Cabrera, E. Beamud, J. Fernández-Cobo (2010) - A new Middle-Late Eocene marine chronostratigraphy from the Eastern Ebro Basin. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • B. López, M. Garcés, E. Beamud, J. A. Muñoz, J. García-Senz (2010) - La restitución de la estructura extensiva del macizo del Cotiella: integración con datos paleomagneticos. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • E. Beamud, R. Soto, M. Rubinat, E. Roca (2010) - Caracterización de la deformación interna del diapiro salino de Bicorb-Quesa mediante datos paleomagnéticos. Resultados preliminares. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • M. Gómez-Paccard, J.C. Larrasoaña, S. Giralt, A.P. Roberts (2010) - Primeros datos paleomagnéticos, de magnetismo de rocas y de fábricas magnéticas de sedimentos Holocenos del lago Issyk-Kul (Kirguistán, Asia Central). Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • Borruel, V., Gómez-Paccard, M., Larrasoaña J.C., Valero-Garcés, B., Giralt, S., Moreno, A. (2010) - Aplicación de técnicas paleomagnéticas en la datación e identificación de la variabilidad climática Holocena registrada en sedimentos lacustres de la Península Ibérica: una declaración de intenciones. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • G. San Miguel, R. Hernández, E. L. Pueyo and the Geokin3DPyr group (2010) - Pyrenean Paleomagnetic Database; Concept, state-of-the-art, and web interface design. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • Oliva-Urcia B., Larrasoaña J.C., Travé A., Garcés M. (2010) - Fábricas inversas asociadas a concreciones de dolomías ferruginosas intercaladas en el flysch Eoceno surpirenaico (sinclinal de Izaga, cuenca de Jaca- Pamplona). Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • M. Gómez-Paccard, A. Chauvin, B. Beamud, S. Gutierrez-Lloret, V. Cañavate (2010) - Archeointensity determination on Visigothic (8-9th centuries) potteries from the Tolmo de Minateda (Hellín, Albacete, Spain). Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • G. Catanzariti, M. Gómez-Paccard, G. McIntosh , F. J. Pavón- Carrasco, A. Chauvin, E. Beamud y M. L. Osete López (2010) - nuevos datos arqueomagnéticos para España central en época visigoda. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre
  • Larrasoaña J.C., Olivares M., Murelaga X., Tarriño A., Baceta J.I., N. Etxebarria (2010) - Propiedades magnéticas de sílex proveniente de la cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica y parte occidental de la cuenca del Ebro: resultados iniciales e implicaciones arqueológicas. Reunión de la Comisión de Paleomagnetismo de la Sociedad Geológica de España, MAGIBER VI, Puigcerdà, 23-26 septiembre




  • Arribas, A; Garrido, G; Viseras, C; Soria, J.M; Pla, S; Solano, J.G; Garcés, M; Beamud, E; Carrión, J.S. (2009) -  PLoS One 4 (9) [MnMes]
  • Beamud, E. & Gómez-Paccard, M. (2009) -  Estudi Arqueomagnètic del forn del carrer de l’Hospital, QUARHIS 5, 197-201
  • Homke, S; Vergés, J.,Serra-Kiel, J., Bernaola, G., Sharp, I., Garcés, M., Montero-Verdú,I., Karpuz, R., Goodarzi, M.H. (2009) - Late Cretaceous-paleocene formation of the Proto-Zagros foreland basin, Lurestan Province, SW Iran. Geological Society of America Bulletin 121 (7-8), 963-978
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Ortuño, M., Birks, H.H., Valero-Garcés, B., Parés, J.M., Copons, R., Camarero, L., Bordonau, J. (2009) - Palaeoenvironmental and palaeoseismic implicationsof a 3700-years sedimentary record from proglacial Lake Barrancs (Maladeta Massif, Central Pyrenees, Spain). Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, (in press) [PDF]
  • Moyà-Solà, S; Köhler, M; Albà, D; Casanovas-Vilar, I; Galindo, J; Robles, J.M; Cabrera, Ll; Garcés, M; Amécija, S; Beamud, E. (2009) -  First partial face and upper dentition on the Middle Miocene hominoid Dryopithecus fontani from Abocador de Can Mata Vallès-Penedès Basin, Catalonia (Spain): taxonomic and phylogenetic implications. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 139 (2), 126-145[PDF]
  • Oliva-Urcia, B., Larrasoaña, J.C., Pueyo, E.L., Gil, A., Mata, P., Parés, J.M., Schleicher, A.M., Pueyo, O. (2009) - Dissentangling magnetic subfabrics and their link to deformation processes in cleaved sedimentary rocks from the Internal Sierras (west central Pyrenees, Spain). Journal of Structural Geology, 31, 163-176. [PDF]
  • Soto, R; Larrasoaña, J.C; Arlegui, L.E; Beamud, E; Oliva-Urcía, B; Simón, J.L. (2009) -  Reliability of magnetic fabrics of weakly-deformed mudrocks as a palaeostress indicator in compressive settings. Journal of Structural Geology 31 (5), 512-522 [PDF]
  • Trauth, M.H., Larrasoaña, J.C., Mudelsee, M. (2009) - Trends, rhythms and events in Plio-Pleistocene African climate. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 399-411. [PDF]
  • Casellato, C.E., Cojan, I., Garcés, M., Herrle, J.O., Weissert, H. (2009) -  SSP2-Phanerozoic climate signatures in continental and marine records: biosphere-geosphere interactions and orbital forcing. EGU General Assembly, Viena (Austria) Geophysical Research Abstract, vol 11
  • Garcés, M., Larrasoaña, J.C., Muñoz, A., Margalef, O., Murelaga, X. (2009) -  Orbitalforcing in the early Miocene alluvial sediments of the western Ebro Basin, Northeast Spain. EGU General Assembly, Viena (Austria) Geophysical Research Abstract, vol 11 EGU2009-4594
  • Gómez-Paccard, M; Larrasoaña, J.C;  Sancho, C;  Muñoz, A; Costa, E;Beamud, E. (2009) - First paleomagnetic results from Holocene Alluvial Sediments in the Iberian Peninsula. AGU 2009 Joint Assembly, Toronto (Canada) 22-24 May




  • Casanovas-Vilar, I.; Albà, D.; Moyà-Solà, S.; Galindo, J.; Cabrera, Ll.; Garcés, M.; Furió, M.; Robles, J.M.; Köhler, M.; Angelone, C. (2008) - Biochronological, taphonomical and paleoenvironmental background of the fossil great ape Pieralopithecus catalaunicus (Primates, Hominidae).  Journal of Human Evolution 55, pp. 589-603 
  • Garcés, M; Cabrera, L; Roca, E; Gratacós, O. (2008) - Comment on: "The diachroneity of alluvial fan lithostratigraphy? A test case from southeastern Ebro basin magnetostratigraphy" by N. Swanson-Hysell and D.L. Barbeau, Jr. Earth and Planetary Science Letters (accepted)
  • Gómez-Paccard, M. and Beamud, E. (2008) - Recent achievements in archaeomagnetic dating in the Iberian Peninsula: Application to Roman and Mediaeval spanish structures. Journal of Archaeological Science 35 (5), pp. 1389-1398 [PDF]
  • Homke,S.; Vergés, J.,Serra-Kiel, J., Bernaola, G., Sharp, I., Garcés, M.,Montero-Verdú, I., Karpuz, R., Goodarzi, M.H. (2008) - Late Cretaceous-paleocene formation of the Proto-Zagros foreland basin, Lurestan Province, SW Iran Geological Society of America Bulletin (in press)
  • Hüsing, S.K., Agustí, J., Garcés, M., Kouwenhoven, T.J., Krijgsman, W., Oms, O., Zachariasse, J. (2008) - On the late Miocene closure of the Mediterranean-Atlantic gateway through the Guadix basin (southern Spain)Geologica Ultraiectina 295, 115-126
  • Larrrasoaña, J. C; Gonzalvo, C; Molina, E; Monechi, S; Ortiz, S; Tori, F; Tosquella, J. (2008) - Integrated magnetobiochronology of the Early/Middle Eocene transition at Agost(Spain): implicationsfor defining the Ypresian/Lutetian boundary stratotype.  Lethaia (in press)
  • Larrrasoaña, J. C; Roberts, A.P; Rohling, E.J. (2008) - Constraints in the use of magnetic susceptibility of marine sediments as a proxy for Saharan dust supply. Marine Geology (accepted)
  • Oliva-Urcia, B; Pueyo, E.L; Larrasoaña, J.C. (2008) - Magnetic reorientation induced by pressure solution: a potential mechanism for orogenic-scale remagnetizations. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 265 (3-4) pp. 525-534 [PDF]
  • Soriano, C; Beamud, E; Garcés, M. (2008) - Magma flow in dikes from rift zones of the basaltic shield of Tenerife,Canary Islands: implications for the emplacement of buoyant magma. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 173 (1-2), pp. 55-68
  • Soto, R; Villalaín, J.J; Casas-Sainz, A.M. (2008) - Remagnetizations as a tool to analyze the tectonic history of inverted sedimentary basins: A case study from the Basque-Cantabrian basin (north Spain). Tectonics, 27 TC1017
  • Almar, Y; Garcés, M; Beamud, E;  Muñoz, J.A. (2008) - Timing and evolution of the frontal structure of the southwestern Pyrenees from paleomagnetic analysis on its foreland basin (Ebro basin). VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1143-1146
  • Beamud, E;  Soriano, C; Garcés, M. (2008) - ASM y dirección de flujo de magma en los diques de las zonas de rift del escudo basáltico de Tenerife. VII Congreso Geológico de España Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1147-1150
  • Beamud,E; Fitzgerald, P; Muñoz, J; Garcés, M; Baldwin, S; Webb, L; Schwabe, E; Cabrera, L. (2008) - Termocronología de los conglomerados sintectónicos de la Zona Central Surpirenaica . VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1181-1184
  • L. Cabrera, M. Garcés, F.J. Pérez-Rivarés, J.C. Larrasoaña, X. Murelaga, C. Arenas and G. Pardo (2008) - Unraveling tectonic-paleoclimatic cyclicity from alluvial-lacustrine sequences? Integrated magnetostratigraphic and sedimentological approach GeoSed 2008, Bari (Italia)
  • Casanovas-Vilar, I; Garcés, M; Galindo, J; Cabrera, L; Robles, J.M; Albà, D; Moyà-Solà, S; Rotgers, C; Carmona, R; Almécija, S; Bertó Mengual, J.V; Beamud, E. (2008) - Chronology of the recently discovered Middle Miocene primate bearing sites of the Vallès-Penedès basin (Catalonia, Spain) VII Giornate di Paleontologia. Simposio della Società Paleontologica Italiana, Siena (Italia), setembre 2008
  • Costa, E; Gómez-Paccard, M; López-Blanco, M; Garcés, M; Beamud, E;  Larrasoaña, J.C; Cabrera, Ll. (2008) - Eocene-Oligocene magnetostratigraphy from the central part of the SE margin of the Ebro basin. VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1159-1162
  • Larrasoaña, J.C;  González-Delgado, J.A; Civis, J; Sierro, F.J; Alonso-Gavilán, G; Pais, J. (2008) - Magnetobiostratigraphic dating and environmental magnetism of Late Neogene marine sediments recovered at the Huelva-1 and Montemayor-1 boreholes (Lower Guadalquivir basin, Spain). VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1175-1178
  • Larrasoaña, J.C;  Sancho, C;  Murelaga, X; Urmeneta, A. (2008) - Geología del Parque Natural de las Bardenas Reales de Navarra: principales características y lugares de especial interés geológico. VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1351-1354
  • López, M.A; Oliván, C; Oliva, B; Pueyo, E.L.and the GeoKyn3DPyr working group (2008) - Pyrenean Paleomagnetic databases. VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1219-1222
  • Pla, S; Viseras, C; Soria, J.M; Garcés, M; Beamud, E; García, J.A; Arribas, A. (2008) - Correlación litológica y magnetoestratigráfica de las secciones continentales del sector occidental de la cuenca de Guadix (Cordillera Bética, España). VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio.
  • Pueyo, E.L; Silva Aguilera, C;  Beamud, E;  Valero-Garcés, B. (2008) - Archeomagnetostratigraphy; a dating tool in ancient dam sediments. A case study in the Muel Roman reservoir (Northern Spain). VII Congreso Geológico de España, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 14-18 julio. Geotemas 10, pp. 1187-1190
  • Soto, R.; Larrasoaña, J.C; Arlegui, L; Beamud, E; Oliva-Urcia, B; Simón, J.L. (2008) - Reliability of magnetic fabrics as paleostress indicator: a case study in Miocene lacustrine sediments from the Ebro foreland basin, N Spain. YORSGET - International Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Geology and Tectonics. Oviedo (Asturias)



  • Garcés, M. and Gee, J.S. (2007) - Paleomagnetic evidence of large footwall rotations associated with low-angle faults at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. Geology 35 (3) pp. 279-282 [abstract]
  • Kelemen, P.B; Kikawa, E. and Miller, D.J. and Shipboard Scientific Party (2007) - Leg 209 summary: processes in a 20 km thick conductive boundary layer beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14º-16º N. Kelemen, P.B; Kikawa, E. and Miller, D.J. (eds.) Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results. Volume 209, pp. 1-33
  • Piñero, E; Gràcia, E;  Martínez-Ruiz, F; Larrasoaña, J.C; Vizcaíno, A; Ercilla, G. (2007) - Gas hydrate disturbance fabrics of southern Hydrate Ridge sediments (ODP Leg 204): relationships with texture and physical properties. Geo-Marine Letters  27 pp. 279-288 [abstract]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Roberts,A.P Musgrave, R.J; Gràcia, E; Piñero, E; Vega, M.E; Martínez-Ruiz, F. (2007) - Diagenetic formation of greigite and pyrrhotite in gas hydrate marine sedimentary systems. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 261 (3-4), pp. 350-366 [PDF]
  • Soriano, C; Beamud, E; Garcés, M. (2007) - Dike intrussion under shear stress: effects on magnetic and vesicle fabrics in dikes from rift zones of  Tenerife (Canary Islands)  Journal of Structural Geology 29(12), pp. 1931-1942 [PDF]
  • Liu, Q; Roberts, A. P;  Torrent, J; Horng, C.S; Larrasoaña, J.C. (2007) - What do the HIRM and S-ratio parameters really measure in environmental magnetism?  Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems vol. 8 (9). Q09011
  • Garcés, M; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Larrasoaña, J.C; Murelaga, X; Arenas, C; Pardo, G; Cabrera, L. (2007) - An Early to Middle Miocene magnetostratigraphy from the Ebro Basin (NE Spain). American Geophysical Union Spring Meeting  Acapulco (Mexico) 22-25 May. EOS Trans. AGU 88 (23) Joint Assem. Suppl. Abstract GP52A-08
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Roberts, A.P; Rohling, E.J; Winklhofer, M. (2007) - A 3 Myr Mediterranean perspective on monsoon variability over the Sahara; implications for landscape and hominin evolution in tropical Africa. European Geosciences Union, Viena (Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 9, A-07947
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Roberts, Musgrave, R.J; Gràcia, E; Piñero, E; Vega, M; Martínez-Torres, F. (2007) - Biomineralization of greigite and pyrrhotite in gas hydrate-bearing marine sediments; results from ODP Leg 204 (southern Hydrate Ridge). European Geosciences Union, Viena (Austria). Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 9, A-7659
  • Piñero, E;  Martínez-Torres, F.Gràcia, E; Larrasoaña, J.C; Torres, M. Kastner, M. (2007) - Barium content of gas hydrate-bearing sediments from southern Hydrate Ridge (ODP Leg 204). 2nd Post-cruise Meeting of Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition
  • Larrasoaña, J.C;  Ortuño, M; Parés, J.M; Valero-Garcés, B; Bordonau, J; Copons, R. (2007) - Mineral magnetic record of late Holocene environmental changes and seismic events in a high altitude glacio-lacustrine sequence (Lake Barrancs, Pyrenees). IV International Limnogeological Congress. Barcelona. Book of Abstracts, p. 199
  • Beamud, E. and Gómez-Paccard, M. (2007) - Archaeomagnetic dating of four spanish structures. IUGG XXIV General Assembly. Perugia, 2-13th July
  • Soriano, C; Beamud, E. and Garcés, M. (2007) - Asymmetric fabrics in dikes: Natural examples from rift zones of Tenerife (Canary Islands). IUGG XXIV General Assembly. Perugia, 2-13th July
  • Pueyo, E.L; Silva, C; Beamud, E. and Valero, B. (2007) - Archaeomagnetostratigraphy: a dating tool in ancient dam sediments. A case study in the Muel reservoir (N Spain). 4th International Limnogeology Congress. Barcelona, 11th-14th July
  • Luengo, J; Nozal, F; López-Olmedo, F; Montes, M; Gómez, M; Beamud, E; Garcés, M. (2007) -  Basin infill architecture and evolution of the Sepúlveda-Ayllón foreland basin (SE Border of Duero Basin, Spain). 25th IAS Meeting of Sedimentology. Patras (Greece), september 2007
  • Beamud, E; Fitzgerald, P; Muñoz, J; Garcés, M; Baldwin, S; Webb, L; Schwabe, E; Cabrera, L. (2007) - Palaeogene exhumation of the Pyrenean orogen: magnetostratigraphic and thermochronological constraints from the South-Central Pyrenees. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco (USA), 10-14 december
  • Almar, Y; Beamud, E; Muñoz, J.A; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X. (2007) - Kinematic evolution of the Western Pyrenees thrust front from paleomagnetic analysis on its foreland basin. AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco (USA), 10-14 december
  • Costa, E; Garcés, M; Sáez, A; López-Blanco, M; Beamud, E; Gómez-Paccard, M; Cabrera, L. (2007) - Chronology of the Final Marine Regression in the Eastern Ebro Basin: Late Eocene to Early Oligocene Tectonosedimentary Evolution. (NE Spain). AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco (USA), 10-14 desembre 2007




  • Agustí, J; Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W. (2006) -  Evidence for African-Iberian exchanges during the Messinian in the Spanish Mammalian record. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 238, pp. 5-14 [PDF]
  • Agustí, J; Oms, O; Furió, M; Pérez-Vila, M.J; Roca, E. (2006) -  The Messinian terrestrial record in the Pyrenees: The case of Can Vilella (Cerdanya Basin). Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 238 (1-4) pp. 179-189 [PDF]
  • Krijgsman, W., Leewis, M.E., Garcés, M., Kouwenhoven, T.J., Kuiper, K.F., Sierro, F.J. (2006) - Tectonic control for evaporite formation in the Eastern Betics. Sedimentary Geology 188.189, pp. 155-170 [PDF]
  • Kuiper, K.; Krijgsman, W.; Garcés, M. (2006) - Revised isotopic (40Ar/39Ar) age for the lamproite volcano of Cabezos Negros, Fortuna Basin (Eastern Betics, SE Spain) Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 238, pp. 53-63 [PDF]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C., Murelaga, X., Garcés, M. (2006) - Magnetobiochronology of Lower Miocene (Ramblian) continental sediments from the Tudela Formation (western Ebro basin, Spain). Earth and Planetary Science Letters 243, pp. 409-423 [PDF]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Roberts, A.P; Hayes, A; Wehausen, R; Rohling, E. (2006) - Detecting missing beats in the Mediterranean climate rhythm from magnetic identification of oxidized sapropels (Ocean Drilling Program Leg 160). Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 156, pp. 283-293 [PDF]
  • Musgrave, R., Bangs, P., Larrasoaña, J.C., Gràcia, E., Hollamby, J., Vega, M.E. (2006) - Rise of the base of the gas hydrate zone since the last glacial recorded by rock magnetism. Geology 34, pp. 117-120 [full text article]
  • B.Smith, M. E. M. Derder, B. Henry, B. Bayou, A. K. Yelles, H. Djellit, M. Amenna, M. Garces, E. Beamud, J. P. Callot, R. Eschard, A. Chambers, T. Aifa, R. Ait Ouali and H. Gandriche (2006) - Relative importance of the Hercynian and post-Jurassic tectonic phases in the Saharan platform: a palaeomagnetic study of Jurassic sills in the Reggane Basin (Algeria). Geophysical Journal International 167, pp. 380-396 [full text article]
  • Murelaga, X; Almar, Y; Beamud, B; Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M. (2006) - Nueva localidad fosilífera en el Mioceno Inferior de Bargota (Navarra) (Cuenca del Ebro, Península Ibérica). Geogaceta, 40, pp. 171-174
  • Montes, M; Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Calvo, J.P. (2006) - Magnetoestratigrafía de las unidades inferior e intermedia del Mioceno de la cuenca de Madrid. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, vol 19 (3-4), pp. 281- 298. [PDF]
  • Pueyo, E. L; López, M. A; Oliva, B; Sussman, A. J; Larrasoaña, J. C; Dinarés, J; Beamud, B; Soto, R; Garcés, M; Gil-Peña, I; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Rodríguez, A; Almar, Y; Fernández, O; Villalaín, J. J; Calvo, M; Bógalo, M. F; Costa, E; Mochales, T; Vidal, O; Pueyo-Anchuela, O; Gil-Imaz, A; Navas, J and the GeoKin3DPyr group (2006) - The Pyrenean paleomagnetic database: state of the art and future tasks. Interreg III (Reunión del grupo Geokyn3DPyr). Pau (France) 7-8 october 2006
  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Montes, M; Nozal, F; Calvo, J.P; López-Olmedo, F; Luengo, J. (2006) - Magnetoestratigrafía del Mioceno de las cuencas del Tajo y el Duero. IV Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER), Vigo 28-29 septiembre 2006
  • Pueyo, E. L; López, M. A; Oliva, B; Sussman, A. J; Larrasoaña, J. C; Dinarés, J; Beamud, B; Soto, R; Garcés, M; Gil-Peña, I; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Rodríguez, A; Almar, Y; Fernández, O; Villalaín, J. J; Calvo, M; Bógalo, M. F; Costa, E; Mochales, T; Vidal, O; Pueyo-Anchuela, O; Gil-Imaz, A; Navas, J and the GeoKin3DPyr group (2006) - A preliminary compilation of the Pyrenean paleomagnetic database. IV Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER), Vigo 28-29 septiembre 2006
  • Montes, M; Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Calvo, J.P. (2006) - Magnetoestratigrafía de la cuenca de Madrid (Aragoniense-Vallesiense): datos preliminares. VI Congreso del Grupo Español del Terciario (CONGET), Salamanca 25-26 septiembre 2006
  • Montes, M; Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Nozal, F; López-Olmedo, F; Luengo, J. (2006) - Magnetoestratigrafía del SE de la cuenca del Duero (Aragoniense-Vallesiense): datos preliminares. VI Congreso del Grupo Español del Terciario (CONGET), Salamanca 25-26 septiembre 2006




  • Beamud, E. and Garcés, M. (2005) - Archaeomagnetic dating of the Roman kilns of "La Fornaca" (Vilassar de Dalt, Barcelona). AARCH Workshop, Madrid 18-21 March
  • Beamud, E; Soriano, C;  Garcés, M. (2005) - Dyke propagation and magma flow direction inferred from anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility. Preliminary results from the basaltic shield of Tenerife (Canary Islands). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Garcés, M; García-Senz, J; Muñoz, J.A; Beamud, E. (2005) - Shallow and deep burial remagnetisations in the Cotiella Massif (Late Cretaceous, South-Central Pyrenees): insights from rock magnetic properties. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Garcés, M., Gee, J. (2005) - Paleomagnetic evidence for large block rotations at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Leg 209 area.  ODP Leg 209 2nd post-cruise meeting, Samani (Japan) june 2005
  • Homke, S; Vergés, J.; Garcés, M.; Karpuz, R.; Sharp, I.; Serra-Kiel, J.; Emami, H.; Goodarzi, G. (2005) - Dating the onset of the Zagros foreland basin and its subsequent deformation in Lurestan (Iran): new magnetostratigraphic and biostratigraphic data. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Krijgsman, W.; Lewis, M.E.; Garcés, M.; Kouwenhoven, T.J.; Kuiper, K.F.; Sierro, F.J. (2005) - Tectonic control for evaporite formation in the Eastern Betics European  Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X. (2005) - Magnetostratigraphy of Early Miocene mammal-bearing continental sediments of the Tudela Formation (western Ebro basin). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Pérez-Rivarés, F. J.; Garcés, M.; Arenas, C.; Pardo, G. (2005) - The Miocene lacustrine-alluvial sediments of the central Ebro Basin (NE Spain): Magnetostratigraphy and short and long period climate controls on basin stratigraphy. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Piñero, E.; Gràcia, E.; Martínez-Ruiz, F.; Larrasoaña, J.C.; Vizcaino, A.; Ercilla, G. (2004) - Sedimentological and Mineralogical Characterization of Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediments from ODP-Leg 204, Southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Pueyo, E. L.; Muñoz, A.; Laplana , C. ; Parés, J. M. (2005) - Magnetostratigraphy around the Gauss-Matuyama boundary in the Villarroya basin (N Spain); Implications for the "LAD" of Hipparion in western Europe. European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna (Austria) 24-29 April
  • Pueyo, E.L; Sussman, A.J; Oliva, B; Larrasoaña, J.C; Beamud, E; Soto, R; Garcés, M; Gil-Peña, I; Almar, Y; Fernández, O; Vidal, O. (2005) - The Pyrenean paleomagnetic database: towards better 3D restoration methods. International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Scientific Assembly, Toulouse (France) 18-29 July
  • Silva-Aguilera, C.; Hinderer, M.; Valero, B.; Garcia Vera, M.; Pueyo, E. L.; Ries, J. (2005) - The sedimentation of the Muel Roman Dam (Zaragoza province, Spain). VI Internatinal Conference on Geomorphology (International Association of Geomorphologists). Zaragoza, 7-11 septiembre
  • Vergés, J., Homke, S., Garcés, M., Karpuz, R., Sharp, I., Serra-Kiel, J., Emami, H., Goodarzi, H. (2005) - Timing of Onset and Destruction of the Zagros Foreland Basin in Lurestan, Iran: New Magnetostratigraphic data. AAPG International Conference and Exhibition, Paris (France)



  • Homke, S; Vergés, J; Garcés, M; Emami, H; Karpuz, R. (2004) - Magnetostratigraphy of Miocene-Pliocene Zagros foreland deposits in the front of the Push-e Kush Arc (Lurestan province, Iran). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 225, 3-4, pp.397-410 [PDMF]
  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M; Arenas, C; Pardo, G. (2004) - Magnetostratigraphy of the Miocene continental deposits of the Montes de Castejón (central Ebro basin, Spain): geochronological and paleoenvironmental implications. Geologica Acta, 2, nº 3, pp. 221-234 [PDF]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Pueyo, E; Parés, J.M. (2004) - An integrated AMS, structural, palaeo- and rock-magnetic study of Eocene marine marls from the Jaca-Pamplona basin (Pyrenees, N Spain); new insights into the timing of magnetic fabrics acquisition in weakly deformed mudrocks. in: Martín-Hernández, F; Lünenburg, C. M; Aubourg, C. and Jackson, M. (eds.) - Magnetic Fabric: Methods and Applications. Geological Society , London, Spec. Publ. 238, 127-143.
  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, Ll; Almar, Y. (2004) - Distribución de las rotaciones paleomagnéticas en la cuenca de Graus-Tremp durante el Terciario. Geotemas 6 (4), pp. 283-285.
  • Homke, S; Vergés, J; Garcés, M; Emami, H; Karpuz, R. (2004) - Dating the deformation in the front of the Push-e Kush Arc (Zagros belt, Iran). Geotemas 6 (2), pp. 153-155
  • Jones, M.A; Heller, P.L; Roca, E; Garcés, M; Cabrera, L. (2004) - Time lag of syntectonic sedimentation across an alluvial basin, theory and examples from the Ebro Basin, Spain. Basin Research, 489-506 [full text article]
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X; Beamud, E. (2004) - Magnetoestratigrafía y magnetismo ambiental de las Facies de Tudela (Mioceno inferior) en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (sector occidental de la cuenca del Ebro). Geotemas 6 (4), pp. 295-298.
  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M. (2004) - Registros magnetoestratigráficos de alta resolución: evidencia del subcron C5Dr.1n en el Mioceno inferior de la Cuenca del Ebro. Geotemas 6 (4), pp. 319-322.
  • Krijgsman, W. and Garcés, M. (2004) - Palaeomagnetic constraints on the geodynamic evolution of the Gibraltar arc. Terranova, 16, pp. 281-287. [full text article]
  • Kelemen, P.B; Kikawa, E; Miller, D.J; et al (2004) - Proceedings ODP, Initial Reports 209 : College Station TX (Ocean Drilling Program) [web]
  • Almar, Y; Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, Ll. - Magnetostratigraphic record of the syntectonic infill in the Western Ebro Basin. Constraints on tectonic evolution of the Sierra de Cantabria thrust (North Spain). 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence (Italy), 20-28 August 2004.
  • Agustí, J; Lordkipanidze, D; Garcés, M; Vekua, A; Oms, O. - Environmental and chronological background of Miocene hominoids from Europe. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence (Italy), 20-28 August 2004.
  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, Ll; Almar, Y. -  Distribución de las rotaciones paleomagnéticas en la cuenca de Graus-Tremp durante el Terciario. VI Congreso Geólogico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 Julio 2004
  • Homke, S; Vergés, J; Garcés, M; Emami, H; Karpuz, R.  - Dating the deformation in the front of the Push-e Kush Arc (Zagros belt, Iran). VI Congreso Geólogico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 Julio 2004
  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X; Beamud, E.  - Magnetoestratigrafía y magnetismo ambiental de las Facies de Tudela (Mioceno inferior) en las Bardenas Reales de Navarra (sector occidental de la cuenca del Ebro). VI Congreso Geólogico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 Julio 2004
  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M. - Registros magnetoestratigráficos de alta resolución: evidencia del subcron C5Dr.1n en el Mioceno inferior de la Cuenca del Ebro.VI Congreso Geólogico de España, Zaragoza, 12-15 Julio 2004
  • Garcés. M; Gee, J. S; & Kikawa, E. - Paleomagnetic constrains to the evolution of the mid-Atlantic Ridge from 14º to 16º N. 2004 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 13-17 December
  • Kikawa, E; Garcés. M & Gee, J. S.  - Magnetization of gabbroic rocks and peridotites recovered from Mid Atlantic Ridge 14N - 16N, ODP Leg 209. 2004 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco (USA), 13-17 December



  • Agustí, J; Sanz de Siria, Garcés, M. (2003) - Explaining the end of the hominoid experiment in Europe. Journal of Human Evolution, 45, 2, pp. 145-153 [PDF]

  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Cabrera, L; Muñoz, J.A; Almar, Y. (2003) - A new Middle to Late Eocene continental chronostratigraphy from NE Spain. Earth and Planetary Science Letter , 216, 4, pp. 501-514 [PDF]

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Peláez-Campomanes, P; Alvárez-Sierra, M.A; Daams, R. (2003) - Hipparion dispersal in Europe: magnetostratigraphic constraints from the Daroca area (Spain). Coloquios de Paleontología, vol. ext. 1: 171-178

  • Goldberg, D; Myers, G; Iturrino, G; Grigar, K; Pettigrew, S; Mrozewski & Leg 209 Scientific Party (submitted) - Logging-while-coring: First tests of a new technology for scientific drilling. Society of Professional Well Log Analysts Quarterly Journal.

  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Parés, J.M; Pueyo, E.L. (2003) - Stable Eocene magnetization carried by magnetite and iron sulphides in marine mals (Pamplona-Arguis Formation, Southern Pyrenees, Northern Spain). Stud. Geophys. Geod. , 47, pp. 237-254

  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Parés, J.M; del Valle, J; Millán, H. (2003) - Triassic paleomagnetism from the Western Pyrenees revisited: implications for the Iberian-Eurasian Mesozoic plate boundary. Tectonophysics, 362, pp. 161-182  [PDF]

  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Parés, J.M; Millán, H. del Valle, J; Pueyo, E.L.(2003) - Paleomagnetic, structural and stratigraphic constraints on transverse fault kinematics during basin inversion: The Pamplona fault (Pyrenees, north Spain) Tectonics, 22, nº 6, 1071. [abstract]

  • Kuiper, K; Krijgsman, W; Garcés, M. (in press) - Revised isotopic (40Ar/39Ar) age for the lamproite volcano of Cabezos Negros, Fortuna Basin (Eastern Betics, SE Spain). Paleogeography, Paleoclimatology, Paleoecology.

  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Pardo, G; Garcés, M; Arenas, C. (2003) - Periodicidad sedimentaria en el registro lacustre de la Unidad TectonosedimentariaT6 de la sección de San Caprasio (Mioceno medio) del sector central de la Cuenca del Ebro. Geotemas, 5, pp. 195-198

  • Shipboard Scientific Party "Leg 209 Preliminary Report". Ocean Drilling Program Preliminary Report, 209, 214 p. ISBN: 1-897799-55-1

  • Garcés, M; García-Senz, J; Muñoz, J.A. - Timing and causes of pervasive secondary CRM in the Cotiella Massif (South-Central Pyrenees). European Geophysical Society XXVIII General Assembly, Nice (France) 6-11 April, 2003

  • Beamud, E; Cabrera, L; Garcés, M; Barberà, X; Agustí, J. - Middle Eocene to Late Oligocene chronostratigraphy from NE Spain. A Southern Pyrenean perspective. Symposium on the Paleogene, Leuven  (Belgium) 25-27 August, 2003

  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Pardo, G; Garcés, M; Arenas, C. - Periodicidad sedimentaria en el registro lacustre de la Unidad Tectonosedimentaria T6 de la sección de San Caprasio (Mioceno Medio) del sector central de la cuenca del Ebro. Congreso Geológico del Terciario. Granada (Spain)  September 2003.

  • Vergés, J; Homke, S; Karpuz, R; Osthus, H; Garcés, M; Grelaud, S; Nalpas, T; Sharp, I; Guadarzi, H; Hemami, H. - Integrated studies of the Zagros mountain front (SE Lurestan, Iran): Structure and timing of the deformation. American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Congress, Barcelona (Spain), 21-24 September 2003.

  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, L. - Control tectónico en la sedimentación en cuencas piggy-back. Ejemplos de la zona central Surpirenaica. II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Fernández, O; Beamud, E; Muñoz, J.A; Dinarés-Turell, J; Poblet, J. - Distribución de las rotaciones paleomagnéticas en los anticlinales de Boltaña y Añisclo (Pirineos centrales). II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Garcés, M; Eguíluz, L; Palacios, T. - Datos paleomagnéticos preliminares del Paleozoico de Osa Morena (SW Península Ibérica). II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Garcés, M; García-Senz, J; Muñoz, J.A. - Una remagnetización con dos polaridades y previa al plegamiento en el macizo del Cotiella (Cretácico superior, Huesca, Pirineos centrales). II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M; Murelaga, X; Beamud, E. - Magnetoestratigrafía de la Formación Tudela (Bardenas Reales de Navarra) y calibración de las biozonas de mamíferos Ramblienses (Mioceno inferior): resultados iniciales. II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M; Arenas, C; Pardo, G. - Resultados paleomagnéticos en los montes de Castejón (sector central de la cuenca del Ebro): Magnetoestratigrafía y primeras implicaciones. II Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER II), Coimbra (Portugal) 25-27 September 2003.

  • Ildefonse, B; Carlson, R.L; Garcés, M; Gee, J.S; Iturrino, G.J. & Leg 209 Scientific Party - Physical properties of gabbros and serpentinized peridotites at MAR 15ºN. Shipboard results from ODP Leg 209. American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting 2003. San Francisco, USA.

  • Kelemen, P. & Leg 209 Scientific Party - Localized deformation beginning mora than 15 km beneath the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 14 to 16 N. American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting 2003. San Francisco, USA.

  • Gracia, E; Larrasoaña, J.C; Martínez-Ruis, F; Ercilla, G; Garcés, M. - Rock magnetic signature of gas hydrates in sediments from Southern Hydrate Ridge (Cascadia Margin). American Geophysical Union, Fall meeting 2003. San Francisco, USA.




  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M; Arenas, C; Pardo, G. (2002) - Magnetocronología de la Sierra de Alcubierre. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 15 (3-4), pp. 211-225. 

  • Garcés, M; Beamud, E; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, L. - Magnetostratigraphic correlation and completeness of the stratigraphic record in continental alluvial sediments. European Geophysical Society XXVII General Assembly. Nice, France.

  • Garcés, M; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Arenas, C; Pardo, G; Cabrera, L; Krijgsman, W; Agustí, J. - Miocene continental chronology from Iberian basins: state of the art and future research. European Geophysical Society XXVII General Assembly. Nice, France .

  • Agustí, J; Cabrera, L; Garcés, M; Casanovas-Vilar, M; Rius, L; Sanz de Siria, A. - The Early to Middle Miocene terrestrial record of the Vallès-Penedès basin (NE Spain). Environmental and Ecosystem Dynamics of Eurasian Neogene, The "Middle Miocene crisis" Workshop. Frankfurt, Germany.

  • Agustí, J; Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M; Arenas, C; Cabrera, L; Pardo, G; Casanovas-Vilar, M. - Early-Middle Miocene continental chronology from the central Ebro basin (NE Spain). Environmental and Ecosystem Dynamics of Eurasian Neogene, The "Middle Miocene crisis" Workshop. Frankfurt, Germany.




  • Agustí, J; Cabrera, L; Garcés, M; Krigjsman, W; Oms, O; Parés, J.M. (2001) - A calibrated magnetobiochronological mammal scale for the Neogene of Western Europe: state of the art. Earth Science Reviews, 52 (4)  pp. 247-260  [PDF]

  • Agustí, J; Cabrera, L; Garcés, M. (2001) - Chronological framework of Miocene hominoids in Europe. In: de Bonis, Koufos and Andrews, eds. Phylogeny of the Neogene Hominoid Primates of Eurasia. Cambridge University Press, 2-19.

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Agustí, J. (2001) - Chronostratigraphic framework and evolution of the Fortuna Basin (eastern Betics) and the Late Miocene. Basin Research, 13 (2), pp. 199- 217. [full article]

  • Larrasoaña, J.C; Garcés, M; Martínez-Torres, L.M. (in press) - Estratigrafía magnética de los yacimientos de ámbar de Montoria-Peñacerrada (Álava, Cuenca Vasco-Cantábrica). Estudios del Museo de Ciencias Naturales de Álava

  • Van Dam, J.A; Alcalá, L; Alonso-Zarza, A; Calvo, J.P; Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W. (2001) - The Upper Miocene mammal record from the Teruel-Alfambra region (Spain). The MN system and continental stage/age concepts discussed. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 21 (2), pp. 367-385. [abstract]

  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Cabrera, L; Muñoz, J.A. - Magnetostratigraphic constraints on the late thrust evolution of the South-Central Pyrenees. European Geophysical Society XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France.

  • Beamud, E; Cabrera, L; Garcés, Muñoz, J.A. - Magnetoestratigrafía y evolución tectonosedimentaria de la cuenca de La Pobla de Segur (Fm. Collegats, Zona Central Surpirenaica). XVI Congreso Nacional de Sedimentología, Jaén, Spain.

  • Beamud, E; Garcés, M; Muñoz, J.A; Cabrera, L. - Datación de la secuencia de deformación en la Zona Surpirenaica Central. Magnetoestratigrafía de la Fm. Collegats. I Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER I), Burgos (Spain) M

  • Eguíluz, L; Bandrés, A; Ortega, L.A; Gil-Ibarguchi, I; Garcés, M; Paquete, J.L; Pin, C. - New evidence on the Cadomian evolution of Northern Osa Morena zone (SW Spain). Collisional orogens, IGCP Project 454 Conference. Swiss Alps (Switzerland)

  • Garcés, M. - Correlación magnetoestratigráfica y continuidad del registro estratigráfico en cuencas continentales de la Península Ibérica. I Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER I), Burgos (Spain)

  • Pérez-Rivarés, F.J; Garcés, M; Arenas, C; Pardo, G. - Primeros datos magnetoestratigráficos del Mioceno de la Sierra de Alcubierre (sector central de la cuenca del Ebro). I Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER I), Burgos (Spain).

  • Pueyo, E; Garcés, M; Mauritsch, H.J; Lewis, C; Scholger, R; Sancho, C; Molina, R; Schnepp, E; Larrasoaña, J.C; Parés, J.M; Pocoví, A; Muñoz, A; Millán, H; Laplana, C; Valero, B; Oliva, B; González, P. - Sampling, transportation and magnetic-free consolidation of extremely soft sediments for paleomagnetic purposes: a successful recipe? I Simposio de Paleomagnetismo Ibérico (MAGIBER I), Burgos (Spain).

  • Van Assen, E; Krijgsman, W; Garcés, M; Sierro, F. - Chronology and Geodynamic Evolution of the Late Miocene Basins of the Eastern Betics. European Union of Geosciences, EUG XI, Tectonics and Sedimentation Symposium. Strasbourg (France)



  • Alcalá, L; Alonso-Zarza, A.; Alvárez Sierra, M.A; Azanza, B; Calvo, J.P; Cañaveras, J.C; van Damm, J.A; Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; van der Meulen, A; Morales, J; Peláez, P; Sánchez Moral, S; Sancho, R; Sanz Rubio, E. (2000) - El registro sedimentario y faunístico en las cuencas de Calatayud-Daroca y Teruel. Evolución paleoambiental y paleoclimática d la zona centro-nororiental de la Península Ibérica durante el Neógeno. Revista de la Sociedad Geológica de España, 13 (2), pp.323.343.

  • Cabrera, L; Garcés, M; Roca, E; Agustí, J; Barberà, X; Marzo, M; Parés, J.M. (2000) - Avances en la elaboración de una escala magneto-bioestratigráfica del Terciario continental en Europa occidental: Magnetoestratigrafía de las sucesiones oligocénicas del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro e implicaciones en el estudio de la cinemática de sus márgenes tectónicos. Geotemas, 2, pp.51-54

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W. (2000) - Remagnetizaciones y migración de fluidos en la cuenca neógena de Fortuna, Cordilleras Béticas. Geotemas, 1 (1), pp.105-109

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Agustí, J. (2000) - Neogene chronology and tectonosedimentary evolution of the Fortuna basin (Eastern Betics). Geotemas, 2, pp. 81-85

  • Krijgsman, W; Garcés, M; Agustí, J; Raffi, I; Taberner, C; Zachariasse, W.J. (2000) - The "Tortonian salinity crisis" of the eastern Betics (Spain). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 181 (4), pp.497-511 [PDF]

  • Arbués, P; Corregidor, J; Garcés, M; Sánchez-Villanueva, S; Cabrera, L; Marzo, L. - Anatomy of a transitional fluvial-lacustrine parasequences. Los Monegros lacustrine complex, SE Ebro Basin (NE Spain). AAPG Annual Convention, New insights into non-marine reservoir and depositional systems. New Orleans (USA)

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W.  - Remagnetizaciones y migración de fluidos en la cuenca neógena de Fortuna, Cordilleras Béticas. V Congreso Geológico de España, Alicante.

  • Cabrera, L; Garcés, M; Roca, E; Agustí, J; Barberà, X; Marzo, M; Parés, J.M. - avances en la elaboración de una escala magneto-bioestratigráfica del Terciario continental de Europa occidental: Magnetoestratigrafía de las sucesiones oligocénicas del sector SE de la cuenca del Ebro e implicaciones en el estudio de la cinemática de sus márgenes tectónicos. IV Congreso del Terciario, Tremp (Spain)

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Agustí, J. - La cuenca neógena de Fortuna, Cordilleras Béticas: Magnetoestratigrafía y evolución tectonosedimentaria. IV Congreso del Terciario, Tremp (Spain)

  • Garcés, M; Parés, J.M; Cabrera, L; Dinarés, J; Pueyo, E. - Magnetic stratigraphy in the Iberian plate: towards a Cenozoic chronological frame for the alpine tectonic and sedimentary evolution. European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly, Nice (France)

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W. - Neogene chronology and tectonosedimentary evolution of the Fortuna basin (Eastern Betics). European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly, Nice (France)

  • Krijgsman, W; Garcés, M; Hilgen, F; Sierro, F.J. - Late Miocene evaporitic deposition in the Mediterranean area: Chronology, causes and consequences. European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly, Nice (France)

  • Agustí, J; Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Llenas, M. - Chronology of African-Iberian mammalian interchanges during the Messinian.XI Congress of Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene stratigraphy. Fez (Morocco) M

  • Garcés, M; Krijgsman, W; Agustí, J. - The Neogene Fortuna Basin, Eastern Betics: magnetostratigraphy and basin evolution. XI Congress of Regional Committee on Mediterranean Neogene stratigraphy. Fez (Morocco)

  • Garcés, M; Parés, J.M; Cabrera, L; Dinarés, J; Pueyo, E. - Magnetic stratigraphy in the Iberian plate: towards a Cenozoic chronological frame for the alpine tectonic and sedimentary evolution. European Geophysical Society XXV General Assembly, Nice (France) M

  • Agustí, J; Cabrera, L; van Dam, Garcés, M; Koufos, G; van der Made, J; Morales, J; van der Meulen, A; Sen, S; Steininger, F; Perez-Vila, M.J. - Preliminary results of the RCMNS working group on high resolution Mammal Geochronology. Environmental and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene, State of the art ESF Workshop, Lyon (France)

  • Agustí, J; Cabrera, L;  Garcés, Krijgsman, W. - Late Miocene Mammalian events in Western Europe. State of the Art.  Environmental and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene, State of the art ESF Workshop, Lyon (France)

  • Peláez-Campomanes, P; van der Meulen, A; Morales, J; Alonso-Zarza, A.M; Alvárez-Sierra, M.A; Azanza, B; Calvo, J:P; Garcés, M; García-Paredes, I; Hernández, M; Quirantes, V; Salesa, M; Sánchez, I. - The Aragonian-Vallesian boundary in the Daroca-Nombrevilla area (Zaragoza, Spain). Environmental and Ecosystem Dynamics of the Eurasian Neogene, State of the art ESF Workshop, Lyon (France)