Oliver Pacheco, T. (2019). Student´s and Teachers´s perspectives on moodle activities design for autonomous learning at LAEL-I BUAP. (Tesis Maestría en la Enseñanza del Inglés) Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, México.
With the development of ICT (Information and Communications Technology),academicians have incorporated the use of different e-resources to assist them to facilitate the process of autonomous Learning development of students in their teaching methodologies. Then, despite the fact that the impact of these e-tools has scarcely been researched, there are programs that have introduced them as part of their educative models, that is the case of the “Open-Bachelor’s Degree in English Teaching” (LAEL-I) at BUAP, that incorporated the Moodle platform in order to help students to develop autonomous learning skills. This study aimed to explore the perspectives of Ss and Ts about autonomous learning through the use of Moodle activities as a formative mechanism to determine how it impacts the development of Autonomous Learning in students of the LAEL-I. Thus, the hypothesis held by this study was that the use of Moodle Platform activities has an impact on the autonomous learning development of students. In order to prove the hypothesis, it was used a Quantitative-qualitative sequential mixed method in which quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques were employed to obtain generalizable and explanatory results that permit to embrace as much as possible the reality of the phenomena. Results showed agreement about different aspects regarding particular dimensions of Ss’ autonomy, weaknesses and strengths about the conditions through which Moodle Activities were required and performed.
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