A sociocultural perspective of teaching spanish as a foreign language: A case study of the italian upper-secundary education system.

Áreas de Observación Innovación Docente, Profesorado | Tipología | Sin Comentarios | a 20 abril

Ortega-Martín, J.L., y Greco, B. (2020). . En Aznar Díaz, I. et al.  Investigación  e innovación educativa. Tendencias y retos. España, Madrid: Dykinson. 


 This work is part of a wider study that focuses on sociocultural aspects and their treatment in the manuals of Spanish as a foreign language (SFL) in Italy. We start from the assumption that socio-cultural contents in Spanish language learning textbooks are not sufficient to develop cultural consciousness in students; so, we started analysing the approach to socio-cultural aspects in course books and at the same time we studied students’ cultural competence through our test of students’ knowledge, in order to find if there is a link between them. Actually, in this paper we are going also to present and discuss the results of the cultural test we submit to eight groups of upper-secondary students, being part of the study above mentioned. There are innumerable reasons to carry out an investigation like this: from a professional point of view it is justified by personal concerns and by our willingness to contribute to the proper training of students, not only to improve their linguistic competence in Spanish, but also to enhance their cross-culturally competence in various teaching-learning contexts.

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