6th International Conference on Big Data and Education. 16-18 Junio 2023. Jinan (China).

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The 6th International Conference on Big Data and Education will be held in Jinan, China during June 16-18, 2023, which is hosted by School of Information Science and Engineering, University of Jinan, China.

Since 2018, the International Conference on Big Data and Education (ICBDE) has been successfully held five editions in Hawaii, USA, London, UK, Online. So far, nearly four hundred experts and scholars from all over the world have participated in the conference, and nearly forty technical sessions have been held. After 5 years, ICBDE has established a strong industry expert committee. Many renowned experts in the field of big data and education at home and abroad have shared their latest research results and experiences at the conference.

The conference will bring together leading researchers, engineers and scientists in the domain of interest from all around the world. Topics of interest for submissions include, but are not limited to:


  • Big data science

  • Big data applications

  • Big data management

  • Ai in education

  • Digital learning

  • Stem education


If you want to know more about this event, please click on the next link.


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