Talks in conferences or seminars:
Geometrically simple counterexamples to a local-global principle for quadratic twists, Cardedeu Number Theory Workshop, Cardedeu, January 2025.
Computing Zeta functions of Picard curves, Arithmétique en Plat Pays, Utrecht University, December, 2024.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Eighth mini symposium of the Roman Number Theory Association, Università Roma Tre, Roma, April, 2024.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Rational points on modular curves, ICTS, Bengaluru, September 2023.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Galois representations and automorphic forms, Polish Academy of Sciences Conference Center in Bedlewo, August 2023.
Effective Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties with applications, Representation theory XVIII, Dubrovnik, June 2023.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Arithmetic Statistics, CIRM, Luminy, May 2023.
Grupos de Sato-Tate de variedades abelianas, Curso de doctorado, Instituto de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, April 2023.
Endomorphism algebras of geometrically split genus 2 Jacobians over Q, Computations and their uses in number theory, CIRM, Luminy, March 2023.
Local-global principles for quadratic and polyquadratic twists of abelian varieties, Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, January 2023.
Local-global principles for quadratic and polyquadratic twists of abelian varieties, Poznań-Szczecin arithmetic algebraic geometry seminar, online, December 2022.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, PCMI: Number theory informed by computation, Park City, August 2022.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Séminaire de Géométrie Algébrique, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, June 2022.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Number theory seminar, Université de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, May 2022.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Seminari de geometria algebraica, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, December 2021.
On a local-global principle for quadratic twists of abelian varieties, Cardedeu Number Theory Workshop, Cardedeu, October 2021.
Sato-Tate groups: invariants and equidistribution, Poznań-Szczecin arithmetic algebraic geometry seminar, online, July 2021.
Generalizaciones de la conjetura de Sato-Tate, Seminario latinoamericano de teoría de números, online, June 2021.
Computing Zeta functions of Picard curves, Monthly meeting of the Simons Collaboration on Arithmetic Geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, online, April 2021.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds, Barcelona Mathematical Days, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, online, October 2020.
Deligne's version of the Rankin method, STAGE, arithmetic geometry learning seminar at MIT, online, October 2020.
Ordinary primes for some abelian varieties with extra endomorphisms, Around Frobenius distributions and related topics, Virtual conference in Number Theory, online, May 2020.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian varieties of dimension up to 3, VaNTAGe Virtual Seminar, online, April 2020.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds, Harvard Number Theory Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge (Massachusetts), March 2020.
Effective Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties with applications, Joint Mathematics Meetings 2020, Denver, January 2020.
Tate module tensor decompositions for modular abelian varieties, MIT Number Theory Seminar, MIT, Cambridge (Massachusetts), October 2019.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds, Arithmetic of low dimensional abelian varieties, ICERM, Providence, June 2019.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds, PU/IAS Number Theory Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, April 2019.
Endomorphism algebras of geometrically split abelian surfaces over Q (short talk), Arithmetic geometry, Number Theory, and Computation, MIT, Cambridge (Massachusetts), August 2018.
Big Heegner points and some cases of the Bloch-Kato conjecture, Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, January 2018.
Sobre la velocidad de convergencia hacia la medida de Sato--Tate, Cuarto congreso de jóvenes investigadores, València, September, 2017.
On the velocity of convergence towards the Sato--Tate measure, Séptimas Jornadas de Teoría de Números, Lleida, June 2017.
On the velocity of convergence towards the Sato--Tate measure, Workshop on Arithmetic and Computation 2017, KU Leuven, Leuven, June 2017.
On the velocity of convergence towards the Sato--Tate measure, Meeting of the Catalan, Spanish, Swedish math societies, Umea, June 2017.
Isogeny classes of rational squares of CM elliptic curves, BIRS, Banff, May 2017.
On the velocity of convergence towards the Sato--Tate measure, Séminaire de géométrie et algèbre effectives IRMAR--Université de Rennes, Rennes, December 2016.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian surfaces and CM elliptic k-curves, Oberseminar Zahlentheorie und Arithmetische Geometrie, Hannover, June 2016.
Fields of definition of CM elliptic k-curves with an application, Bielefeld Arithmetic Geometry Seminar, Bielefeld, May 2016.
Fields of definition of CM elliptic k-curves and Sato-Tate groups of
abelian surfaces, Number Theory Seminar of UCSD, San Diego, March 2016.
Fields of definition of elliptic k-curves and Sato-Tate groups of
abelian surfaces, Seminari de Teoria de Nombres de UB-AUB-UPC, Barcelona, January 2016.
On fields of definition of CM elliptic k-curves and Sato-Tate groups of
abelian surfaces, Arithmetic Geometry Seminar of the Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, Poznań, October 2015.
Compatibility in p-adic families, Workshop: Arithmetic of Euler systems, Benàs, August 2015.
Galois representations associated to Hilbert modular forms: Wiles' theorem, Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, January 2015 (Notes).
Effective Sato-Tate for generic abelian varieties with an application, First Joint International Meeting RSME-SCM-SEMA-SIMAI-UMI, Bilbao, July 2014.
Sato-Tate groups of abelian surfaces, Arithmetic Geometry Seminar of the Universität Duisburg-Essen, Essen, May 2014.
Frobenius distribution for quotients of Fermat curves of prime exponent, Workshop: Frobenius distributions on curves, Luminy, February 2014.
A series of 3 talks on: Sato-Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2, Winter School: Frobenius distributions on curves, Luminy, February 2014.
Distribución de elementos de Frobenius para curvas de Fermat de exponente primo, Quintas jornadas de teoría de números, Sevilla, July 2013.
Frobenius distribution for Fermat curves of prime degree, Journées arithmétiques, Grenoble, July 2013.
Un resultat de classificació de grups de Sato-Tate en pes 3,
Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, February 2013.
Exemples dels enunciats d'equidistribució de Serre en pesos 0, 1 i 3, Tercera trobada de joves investigadors, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, October 2012.
Sato-Tate groups and Galois endomorphism modules of abelian surfaces, Number Theory Seminar of the University of California San Diego, March 2012.
Sato-Tate groups and Galois endomorphism modules of abelian surfaces, Number Theory Seminar of the University of California Berkeley, February 2012.
Distribuciones de Sato-Tate y representaciones de Galois, Cuartas jornadas de teoría de números, Bilbao, July 2011.
Sato-Tate groups and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2, Journées arithmétiques, Vilnius, June 2011.
The Galois type of an abelian surface, Workshop on Sato-Tate in higher dimension, Benàs, August 2011.
L-functions of twisted curves of genus 2, Primera trobada de joves investigadors, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Barcelona, November 2010.
Twisting L-series of genus 2 curves, Workshop on higher Rank
L-functions: Theory and computations, Benàs, July 2009.
Superfícies K3: nocions bàsiques, Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, February 2009.
Sèries de Dirichlet associades a formes modulars de Siegel,
Seminari de teoria de nombres de UB-UAB-UPC, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, February