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Publications Thèmes de recherche
Laboratoire de Neuropsychologie Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Junque, C., Verger, K., Salgado-Pineda, P., Mañeru, C., Mercader, J.M. (2005). Cerebral correlates of declarative memory dysfunctions in early traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 76, 129-131. PubMed. Ariza, M., Mataro, M., Poca, M.A., Junque, C., Garacho, A., Amoros, S., Sahuquillo, J. Influence of extraneurological insults on ventricular enlargement and neuropsychological functioning after moderate and severe traumatic brain injury. Journal of Neurotrauma (in press). Ariza, M., Junque, C., Mataro, M., Poca, M.A., Bargallo, N., Olondo, M., Sahuquillo, J. Neuropsychological correlates of basal ganglia and medial temporal lobe NAA/Cho reductions in traumatic brain injury. Archives of Neurology (in press). Mataro, M., Escudero, D., Ariza, M., Sánchez-Ojanguren, J., Lattorre, P., Junque, C., Mercader, J.M. Magnetic resonance abnormalities associated with cognitive dysfunction in primary Sjögren syndrome. Journal of Neurology (in press). Salgado-Pineda, P., Junqué, C., Vendrell, P., Baeza, I., Bargalló, N., Falcón, C., Bernardo, M. (2004). Decreased cerebral activation during CPT performance. Relationship between structural and functional deficits in schizophrenic patients. Neuroimage, 21(3), 840-847. PubMed. Solé-Padullés, C., Bartrés-Faz, D., Junqué, C., Via, M., Matarín, M., González-Pérez, E., Moral, P., Moya, A., Clemente, I.C. (2004). Poorer cognitive performance in humans with mild cognitive impairment carrying the T variant of the Glu/Asp NOS3 polymorphism. Neuroscience Letters, 358, 5-8. PubMed. Alegret, M., Valldeoriola, F., Tolosa, E., Vendrell, P., Junque, C., Martinez, J., Rumia, J. (2003). Cognitive effects of unilateral posteroventral pallidotomy: a 4-year follow-up study. Movement Disorders, 18(3), 323-328. PubMed. Gimenez, M., Junque, C., Perez, M., Vendrell, P., Baeza, I., Salamero, M., Mercader, J.M., Bernardo, M. (2003). Basal ganglia NAA/Cho correlates with Tower of Hanoi performance in neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients. Neuroscience Letters, 347, 97-100. PubMed. Mañeru, C., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Junqué, C., Salgado-Pineda, P., Bargalló, N., Olondo, M., Botet-Mussons, F., Tallada, M. y Mercader, J.M. (2003). Residual hippocampal atrophy in asphyxiated term neonates. Journal of Neuroimaging, 13, 68-74. PubMed. Mañeru, C., Junqué, C., Salgado-Pineda, P., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Bartrés-Faz, D., Ramirez-Ruiz, B., Bargalló, N., Tallada, M. y Botet, F. (2003). Corpus callosum atrophy in adolescents with antecedents of moderate perinatal asphyxia. Brain Injury, 17, 1003-1009. PubMed. Massana, G., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Salgado-Pineda, P., Gastó, C., Junqué, C., Massana, J. y Mercader, J.M. (2003). Parahippocampal gray matter decrease in panic disorder: a voxel-based morphometric study. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160, 566-568. PubMed. Massana, G., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Salgado-Pineda, P., Gastó, C., Junqué, C., Massana, J., Mercader, J.M., Gómez, B., Tobeña, A y Salamero, M. (2003). Amygdalar atrophy in panic disorder subjects detected by volumetric magnetic resonance imaging. Neuroimage, 19, 80-90. PubMed. Mataro, M., Poca, M.A., Salgado, P., Castell-Conesa, J., Sahuquillo, J., Diez, M., Aguade-Bruix, S., Vendrell, P., Matarin, M., Junque, C. (2003). Post surgical cerebral perfusion in idiophatic normal pressure hydrocephalus: A statistical parametric mapping study of SPECT images. Journal of Nuclear Medicine, 44(19), 1884-1889. PubMed. Narberhaus, A., Giménez-Navarro, M., Caldú-Ferrús, X., Botet-Mussons, F., Bargalló, N., Segarra-Castells, M.D. (2003). Estudio neuropsicológico de trillizas con antecedentes de prematuridad. Revista de Neurología, 37(2), 118-121. PubMed. Narberhaus, A., Segarra, M.D., Verger, K., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Salgado-Pineda, P., Bartomeus, F. y Mercader, J.M. (2003). Evaluación de la atrofia cerebral difusa en pacientes con antecedentes de traumatismo craneoencefálico y su relación con el deterioro cognitivo. Revista de Neurología, 36, 926-929. PubMed. Pueyo, R., Junqué, C., Vendrell, P. Neuropsychological differences between bilateral dyskinetic and spastic cerebral palsy (2003). Journal of Child Neurology, (en premsa). Pueyo, R., Mañeru, C., Junqué, C., Vendrell, P., Pujol, J., Mataró, M., Estevez-González, A., García-Sánchez, C. (2003). Quantitative signal intensity measures on magnetic resonance imaging in attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neuropsychiatry Neuropsychology and Behavioral Neurology (Cognitive and Behavioral Neurology), 16, 75-81. PubMed. Román, F., Salgado-Pineda, P., Bartrés-Faz, D., Sánchez-Navarro, J.P., Martínez-Lage, J., López-Hernández, F., Bargalló, N., Falcón, C., Junqué, C. (2003). Neuropsychological deficits in a child with penetrating brain injury. Brain Injury , 17, 695-700. PubMed. Salgado-Pineda, P., Román, F., Sánchez-Navarro, J.P., López Hernández, F., Bargalló, N., Falcón, C., Ramírez-Ruiz, B., Caldú-Ferrús, X., Martínez-Lage, J. (2003). Activación cerebral durante el test de Stroop en un caso de lesión cerebral temprana. Revista de Neurología, 36(4), 343-47. PubMed. Salgado-Pineda, P., Baeza, I., Perez-Gomez, M., Vendrell, P., Junque, C., Bargallo, N., Bernardo, M. (2003). Sustained attention impairment correlates to gray matter decreases in first episode neuroleptic-naive schizophrenic patients. Neuroimage, 19(2), 365-375. PubMed. Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Salgado-Pineda, P., Junqué, C., Solé-Padullés, C., Moral, P., López-Alomar, A., López, T., López-Guillén, A., Bargalló, N., Mercader, J.M., Clemente, I.C. y Bartrés-Faz, D. (2003). Apolipoproteins E and C1 and brain morphology in memory impaired elders. Neurogenetics, 4, 141-146. PubMed. Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Salgado-Pineda, P., Massana, G. y Sánchez-Turet, M. (2003). Técnicas morfométricas para el análisis de estructuras cerebrales de imágenes de resonancia magnética: aplicaciones en psiquiatría. Psiquiatría Biológica, 10 (1), 17-24. Bartrés-Faz, D., Junqué, C., Moral, P., López-Alomar, A., Sánchez-Aldeguer, J., Clemente, I.C. (2002). Apolipoprotein E gender effects on cognitive performance in age-associated memory impairment. Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 14, 80-83. PubMed. Bartrés-Faz, D., Junque, C., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., López-Alomar, A., Moya, A., Bargalló, N., Mercader, J.M., Moral, P. y Clemente, I.C. (2002). Dopamine DRD2 Taq I polymorphism associates with caudate nucleus volume and cognitive performance in memory impaired subjects. Neuroreport, 13, 1121-1125. PubMed. Bartrés-Faz, D., Clemente, I.C., Monràs, M., Muñoz, M., López-Alomar, A., Valveny, N., Moral, P., Gual, A., Sánchez-Turet, M., Guardia, J., Junqué, C. (2002). Relation of Apo E and ACE genes to cognitive performance in chronic alcoholic patients. Addiction Biology, 7, 227-233. PubMed. Bartrés-Faz, D., Junqué, C., Clemente, I.C., López-Alomar, A., Bargalló, N., Mercader, J.M., Moral, P. (2002). Relationship among ¹H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy, brain volumetry and genetic polymorphisms in humans with memory impairment. Neuroscience Letters, 327, 177-180. PubMed. Jurado, M.A., Junqué, C., Vallejo, J., Salgado, P., Grafman, J. (2002). Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients are impaired in remembering temporal order and in judging their own performance. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 24, 261-269. Mañeru, C., Junque, C. (2002). Cognitive deficit in perinatal asphyxia. Revista de Neurología, 34(12), 1171-1177. PubMed. Massana, G., Gasto, C., Junque, C., Mercader, J.M., Gomez, B., Massana, J., Torres, X., Salamero, M. (2002). Reduced levels of creatine in the right medial temporal lobe region of panic disorder patients detected with (1)H magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Neuroimage, 16(3 Pt 1), 836-842. PubMed. Pueyo R, Vendrell P. (2002). Neuropsicología de la parálisis cerebral. Revista de Neurología, 34, 1080-1087. Pueyo R, Vendrell P, Bargalló, Mercader JM. (2002). Neuroimagen y parálisis cerebral. Revista de Neurología, 35, 463-469 Salgado, P., Vendrell, P., Bargalló, N., Falcón, C., Junqué, C. (2002). Resonancia magnética funcional en la evaluación de la actividad del cingulado anterior mediante el paradigma de Stroop Revista de Neurología, 34, 607-611. PubMed. Summerfield, C., Jack, A.I., Burgess, A.P. (2002). Induced gamma activity is associated with conscius awareness of pattern masked nouns. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 44, 93-100. Summerfield, C., Gomez-Anson, B., Tolosa, E., Mercader, J.M., Marti, M.J., Pastor, P., Junque, C. (2002). Dementia in Parkinson disease: a proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy study. Archives of Neurology, 59(9), 1415-1420. Alegret, M., Junque, C., Valldeoriola, F., Vendrell, P., Martí, M.J., Tolosa, E. (2001). Obsessive-compulsive symptoms in Parkinson's disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 70, 394-396. PubMed. Alegret, M., Junque, C., Pueyo, R., Valldeoriola, F., Vendrell, P., Tolosa, E., Mercader, J.M. (2001). MRI atrophy parameters related to cognitive and motor impairment in Parkinson's disease. Neurologia, 16(2), 63-69. PubMed. Alegret, M., Junque, C., Valldeoriola, F., Vendrell, P., Pilleri, M., Rumia, J., Tolosa, E. (2001). Effects of bilateral subthalamic stimulation on cognitive function in Parkinson disease. Archives of Neurology, 58(8), 1223-1227. PubMed. Alegret, M., Vendrell, P., Junque, C., Valldeoriola, F., Tolosa, E. (2001). Visuospatial deficits in Parkinson's disease assessed by judgment of line orientation test: error analyses and practice effects. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 23, 592-598. Bartres-Faz, D., Clemente, I.C., Junque, C. (2001). White matter changes and cognitive performance in aging. Revista de Neurología, 33(4), 347-353. PubMed. Bartrés-Faz, D., Clemente, I.C., Junque, C., Valveny, N., Lopez-Alomar, A., Sanchez-Aldeguer, J., Lopez-Guillen, A., Moral, P. (2001). APOE and APOC1 genetic polymorphisms in age-associated memory impairment. Neurogenetics, 3, 215-219. PubMed. Bartrés-Faz, D., Junque, C., Lopez-Alomar, A., Valveny, N., Moral, P., Casamayor, R., Salido, A., Bel, C., Clemente, I.C. (2001). Neuropsychological and genetic differences between age-associated memory impairment and mild cognitive impairment entities. Journal of American Geriatric Society, 49, 985-990. PubMed. Bartres-Faz, D., Junque, C., Clemente, I.C., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Guardia, B., Lopez-Alomar, A., Sanchez-Aldeguer, J., Mercader, J., Bargallo, N. , Olondo, M.L., Moral, P. (2001). MRI and genetic correlates of cognitive function in elders with memory impairment. Neurobiology of Aging, 22, 449-459. PubMed. Gutierrez, F., Torrens, M., Boget, M.T., Martin, R., Sangorrin, J., Perez, G., Salamero, M. (2001). Psychometric properties of the temperament and character inventory (TCI) questionnaire in a spanish psychiatric population. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 103, 143-147. Jurado, M.A., Junque, C. , Vallejo, J., Salgado, P. (2001). Impairment of incidental memory for frequency in patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychiatry Research, 104, 213-220. Mañeru, C., Junque, C., Bargallo, N., Olondo, M.L., Botet, F., Tallada, M., Guardia, J., Mercader, J. (2001). 1H-MR spectroscopy is sensitive to subtle effects of perinatal asphyxia. Neurology, 57, 1115-1118. PubMed. Mañeru, C., Junque, C., Botet, F., Tallada, M., Guardia, J. (2001). Neuropsychological long-term sequelae of perinatal asphyxia. Brain Injury, 15, 1029-1039. PubMed. Massana, J., Lopez-Risueño, J.A., Masana, G., Marcos, T., Gonzalez, L., Otero, A. (2001). Subtyping of panic disorder patients with bradycardia. European Psychiatry, 16, 109-114. Mataro, M., Junque, C., Poca, M.A., Sahuquillo, J. (2001). Neuropsychological findings in congenital and acquired childhood hydrocephalus. Neuropsychology Review, 11(4), 169-178. Mataro, M., Jurado, M.A., Garcia-Sanchez, C., Barraquer, L., Costa-Jussa, F.R., Junque, C. (2001). Long-term effects of bilateral frontal brain lesion: 60 years after injury with an iron bar. Archives of Neurology, 58(7), 1139-1142. Mataro, M., Poca, M.A., Sahuquillo, J., Pedraza, S., Ariza, M., Amorós, S., Junque, C. (2001). Neuropsychological outcome in relation to the traumatic coma data bank classification of computed tomography imaging. Journal of Neurotrauma, 18, 869-879. Pujol, J., Vendrell, P., Deus, J., Junque, C. , Bello, J., Martí-Vilalta, J.L., Capdevila, A. (2001). The effect of medial frontal and posterior parietal demyelinating lesions on stroop interference Neuroimage, 13, 68-75. Rami-Gonzalez, L., Bernardo, M. , Boget, M.T., Salamero, M., Gil-Verona, J., Junque, C. (2001). Subtypes of memory dysfunction associated with ECT: charascteristics and neurobiological bases. The Journal of ECT, 17, 129-135. Verger, K., Junque, C., Levin, H.S., Jurado, M.A., Perez-Gomez, M., Bartrés-Faz, D., Barrios, M., Alvarez, A., Bartumeus, F., Mercader, J. (2001). Correlation of artrophy measures on MRI with neuropsychological sequelae in children and adolescents with traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 15, 211-221. PubMed. Verger, K., Serra-Grabulosa, J.M., Junque, C., Alvarez, A., Bartrés-Faz, D., Mercader, J.M. (2001). Study of the long term sequelae of traumatic brain injury: evaluation of declarative and procedural memory, and its neuroanatomic substrate. Revista de Neurología, 33(1), 30-34. PubMed. Alegret, M., Vendrell, P., Junque, C,, Valldeoriola, F., Nobbe, F., Rumia, J., Tolosa, E. (2000). Effects of unilateral posteroventral pallidotomy on “on-off” cognitive fluctuations in Parkinson’s disease. Neuropsychologia, 38, 628-633. PubMed. Bartres-Faz, D., Junque, C., Clemente, I., Lopez-Alomar, A., Valveny, N., Lopez-Guillen, A., Lopez, T., Cubells, M.J., Moral, P. (2000). Angiotensin I converting enzyme polymorphism in humans with age-associated memory impairment: relationship with cognitive performance. Neuroscience Letters, 290, 177-180. PubMed. Bartres-Faz, D., Tormos, J.M., Junque, C., Pascual-Leone, A. (2000). Transcranial magnetic stimulation: contribution to psychiatry and to the study of brain-behavior relationship. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 28(2), 130-136. PubMed. Bartres-Faz, D., Junque, C., Tormos, J.M., Pascual-Leone, A. (2000). The application of transcranial magnetic stimulation in neuropsychological investigation. Revista de Neurología, 30(12), 1169-1174. PubMed. Junque, C. (2000). Neuropsychological sequelae of head injury. Revista de Neurología, 28(4), 423-429. Jurado, M.A., Junque, C. (2000). Criminal behavior after orbitofrontal lesion. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría, 28(5), 337-341. Jurado, M.A., Mataro, M., Verger, K., Bartomeus, F. (2000). Phonemic and semantic fluencies in traumatic brain injury patients with focal frontal lesions. Brain Injury, 14, 789-795. Mataro, M., Poca, M.A., Sahuquillo, J., Cuxart, A., Iborra, J., de la Calzada, M.D., Junque, C. (2000). Cognitive changes after cerebrospinal fluid shunting in young adults with spina bifida and assumed arrested hydrocephalus. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, 68(5), 615-621. Perez-Gomez, M., Junque, C., Mercader, J.M., Berenguer, J. (2000). Application of magnetic resonance spectroscopy in the study of brain disease. Revista de Neurología, 30(2), 155-160. Pueyo, R., Mañeru, C., Vendrell, P., Mataro, M., Estevez-Gonzalez, A., Garcia-Sanchez, C., Junque, C. (2000). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Cerebral asymmetry observed on magnetic resonance. Revista de Neurología, 30(10), 920-925. PubMed. Verger, K., Junque, C., Jurado, M.A., Tresserras, P., Bartomeus, F., Nogues, P., Poch, J.M. (2000). Age effects on longterm neuropsychological outcome in paediatric traumatic brain injury. Brain Injury, 14, 495-503. |