Aiming to do a Post-Doc at the University of Barcelona? Now open Margarita Salas and María Zambrano fellowships to join our Translational Neuropharmacology program

Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move? The Margarita Salas and María Zambrano Postdoctoral Fellowships are a great option if you are aiming to give your career a boost by working abroad in Translational Neuropharmacology, thus, the Institute of Neurosciences of the University of Barcelona will allow you to work in a first-class research environment.




Group and project information

Applicants will be integrated into the research group “Neuropharmacology & Pain”

The Neuropharmacology and Pain Research Group ( is a multidisciplinary team implementing the latest neuropharmacology approaches based on the rational design of drugs, the identification of targets and therapeutic agents, and the generation of efficient systems for the drug delivery (i.e., photopharmacology). Thus, in recent years we have been evolving into an integrated research team with strong alliances between basic and clinical sciences that has allowed us to identify and evaluate unmet pharmacotherapeutic needs in neurobiology.

The project, entitled “Dynamics of heteroreceptor macromolecular assemblies (MMAs) in schizophrenia, neurodegenerative disorders and pain”, consists of deciphering the dynamics of neurotransmitter heteroreceptor formation and pharmacological interplay within the context of native and in vitro recreated MMAs to better define personalized therapeutic programs.


Functions and tasks

The candidate will be responsible and/or contributing to:

The functional characterization of human brain receptorsomes (MMAs).

The electrophysiology (MEA) involved in the project.

Photopharmacology needed to remotely control GPCRs.

Preclinical Molecular Imaging (PET/SPECT/CT/OI)


Requirements for candidates:


PhD candidates must fulfill eligibility of the MS/MZ call:

Experience in molecular pharmacology, electrophysiology and/or animal behavior will be considered.



English: Good/Excellent

Working conditions:

Full time temporary contract

Gross salary (see the call)

Duration: ranging from 12 to 36 months depending on the typology of the fellow

Starting date: flexible


How to apply

Please submit your CV to: Francisco Ciruela (; Reference: MS/MZ Candidate)


Deadline: 01/07/2022