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Master in Translational Medicine-MSc

Prof. Josep M Llovet

Professor of Medicine-Hepatic Oncology, Director, Master in Translational Medicine, University of Barcelona Professor of Research-ICREA, IDIBAPS Hospital Clínic Barcelona

Welcome from the coordinator

The Official Master in Translational Medicine-MSc from the University of Barcelona offers the opportunity to gain an excellent training both in academia and research.

  • Academic. The Master provides comprehensive and updated knowledge of the basic, clinical and epidemiological entities associated with major human pathogenesis, examined from a cross-sectional view.
  • Research. It provides a comprehensive access to knowledge and skills necessary to develop research projects related to translational medicine.

The master can be completed in 1 or 2 years, depending on the needs of the students. The total number of credits of the Master is 60 Credits (27,67 €/credit for EU citizens - 82€/credit for foreigners - 2024-2025 fees - Tuition price and other academic services) and the official language of the Master is English. An important part of the Master is dedicated to practical training in research.

In recent years, there is a growing demand for highly qualified scientific personnel to meet the needs at public research centers as well as in the pharmaceutical industry. This increase is due to the noticeable appeal for translational research demonstrated by public/governamental institutions and the progressive interest of domestic industry by biotechnology-related activities. It is plausible that the demand for professionals skilled in translational research will grow in the coming years, both in academia and enterprise. In stark contrast to this growing demand, there are currently no undergraduate studies in our country that are professionals in this type of research. This means that graduates in health sciences in our country are at disadvantage compared to similar professionals coming from the European Community, better trained in this field. This is important to a labour market increasingly globalized, especially in the field of biomedical research. This Master aims to fill this gap in the training of highly qualified professionals in translational research.

The mission for this Master is to train a new generation of researchers that are highly competitive to carry out their professional work in a field that is growing exponentially at present. For this purpose we have gathered in the current Master an outstanding set of scientists, physicians and staff from biomedical enterprises aimed to deliver state-of-the-art up-dated information in cutting-edge biomedical technologies and translational medicine.

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The purpose of this Official Master in Translational Medicine is to provide the basis for a comprehensive understanding of all new cutting-edge technologies and discoveries in biological sciences as well as their translational application in the biomedical-clinical setting.

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Edicions UB:


What is Translational Medicine

The recent advances in high-throughput technologies are revolutionizing the biomedical world. Nonetheless, basic scientists are discovering new causes of diseases, mechanisms of pathogenesis and novel drugs that are difficult to be translated into the biomedical clinical practice. This occurs in part due to the lack of a common ground of interaction between biologists, biotechnologists, geneticists, pharmacologists, physicians and biomedical companies.

We have organised this Master to link basic knowledge to clinical needs. The information provided in this Master will fulfill the requirements needed to understand translational medicine. It certainly gathers a set of professors with experience in translational medicine, along with basic scientists and physicians devoted to clinical care.

The purpose of this Master in Translational Medicine is to provide the basis for a comprehensive understanding of all new cutting-edge technologies and discoveries in biological sciences and be able to understand their translational or clinical application in biomedicine.

* Master linked to the doctoral program “Medicine”, with Quality Mention (ANECA).


Joan Clària

Joan Clària

Senior Consultant at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Biomedical Diagnostic Center, Hospital Clínic - Tenure-track Professor, Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona

Josep M Llovet

Josep M Llovet

ICREA Professor, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona. Director of the Liver Cancer Program, MSSM (New York). Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barceona

Manuel Morales-Ruiz

Manuel Morales-Ruiz

Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Department, Hospital Clínic, IDIBAPS

Núria López-Bigas

Núria López-Bigas

Group Leader ICREA Research Professor, UPF Assistant Professor, ERC Consolidator Grant

Ángela Domínguez

Ángela Domínguez

Medicine Department, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona - Epidemiology and Public Health CIBER, Instituto de Salud Carlos III

Pastora Martínez

Pastora Martínez

Vice-Rector of Globalization and Cooperation, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya

Wladimiro Jiménez

Wladimiro Jiménez

Head of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics Dept., Hospital Clínic, IDIBAPS - Assistant Professor, Dept. Physiological Sciences I, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona

Aleix Prat

Aleix Prat

Head of the Clinical Oncology Department at Hospital Clínic and of the Translational genomics and targeted therapeutics in solid tumors research team at IDIBAPS

Núria Casamitjana

Núria Casamitjana

ISGlobal Training & Education Director - Associate Professor, Dept Pharmacology and Therapeutic Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona

Antoni Trilla

Antoni Trilla

Chief of Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology at Hospital Clínic of Barcelona - Professor of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona - Research Professor, CRESIB.

Anna Planas

Anna Planas

IIBB-CSIC-IDIBAPS Researcher at the team Brain ischemia: Clinical and experimental studies

Manel Esteller

Manel Esteller

Director, Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) , ICREA Research Professor Genetics Chairman, School of Medicine, University of Barcelona

Ivo Gut

Ivo Gut

Director, Centro Nacional de Análisis Genómico (CNAG)

Ginés Escolar

Ginés Escolar

Head of the Department of Hemotherapy and Hemostasis, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona - Adjunct medical lecturer, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona

Antoni Castells

Antoni Castells

Medical Director, Hospital Clínic of Barcelona - IDIBAPS - Associate Professor, Dept of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Barcelona

The key to any translational medicine initiative is to make sure the advances of the laboratory are finding their way into the lives of life patients

Academic program 2025-26

                                     Master's Course Schedule         Location

List of subjects offered (2025-2026)




Optional Course: "Use of Laboratory Animals in Research" CCiT

General Information - Entry Requirements - Finding a Research Group - Student's Guide

Contact Information

Contact Information

Master Secretariat
Ariadna Farré / Laura Brescó
Phone: +34 93 2279155 / +34 93 3129499

Faculty of Medicine (School of Medicine)
Casanova, 143 - 08036 - Barcelona
Phone Number: 93 3129499

Information for teachers

Facultat de Medicina (School of Medicine)
Master Secretariat
C/Casanova 143. 08036 Barcelona
Tel: (+34) 93 403 52 50 / 51 / 52