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Logo Universitat de Barcelona MASTER IN PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC      2022 – 2024 Imatge de diagramaci
Català Castellano  English Imatge de diagramaci Interuniversity Master  UB UPC Imatge de diagramaci
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Course requirements and academic structure
Academic calendar
Doctorate (PhD)
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2006–2008 edition
2008–2010 edition
2010–2012 edition
2012–2014 edition
2014–2016 edition
2016–2018 edition
2018–2020 edition
2020–2022 edition
2022–2024 edition
News: Excellence Stipendium
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This Master aims to provide a thorough grounding in all aspects of advanced logic, both pure and applied. On completion, students will have the necessary skills to be able to continue with their postgraduate studies, put their knowledge into practice in the job market, or start undertaking research in many of the central areas in the field of logic.


This Master is organized jointly by the University of Barcelona (UB) and the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), with the collaboration of the Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) of the CSIC. The Master complies with the new Spanish regulations for postgraduate studies (Real Decreto 1393/2007 and 861/2010), which aim at the construction of an European Higher Education Area following the guidelines of the Bologna Declaration (1999), and has been aproved by ANECA and the Generalitat de Catalunya.

The following departments and institutes participate in the teaching of this Master:

Department of Matmematics and Computer Science (UB)
Department of Philosophy (UB)
Department of Mathematics (UPC)
Department of Computer Science (UPC)

All of the above form part of either the Faculty of Philosophy (UB), the School of Mathematics and Computer Science (UB), the School of Mathematics and Statistics (FME-UPC), and the School of Computer Science of Barcelona (FIB-UPC).

The Master courses are taught by Spain's largest cluster of specialists in the field of Logic. Our staff are active, internationally recognised experts in the following research areas: Algebraic Logic, Computational Complexity, History of Logic, Logical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Model Theory, Non-Classical Logics, Philosophy of Logic and of Mathematics, Proof Theory and Set Theory.

The Master in Pure and Applied Logic draws and builds on the expertise acquired from more than a decade of postgraduate courses offered as part of the University of Barcelona's Doctorate Program in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics. Click here to browse the list of PhD theses completed as part of this program.

The universities in the Barcelona area offer a wealth of opportunities in related subjects, including Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science, History of Science, Linguistics, Mathematics and Philosophy, for students wishing to further their training on successful completion of this Master.

HERE you can find a link to some of the Master Theses that were defended by our students at previous editions.



General coordinator: Prof. Joost Joosten

Coordinator at the Technical University of Catalonia: Prof. Rafel Farré

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  © University of Barcelona Webmaster: Francisco Murcia
Last updated: 18/02/22