Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació Imatge de diagramació
Logo Universitat de Barcelona MASTER IN PURE AND APPLIED LOGIC     2018 – 2020 Imatge de diagramaci
Català Castellano  English Imatge de diagramaci Interuniversity Master  UB UPC Imatge de diagramaci
Imatge de diagramació
Imatge de diagramacio
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Imatge de diagramaci
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Course Time Beginning of the course Campus Room
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SEMESTER 1 (Autumn-Winter 2018-2019)
Classes from September 2018 to January 2019
Computability L, X: 11-12:30 September 19 Nord A6-206
Basic Set Theory M, J: 12-13:30 September 18 Plaça S2
Introduction to Mathematical Logic L: 12:30-14
X: 9:30-11
September 12 Nord A6-206
Non-Classical Logics M, J: 8-9:30 September 13 Plaça S2
Orders, Lattices and Boolean Algebras M, J: 10-11:30 September 13 Raval 410
Universal Algebra L, X: 16-17:30 September 13 Plaça S1
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SEMESTER 2 (Winter-Spring 2019)
Classes from February 2019 to June 2019
Algebraic Logic M, J: 16-18 March 12 Raval 412
Basic Model Theory L, X: 9-11 March 11 Nord A6-104
Combinatorial Set Theory M, J: 10:30-12 February 12 Plaça S2
Mathematical Logic M, J: 12-13:30 February 12 Plaça S2
Modal Logic L: 12:30-14
V: 10-11:30
February 11 Raval 402
The Development of Formal Logic X, V: 12:30-14 February 13 Raval 402
Complexity L, J: 12-14 February 11 Nord A6-104
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SEMESTER 3 (Autumn-Winter 2019-2020)
Classes from September 2019 to January 2020
Abstract Algebraic Logic M, J: 12:15-13:45 September 17 Raval 409
Advanced Model Theory

L: 9-10:30,
V: 11:30-13

September 13 Plaça S2
Many-Valued Logics L: 10:30-12
X: 8-9:30
September 18 Plaça S2
Models of Set Theory M, J: 10:30-12 September 12 Plaça S2
Proof Theory and Automated Theorem Proving        
DesdeForm 16 September to 30 October: L: 12-13:30
X: 11-12:30
September 16 Plaça S2
DesdeFrom 5 October on: M: 9-10
X: 11-13
October 5 Raval 409
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Imatge de diagramaci
SEMESTER 4 (Winter-Spring 2020)
Classes from February 2020 to June 2020
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   L Monday (Lunes)
   M Tuesday (Martes)
   X Wednesday   (Miércoles)
   J Thursday (Jueves)
   V Friday (Viernes)
Nord North campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC
Omega building: North campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC
(map; photo)
Plaça University of Barcelona, Faculty of Mathematics, Plaça de la Universitat
Raval University of Barcelona, Faculties of Philosophy, Geography and History, c. de Montalegre, 6
Sud South campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, c. Pau Gargallo, 5 (building U)
UAB Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra (Building to be determined)

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  © University of Barcelona Webmaster: Francisco Murcia
Last updated: 03/09/19