Course |
Time |
Beginning of the course |
Campus |
Room |
SEMESTER 1 (Autumn-Winter
Classes from September 2016 to January 2017 |
Computability |
L, X: 11-12:30 |
September 12
| Nord |
A6101 |
Basic Set Theory |
M, J: 12-13:30 |
September 15 |
Plaça |
B7 |
Introduction to Mathematical Logic |
L, X: 12:30-14 |
September 12 |
Nord |
A6101 |
Non-Classical Logics |
L, X: 8:30-10 |
September 19 |
Plaça |
B2 |
Orders, Lattices and Boolean Algebras |
M, J: 10-11:30 |
September 20 |
Raval |
411 |
Universal Algebra |
M, J: 16-17:30 |
September 20 |
Plaça |
S2 |
SEMESTER 2 (Winter-Spring
Classes from February 2017 to June 2017 |
Algebraic Logic |
M, J: 16-18 |
February 14 |
Raval |
409 |
Basic Model Theory |
L, X: 12:30-14 |
February 13 |
Nord |
A6104 |
Combinatorial Set Theory |
M, J: 10:30-12 |
February 14 |
Plaça |
S2 |
Mathematical Logic |
M, J: 12:30-14 |
February 14 |
Plaça |
S2 |
Modal Logic |
M, X: 18:30-20 |
February 14 |
Raval |
409 |
The Development of Formal Logic |
L: 9:30-10:30
X: 9:30-11:30 |
February 13 |
Raval |
411 |
Complexity |
L, V: 12-14 |
February 13 |
Nord |
A6101 |
SEMESTER 3 (Autumn-Winter 2017-2018)
Classes from September 2017 to January 2018 |
Abstract Algebraic Logic |
M, J: 12:30-14 |
September 19 |
Raval |
412 |
Advanced Model Theory |
M: 9-11
J: 9-10 |
September 12 |
Plaça |
S2 |
Many-Valued Logics |
L, X: 10-11:30 |
September 14 |
Plaça |
S1 |
Models of Set Theory |
L, X: 12-13:30 |
September 13 |
Plaça |
S1 |
Proof Theory and Automated Theorem Proving |
M, J: 11-12:30
September 19 |
Raval |
402 |
SEMESTER 4 (Winter-Spring 2018)
Classes from February 2018 to June 2018 |
Complexity |
M, J: 8-10 |
Nord |
A5203 |
L: |
Monday |
(Lunes) |
M: |
Tuesday |
(Martes) |
X: |
Wednesday |
(Miércoles) |
J: |
Thursday |
(Jueves) |
V: |
Friday |
(Viernes) |
Nord: |
North campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC |
Omega building: |
North campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, UPC
(map; photo) |
Plaça: |
University of Barcelona, Faculty of Mathematics, Plaça de la Universitat |
Raval: |
University of Barcelona, Faculties of Philosophy, Geography and History, c. de Montalegre, 6 |
Sud: |
South campus of the Technical University of Catalonia, Faculty of Mathematics and Statistics, c. Pau Gargallo, 5 (building U) |
UAB: |
Campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona, Bellaterra (Building to be determined) |