Air quality 24-hour forecast: O3

1h-maximum value of ozone surface concentration for Catalunya.

ARAMIS modelling system: WRFv4.3, HIREMv2.0, CMAQv4.7.1

Catalunya O3

Air quality 48-hour forecast: N02

1h-maximum value of nitrogen dioxide surface concentration for Catalunya.

ARAMIS modelling system: WRFv4.3, HIREMv2.0, CMAQv4.7.1

Catalunya NO2

Meteorology 24-hour forecast

Wind field at 10 m and temperature at 2 m at 1200 UTC for Catalunya.

ARAMIS modelling system: WRFv4.3, HIREMv2.0, CMAQv4.7.1

Catalunya Wind and Temperature

The mesoscale and microscale atmospheric modelling and research group (MAiR) was set up in January 2010 through an initiative of a group of researchers from the Department of Astronomy and Meteorology of the University of Barcelona. MAiR is specialized in the development and use of meso and micro scale atmospheric numerical models applied to meteorology and mainly to atmospheric pollutant transport and diffusion.

Latest Blog Posts

15 May

Ozone forecast season starts

The MAiR group is responsible of providing the ozone forecast (for 24 and 48h) for Catalunya every day through the system.

Research / Latest Projects & Publications

  • Analysis of turbulent exchange and coherent structures in the stable atmospheric boundary layer based on tower observations. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 64:62--78.
    Ferreres, E. Soler, M. Terradellas, E. 2013
  • Model simulation of gravity waves triggered by a density current. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 139:701-714
    Udina, M., Soler, M.R., Viana, S., Yagüe, C. 2013.
  • Observational and numerical simulation study of a sequence of eight atmospheric density currents in northern Spain. Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 153(2): 195-216
    Soler, M., Udina, M., Ferreres, E. 2014