
Esther Arroyo Amayuelas (Chair holder)

Full Professor of Civil Law at the U. Barcelona. She has been a fellow of the DAAD (2003), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (2006-2007) and the European Law Institute (2010). She has also been a Visiting Scholar at different Spanish, American, European and Asian universities. She is currently Professor of Comparative Private Law and European Contract Law at the University of Barcelona and at the Westfälische-Wilhems University of Münster (Lehrauftrag). She is a member of the Contract Law Section of the General Codification Commission of the Generalitat de Catalunya (since 2011) and a member of the Plenary of the same Codification Commission (since 2019). She coordinates the Consolidated Research Group of the Generalitat de Catalunya (since 2014). She is currently dealing with the challenges of the digital revolution for a modern e-commerce law.

Miriam Anderson

Associate Professor of Civil Law at the U. Barcelona. Her lines of research includes real rights, with special interest in the areas of housing and mortgage law, but also with inheritance law, contract law and consumer protection law. She is founder and co-director of the Real Estate Law and Residential Mediation Clinic of the University of Barcelona (ClinHab), and she regularly participates in European research projects, such as the Common Core Project led by the University of Trento. In addition to her teaching activities at degree and master level, she is also promoting the transfer of knowledge through training in housing matters to professionals from public administrations, the third sector and to elderly people.

Lidia Arnau Raventós

Associate Professor of Civil Law at the U. Barcelona. Her lines of research and lectures are focused on contract law and, in particular, on consumer contract law. She has been a Visiting Scholar at the Universities of Turin, Puerto Rico, Lyon (Lumière II) and Nova Southeastern University (Florida). Since 2017 she is an arbitrator of the Consumer Arbitration Board of Catalonia and since 2018 she is the editor of the Revista Catalana de Dret Privat. Nowadays, she is dealing with the new digital objects of contracting on digital contents and with the challenges of the transposition of European directives in Catalonia.

Laura Huici Sancho

Associate Professor of International Public Law at the U. Barcelona. She was awarded with the First Special Mention in the Thesis Competition of the EU Committee of the Regions (2001). Visiting professor at different Spanish, American and European universities. Assistant Director of the Master’s Degree in International Studies at the U. Barcelona (since 2006). Her teaching activities includes International Public Law and European Union Institutions and Law in various degree and masters level. Her main lines of research are, in Public International Law, the Law of International Organizations and, in European Union Law, Inter-institutional Relations and Relations with Internal Legal Systems. She is currently working on the governance of the Economic and Monetary Union.


Mònica Navarro-Michel

Associate Professor of Civil Law at the U. Barcelona. Extraordinary PhD award (2000). Her lines of research focus on Civil Liability and Family Law. Visiting Professor at the Nova Southeastern University (Florida), at the U. Autónoma de Chile and at the KU Leuven, she has also completed research stays at other European universities (U. of Manchester). Founding member of the Transjus Institute for Legal Research (U. Barcelona) and executive director of the Journal of Bioethics and Law. Vice-Dean of Research and International Relations at the UB Faculty of Law (2011-2016) and previously Assistant to this position (2008-2011). The teachings she gives in various masters programs (Bioethics and Law; Business and Corporate Law) are the result of her many publications, both national and international. Her recent specialization is in the area of artificial intelligence and the welfare of the elderly people.