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Postdoctoral position on morphological novelties and insect evolution

The Almudi lab located at the Genetics, Microbiology & Statistics Department, at the University of Barcelona is offering one postdoctoral position to work in the mayFLYeye ERC-CoG-funded project.

The laboratory is interested in understanding the origin of new organs during the radiation of winged insects. With this aim, the Almudi lab is using single cell –omics approaches to address how morphological novelties appeared, evolved and promoted the outstanding radiation of the insect lineage and the conquest of the sky. During the last years, the laboratory has established the mayfly species, Cloeon dipterum, as an emergent model organism to investigate insect evolution and evolutionary novelties (see Almudi et al., (2020) Nat Comms 11, 2631; Almudi et al., (2019) Evodevo 10, 6). The specific aims of the mayFLYeye project are studying the origin and evolution of the regulatory networks responsible for the appearance of wings in insects.

The postdoctoral researcher should have completed a PhD in the field of Biology, Computational Biology or related areas, ability to work independently and as part of a team and proficiency in English (oral and written). The position will combine molecular biology and bioinformatics. Previous experience in transcriptomics, epigenetics or single cell approaches, programming skills in languages commonly used in bioinformatics (Python or R, etc), creativity and high motivation are highly encouraged.

Job description
We are offering 1 year initially with possibility of 2-3 years of extension. Remuneration is based on professional experience (29000€ - 34000€ gross/year). The expected starting date is from June 2024.

Working environment and life in Barcelona
The postdoctoral researcher will join the Almudi lab, recently established at the Department of Genetics, Microbiology and Statistics and the Institute de la Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio) at the University of Barcelona. This department offers a priviledged environment to researchers, including the so-called “Barcelona Evo-Devo School”, with an excellent international community in one of the best universities in Spain. The team is committed to maintaining a respectful, inclusive, and friendly working environment, as well as promoting your career development. Barcelona is a cosmopolitan and vibrant city and a major cultural, economic, and financial centre in southwestern Europe, as well as the main biotech hub in Catalonia and Spain.

Application procedure
Interested candidates should submit a single pdf file with a motivation letter, a short description of current and past research projects and their CV to ialmudi@ub.edu. Recommendation letters are not crucial at this stage.

March 31st, 2024. Applicants who are short-listed for the positions will be contacted personally.
For more information, please check https://www.mayflyecoevodevo.com/home or contact: ialmudi@ub.edu