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International Environmental Film Festival at the University of Barcelona

Some of the best shortfilms on the environment can be seen for free at the UB thanks to the International Environmental Film Festival (SUNCINE). The faculties of Law and Information and Audiovisual Media will hold the following activities:

Thursday, November 7: 14 pm, Saló de Graus room of the Faculty of Law. Screenings:

  • The new environmentalists - From Hanoi to Paris (United States, 2018), by John Antonelli, Will Parrinello and Matt Yamashita
  • L’eau est la vie: From Standing Rock to the Swamp (United States, 2019), by Sam Vinal
  • 7 hectares back (Poland, 2019), by Dorota and Robert Migas Mazur

There will be a following debate with Alexandre Peñalver i Cabré, lecturer of Administrative Law and coordinator of the Legal Environmental Clinic of the Faculty of Law, and the ecologist groups SOS Delta, Depana, Fons de Defensa Ambiental and Water is Life platform.


Monday, November 11, 13 noon, boardroom of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media: screenings of  Love flows (United States, 2019), by Francisco Campos-López, and The ocean inside us (United Kingdom, 2019), with a following debate with the directors

Tuesday, November 12, 13 noon, boardroom of the Faculty of Information and Audiovisual Media: screenings of Lawqa (Lauca), que el parque vuelva a ser parque (Chile, 2018), by Raimundo Gómez, and Mana (Singapore, Germany and India, 2019), by Bhavna Shivayogimath, with a following debate with its directors.

Further information

Link to the UB article