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Get to know CeDocBiV

Research staff
On June 12 we have a scheduled visit to the Plant Biodiversity Documentation Center for the members of the IRBio

The Plant Biodiversity Documentation Center (CeDocBiV) was created in 2001 with the intention of bringing together UB funds in the field of plant biodiversity. Among these funds is the herbarium of the UB, a collection of more than 400,000 copies. It includes important historical collections of the nineteenth century, a collection of teaching support, one of ethnobotany and one of fruits and seeds. In this visit we will explain the origin of the CeDocBiV, its function within the UB and all the possibilities - which are many and varied - of support for teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge in the field of botany . We will see the facilities of the herbal and we will explain how it is organized and the services it offers. The duration of the visit will be about 45 minutes.

We leave you a doodle to know which hours you want to point out:

Vegetal Documentation Center for Biodiversity
CRAI - University of Barcelona
Baldiri Reixac Street, 2nd floor 2nd
08028 Barcelona
Loss and fax 93 403 70 19
E-mail: cedocbiv@ub.edu