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Flora and fauna in the 'Pietat Desplà' by Bartolomé Bermejo Interactive

When the recently restored 'Pietat Desplà' (1490) by Bartholomew Bermejo, considered the best Flemish painting outside Flanders, was unveiled on March 23 in Barcelona, many attendees marveled at the abundance of animals and plants surrounding the central scene Of the altarpiece (the Virgin weeping the corpse of Christ, in the midst of the kneeling figures of St. Jerome and Lluís Desplà, principal of the work and archdeacon of the Cathedral). The identification of the species was carried out by a team of botanists and zoologists from the Universitat de Barcelona (UB) and the Institut de Recerca de la Biodiversitat (IRBio-UB) during the restoration of the work, coordinated by the restorer of the Cathedral Ana Ordóñez and financed by the Fundació Banc Sabadell.

Interactive webside: Flora y fauna en la 'Pietat Desplà' de Bartolomé Bermejo