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Doctoral thesis: New Perspectives of Soil Insect Community Ecology in the Anthropocene

Research staff
On September 9, 2024 at 11:00 a.m., Miquel Ferrín Guardiola will present his doctoral thesis entitled:
"New Perspectives of Soil Insect Community Ecology in the Anthropocene: Assessing the Impact of Global Change Across Different Climate Regions"
The thesis focuses on the ecology of soil insect communities, exploring new challenges and perspectives in the Anthropocene era. The study assesses how global change affects these communities in various climate regions.
Dr. Guille Peguero
Dr. Josep Peñuelas
Place: Room Josep Vendrell, Faculty of Biosciences, UAB
Organized by IRBio and CREAF.
Come and discover new knowledge about the impact of global change on soil ecosystems!