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Call for postdoctoral “A Deep Learning Reconstruction of Animal Behaviour”

A Deep Learning Reconstruction of Animal Behaviour

The development of accelerometers and GPSs has enabled to instrument individual birds, in particular seabirds, and monitor the behavior of birds at sea in unprecedented detail. This is providing vast amounts of temporal series data, with the consequent challenge to develop methods appropriate for its analysis in terms that can be scientifically interpretable.


On the other hand, recent developments of specific types of Deep Learning Networks for temporal series analysis, Transformer Networks or Convolutional Networks have provided remarkable results in identifying patterns in vast datasets in a wire variety of applications.


The project we propose here is precisely aimed at developing advanced tools to identify patterns of behavior based on Deep Learning networks, overcoming a number of known problems specific to the analysis of this kind of data: vast amounts of data, vast variability specifics as a function of the kind of behavior, in most cases lack of external validation for individual instances of behaviour.


This is a collaboration between two research groups. The major research lines and publications records of each group are outlined in the following links:





Support for applicants


The University of Barcelona has an established and outstanding ECR training program in which the candidate will participate.


The International Research Projects Office at the University of Barcelona offers support to applicants (eligibility check, info sessions, feedback on the draft proposal) and has recently launched a Mentoring program specifically designed for MSCA applicants (subject to availability)


The project manager from IRBIo offers support the applicant during the writing proposal with the supervisor and the International Research Project Office.


Required Education Level Select one


Bachelor Degree or equivalent



Master Degree or equivalent



PhD or equivalent



Some experience in Data Science and Machine Learning methods are a must. Some knowledge of movement and spatial data analysis (GIS), and database management is desirable. Quantitative background in data science from any scientific discipline like engineering, physics, or biology.


Specific requirements

Programing skills with Python, Matlab and/or R.

Required languages



Basic/Good/Excellent/Mother tongue



Spanish (recommended but not obligatory)


Send the candidate’s CV, motivation letter and 2 recommendation letters to: jgsolis@ub.edu or ignasi@ub.edu  
Deadline: June 2023