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Call for postdoctoral candidates interested in applying for a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship in the field of Conservation Biology of birds of prey

Image:@Conservation Biology Group

Are you a postdoctoral researcher thinking about your next career move? The Marie Sklodowska-Curie (MSCA) Individual Fellowships are a great option if you are an experienced researcher looking to give your career a boost by working abroad.

Project information:
The project presented in which a Postdoc will be inserted is a multispecific project of Eagle Owl, Egyptian vulture and Bonelli’s eagle that would integrate habitat selection, trophic resources, movement ecology and demography to model the viability of their populations in humanized landscapes. The candidate will use close to 1000 tagged individuals of these species, 100 GPS-tracked, dietary information originated from food remains and molecular analysis and series of monitoring populations from 10 to 40 years. The candidate will use models of habitat selection and movement analysis, models of capture-recapture to estimate survival and adequate information to analyze breeding taxes.  Trophic relationships will be analyzed by molecular isotopes compared with traditional techniques. Finally, the candidate will develop integrated models to study at different perspectives the populations viability in different humanized scenarios and will provide advices to managers and stakeholders to implement management and conservation actions. The research will be published in peer-reviewed journals and disseminated in scientific and specialists’ conferences.
Research Group.
The Conservation Biology Group is a research team associated to the Department of Evolutive Biology, Ecology and Environmental Sciences (BEECA) and the Institute of Biodiversity (IRBIO) of the University of Barcelona. One of the primary research topics is focused on ecology of endangered species specifically raptors as Bonelli’s Eagle, Egyptian vulture, Griffon Vulture and Eagle Owl between others. Another important research topic is the long-term monitoring of biodiversity as integrative processes in a changing world. In the case or raptors our research goes from their basic ecology to demography, habitat relationship, trophic ecology, movement ecology and population viability devoted to disentangle key topics to be applied in conservation.
Support for applicants
The International Research Projects Office at the University of Barcelona offers support to applicants (eligibility check, info sessions, feedback on the draft proposal) and has recently launched a Mentoring programme specifically designed for MSCA applicants (subject to availability)
The project manager from IRBio offers support the applicant during the writing proposal with the supervisor and the International Research Project Office.

Eligibility criteria: Described in the Guide for Applicants of MSCA

Application deadline (internal):  June 20th, 2024

Required documents CV and motivation letter

Send your application to: Joan Real jreal@ub.edu
