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We inform you of the opening of the Call for MASTER'S AND FINAL DEGREE THESIS IN BIODIVERSITY.

Three grants of €500 each are hereby called to promote the completion of works of
master's degree (TFM) and final degree theses (TFG) in the field of biodiversity. The recipients of the aid have
to be professors of the UB and members of the IRBio who have directed TFM or TFG who have stood out for
its quality, checked based on the publication of the results obtained. The assignment
financial aid must be used to finance activities related to the realization of a
new TFM or TFG. The IRBio will grant a diploma to the student who has completed the selected work.

The requirements of the work to qualify for aid are:
• Have been presented in master's degrees or official degrees of the UB and in which the researcher
responsible has acted as director or co-director (but not as tutor).

• Have been presented in the 2017-2018 academic year or later.

• Having contributed, or been a significant part of, a scientific article that is
accepted for publication or has already been published.

• The student must be a co-author of the published article.

• In the article, the signature of the director or co-director must state his affiliation to
the IRBio.

In the selection process, the quality of the articles will be evaluated based on:

• The impact index of the magazine, the category of the magazine, the quartile and the position of the
magazine in the category. Up to 1 point.

• If it is first decile 1 point

• If Q1= 0.75 points, Q2= 0.5 points; Q3= 0.25 points

• In the event of a tie in the final score, the position of the magazine will be considered
within the category

• The number of citations obtained. Up to 1 point.

• Priority will be given to the student being the first author. Up to 1 point

• 1st author: 1 point

• 2nd author: 0.75 points

• 3rd author or more: 0.25 points

In order to stimulate the participation of IRBio members in these grants, they will be assessed with 1 point
additional works directed or co-directed by members who have not been selected in the
previous call

Maximum presentation of one work per director.
Nominations must be submitted by email to the address: irbio@ub.edu with the concept
from: "IRBio grant for TFM/TFG 2023".

The deadline for submitting nominations is June 30, 2023.
The resolution will be communicated to the candidates within 30 calendar days.


Answer to any questions by mail: irbio@ub.edu

Scolarship resolution (pdf) ⬇️