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Annunziata, R.; Martinez, P.; Arnone, M.I. Intact cluster and chordate-like expression of ParaHox genes in a sea star
Article: vol: 11 num: Pag: 68- BMC Biology. . (2013)
Arizaga, J.; Jover, Ll.; Aldalur, A.; Cuadrado, J.F.; Herrero, A.; Sanpera, C. Trophic ecology of a resident Yellow-legged Gull (Larus michahellis) population in the Bay of Biscay
Article: vol: 87-88 num: Pag: 19-25 Marine Environmental Research. . (2013)
Arizmendi-Mejía, R.; Militão, T.; Viscor, G.; González-Solís, J. Pre-breeding ecophysiology of a long-distance migratory seabird
Article: vol: 443 num: Pag: 162-168 Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. . (2013)
Armengot, L.; José-María, L.; Chamorro, L.; Sans, F.X. Weed harrowing in organically grown cereal crops avoids yield losses without reducing weed diversity
Article: vol: 33 num: 2 Pag: 405-411 Agronomy for Sustainable Development. . (2013)
Athanasiadis, G.; Moral P. Spatial principal component analysis points at global genetic structure in the Western Mediterranean.
Article: vol: 58 num: 11 Pag: 762-765 Journal of Human Genetics. . (2013)
Bahri, R.; Halima, A.B.; Ayadi, I.; Esteban, E.; Alfadhli, S.M.; Rebai, A.; Moral, P.; Chaabani, H. Genetic position of Bahrain natives among wider Middle East populations according to Alu insertion polymorphisms
Article: vol: 40 num: 1 Pag: 35-40 Annals of Human Biology. . (2013)
Bakhoum, A.J.S.; Ndiaye, P.I.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Spermatological characteristics of Elstia stossichianum (Digenea, Mesometridae) from the intestine of the cow bream (Sarpa salpa) off Dakar, Senegal
Article: vol: 87 num: 4 Pag: 422-431 Journal of Helminthology. . (2013)
Bakhoum, A.J.S.; Ribas, A.; Eira, C.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Brachycoelium salamandrae (Frölich, 1789) (Digenea: Brachycoeliidae): ultrastructural study of spermiogenesis and the mature spermatozoon
Article: vol: 252 num: 2 Pag: 149-156 Zoologischer Anzeiger. . (2013)
Bakhoum, A.J.S; Kacem, H.; Neifar, L.; Miquel, J. Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Centroderma spinosissima (Stossich, 1886) (Digenea: Mesometridae) and its phylogenetic potential
Article: vol: 45 num: 6 Pag: 428-433 Tissue & Cell. . (2013)
Barrio, I.; Bueno, C.G.; Nagy, L.; Palacio, S.; Grau, O.; Munilla, I.; García, M.B.; García-Cervigón, A.I; Gartzia, M.; Gazol, A.; Lara-Romero, C.; Anadon-Rosell, A.; Ninot, J.M.; Chocarro, C.; Alados, C.L.; Fillat, F.; Zamora, R. Alpine ecology in the Iberian Peninsula: what do we know, and what do we need to learn?
Article: vol: 33 num: 4 Pag: 437-442 Mountain Research and Development. . (2013)
Batriu, E.; Ninot, J.M.; Rovira, P.; Pino, J. Testing community as soil type and hydrologic regime predictor in an hetereogeneous landscape
Article: vol: 43 num: 3-4 Pag: 183-193 Phytocoenologia. . (2013)
Belaústegui, Z.; de Gibert, J. ; Nebelsick, J.; Domènech, R.; Martinell, J. Clypeasteroid echinoid tests as benthic islands for gastrochaenid bivalve colonization: evidence from the Middle Miocene of Tarragona, north-east SpainÂ
Article: vol: 56 num: 4 Pag: 783-796 Palaeontology. . (2013)
Benito, M.M.; Schielzeth, H.; González-Solís, J.; Becker, P.H. Sex ratio adjustments in Common Terns: the influence of environment, mate condition and maternal experience
Article: vol: 44 num: Pag: 179-188 Journal of Avian Biology. . (2013)
Borrell, A.; Velásquez-Vacca A.; Pinela A. M.; Kinze C.; Lockyer, C. H.; Vighi, M.: Aguilar, A. Stable isotopes provide insight into population structure and segregation in eastern North Atlantic sperm whales
Article: vol: 8 num: 12 Pag: e82398- PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/122524. (2013)
Briscoe, A.G.; Goodacre, S.; Masta, S.; Taylor, M.I.; Arnedo, M.A.; Penney, D.; Kenny, J.; Creer, S. Can long-range PCR be used to amplify genetically divergent mitochondrial genomes for comparative phylogenetics? A case study within spiders (Arthropoda: Araneae)
Article: vol: 8 num: 5 Pag: 1-8 PLoS One. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/124691. (2013)
Bâ, A.; Ndiaye, P.I.; Bâ, C.T.; Miquel, J. Ultrastructure of the spermatozoon of Anomotaenia quelea (Mettrick, 1961) (Cestoda, Cyclophyllidea, Dilepididae), an intestinal parasite of Quelea quelea (Aves, Ploceidae) in Senegal
Article: vol: 253 num: 2 Pag: 119-125 Zoologischer Anzeiger. . (2013)
Cabaco, S.; Apostolaki, E.T.; Garcia-Marin, P.; Gruber, R.; Hernandez, I.; Martinez-Crego, B.; Mascaro, O.; Perez, M.; Prathep, A.; Robinson, C.; Romero, J. ; Schmidt, A.L.; Short, F.T.; van Tussenbroek, B.I.; Santos, R. Effects of nutrient enrichment on seagrass population dynamics: evidence and synthesis from the biomass-density relationships
Article: vol: 101 num: 6 Pag: 1552-1556 Journal of Ecology. . (2013)
Calatayud, V.; Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Hafellner, J. Contributions to a revision of the genus Cercidospora (Dothideales), 2: Species on Lecanora s.l., Rhizoplaca and Squamarina
Article: vol: 4 num: 3 Pag: 539-557 Mycosphere. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/44473. (2013)
Cama, A.; Bort, J.; Christel, I.; Vieites, D.R.; Ferrer, X. Fishery management has a strong effect on the distribution Audouin's gull
Article: vol: 482 num: Pag: 279-286 Marine Ecology Progress Series. . (2013)
Canals, J.; Balanyà, J.; Mestres, F. Drosophilid collection in the Font Groga site, Barcelona (Spain)
Article: vol: 96 num: Pag: 185-186 Drosophila Information Service. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/49434. (2013)
Carbayo, F.; Álvarez Presas, M.; Olivares, C.; Marques, F.; Froehlich, E.; Riutort, M. Molecular phylogeny of Geoplaninae (Platyhelminthes) challenges current classification: proposal of taxonomic actions
Article: vol: 42 num: 5 Pag: 508-528 Zoologica Scripta. . (2013)
Cardona, L.; Moranta, J.; Reñones, O.; Hereu, B. Pulses of phytoplanktonic productivity may enhance sea urchin abundance and induce state shifts in Mediterranean rocky reefs
Article: vol: 133 num: Pag: 88-96 Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. . (2013)
Carnicer, J.; Stefanescu, C.; Vila, R.; Dinca, V.; Font, X.; Peñuelas, J. A unified framework for diversity gradients: the adaptive trait continuum
Article: vol: 22 num: Pag: 6-18 Global Ecology and Biogeography. . (2013)
Castaneda, L.E.; Balanya, J.; Rezende, E.L.; Santos, M. Vanishing chromosomal inversion clines in Drosophila subobscura from Chile: Is behavioral thermoregulation to blame?
Article: vol: 182 num: 2 Pag: 249-259 American Naturalist. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/53397. (2013)
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