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Calatayud, S.; Garcia-Risco, M.; Palacios, Ò.; Capdevila, M.; Cañestro, C.; Albalat, R. Tunicates Illuminate the Enigmatic Evolution of Chordate Metallothioneins by Gene Gains and Losses, Independent Modular Expansions, and Functional Convergences
Article: vol: 38 num: 10 Pag: 4435-4448 Molecular Biology and Evolution. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/183503. (2021)
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Article: vol: 27 num: Pag: 1879-1889 Global Change Biology. . (2021)
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Casadesús, A.; Munné-Bosch, S. Holoparasitic Plant-host interactions and their impact on Mediterranean ecosystems
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Chevaldonné, P.; Pretus, J.L. Rediscovery of the rare Mediterranean marine cave stenopodid shrimp Odontozona addaia Pretus, 1990, 30 years after its original description (Crustacea:Decapoda:Stenopodidea)
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Article: vol: 461 num: 109763 Pag: 1-13 Ecological Modelling. . (2021)
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Crespo, L.C.; Silva, I.; Enguídanos, A.; Cardoso, P.; Arnedo, M.A. Integrative taxonomic revision of the woodlouse-hunter spider genus Dysdera (Araneae: Dysderidae) in the Madeira archipelago with notes on its conservation status
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Crespo, L.C.; Silva, I.; Enguídanos, A.; Cardoso, P.; Arnedo, M.A. The Atlantic connection: coastal habitat favoured long distance dispersal and colonization of Azores and Madeira by Dysdera spiders (Araneae: Dysderidae)
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Cruz-Flores, M.; Pradel, R.; Bried, J.; González-Solís, J.; R. Ramos, R. Sex-specific costs of reproduction on survival in a long-lived seabird
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