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Rocañín-Arjó, A.; Rodríguez-Botigué, L.; Esteban, E.; Theves, C.; Evdokimova, L.E.; Fedorova, S.A.; Gibert, M.; Crubezy, E.; Moral, P. Close genetic relationships in vast territories: autosomal and X chromosome Alu diversity in Yakuts from Siberia
Article: vol: 70 num: 3 Pag: 309-317 Anthropologischer Anzeiger. . (2013)
Romo, A.; Hidalgo, O.; Boratyński, A.; Sobierajska , K.; Jasińska, A.K.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. Genome size and ploidy levels in highly fragmented habitats: the case of western Mediterranean Juniperus (Cupressaceae) with special emphasis on J. thurifera L
Article: vol: 9 num: Pag: 587-599 Tree Genetics & Genomes. . (2013)
Roselli L.; Cañedo-Argüelles, M.; Costa-Goela, P.; Cristina, S.; Rieradevall M.; D’Adamo, R.; Newton, A. Do physiography and hydrology determine teh physico-chemical propertie sand trophic status of coastal lagoons? A comparative approach.
Article: vol: 117 num: Pag: 29-36 Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. . (2013)
Saiz, J.I.; Anadón, N.; Cristobo, F.J.; Garcia-Alvarez, O.; Garcia-Castrillo, G.; López, E.; Palacín, C.; Troncoso, J.S.; Ramos, A.  Enhancement of the benthic communities around an isolated island in the antarctic ocean
Article: vol: 32 num: 6 Pag: 1-7 Acta Oceanologica Sinica. . (2013)
Salis, L.; Goula, M.; Izquierdo, J.; Gordún, E Population density and distribution of wheat bugs (genera Eurygaster and Aelia) infesting durum wheat in Sardinia (Italy)
Article: vol: 13 num: 50 Pag: 1-15 Journal Of Insect Science. . (2013)
Sans, F.X.; Armengot, L.; Bassa, M.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Caballero-López, B.; Chamorro, L.; José-María, L. La intensificación agrícola y la diversidad vegetal en los sistemas cerealistas de secano mediterráneos: implicaciones para la conservación
Article: vol: 21 num: 1 Pag: 30-35 Ecosistemas. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/50064. (2013)
Santos, J.; Pascual, M.; Simões, P.; Fragata, I.; Rose, M.R.; Matos, M. Fast evolutionary genetic differenciation during experimental colonizations
Article: vol: 92 num: Pag: 183-194 Journal of Genetics. . (2013)
Saporiti, F.; Bala, L.O.; Crespo, E.A.; Gómez-Otero, J.; Zangrando, A.F.J.;Aguilar, A.; Cardona, L. Changing patterns of marine resource exploitation by hunter-gatherers throughout the late Holocene of Argentina are uncorrelated to sea surface temperature
Article: vol: 299 num: Pag: 108-115 Quaternary International. . (2013)
Sebé-Pedrós, A.; Ariza-Cosano, A.; Weirauch, M.T.; Leininger, S.; Yang, A.; Torruella, G.; Adamski, M.; Adamska, M.; Hughes, T.R.; Gómez-Skarmeta, J.L.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. Early evolution of the T-box transcription factor family
Article: vol: 110 num: 40 Pag: 16050-16055 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - PNAS. . (2013)
Sebé-Pedrós, A.; Burkhardt, P.; Sánchez-Pons, N.; Fairclough, S.R.; Lang, B.F.; King, N.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. Insights into the origin of metazoan filopodia and microvilli
Article: vol: 30 num: 9 Pag: 2013-2023 Molecular Biology and Evolution. . (2013)
Sellés, A.G., Bravo, A.M., Delclòs, X., Colombo, F., Marti, X., Ortega-Blanco, J., Parellada, C., Galobart, A. Dinosaur eggs in the Upper Cretaceous of the Coll de Nargó area, Lleida Province, south-central Pyrenees, Spain: Oodiversity, biostratigraphy and their implications.
Article: vol: 40 num: Pag: 10-20 Cretaceous Research. . (2013)
Silchenko, A.S.; Kalinovsky, A.I.; Avilov, S.A.; Andryjashchenko, P.V.; Dmitrenok, P.S.; Kalinin, V.I.; Taboada, S.; Avila, C. Triterpene glycosides from Antarctic sea cucumbers IV. Turquetoside A, a 3-O-methylquinovose containing disulfated tetraoside from the sea cucumber Staurocucumis turqueti (Vaney, 1906) (= Cucumaria spatha)
Article: vol: 51 num: 1 Pag: 45-49 Biochemical Systematics and Ecology. . (2013)
Sluys, R.; Solà, E.; Gritzalis, K.; Vila-Farré, M.; Mateos, E.; Riutort, M. Integrative delineation of species of Mediterranean freshwater planarians (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae).
Article: vol: 169 num: Pag: 523-547 Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. . (2013)
Solà, E.; Sluys, R.; Gritzalis, K.; Riutort, M. Fluvial basin history in the northeastern Mediterranean Region underlies dispersal and speciation patterns in the genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Dugesiidae)
Article: vol: 66 num: 3 Pag: 877-888 Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. . (2013)
Spakulova, M.; Feliu, C.; Ribas, A. Professor Juan Carlos Casanova has passed away
Article: vol: 50 num: 1 Pag: 82-82 Helminthologia. . (2013)
Spataro, N.; Farfán, M.; Albarral, V.; Sanglas, A.; Lorén, J.G.; Fusté, M.C.; Bosch, E. Draft Genome Sequence of Aeromonas molluscorum Strain 848TT, Isolated from Bivalve Molluscs.
Article: vol: 1 num: 3 Pag: e00382-13- Genome Announcements. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/57128. (2013)
Suga, H.; Chen, Z.; De Mendoza, A.; Sebé-Pedrós, A.; Brown, M.W.; Kramer, E.; Carr, M.; Kerner, P.; Vervoort, M.; Sánchez-Pons, N.; Torruella, G.; Derelle, R.; Manning, G.; Lang, B.F.; Russ, C.; Haas, B.J.; Roger, A.J.; Nusbaum, C.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. The Capsaspora genome reveals a complex unicellular prehistory of animals
Article: vol: 4 num: Pag: 2325- Nature Communications. . (2013)
Suga, H.; Ruiz-Trillo, I. Development of ichthyosporeans sheds light on the origin of metazoan multicellularity
Article: vol: 377 num: Pag: 284-292 Developmental Biology. . (2013)
Swiderski, Z.; Miquel, J.; Montoliu, I.; Feliu, C.; Gibson, D.I. Ultrastructure of the intrauterine eggs of the microphallid trematode Maritrema feliui: evidence of early embryonic development
Article: vol: 112 num: 9 Pag: 3325-3333 Parasitology Research. . (2013)
Swiderski, Z.; Miquel, J.; Torres, J.; Delgado, E.. Early intrauterine embryonic development of the bothriocephalidean cestode Clestobothrium crassiceps (Rudolphi, 1819), a parasite of the teleost Merluccius merluccius (L., 1758) (Gadiformes: Merlucciidae)
Article: vol: 336 num: 7 Pag: 321-330 Comptes Rendus Biologies. . (2013)
Swiderski, Z.; Montoliu, I.; Feliu, C.; Gibson, D.I.; Miquel, J. A Transmission Electron Microscopical Study of the Tegument of Maritrema feliui (Digenea: Microphallidae)
Article: vol: 58 num: 4 Pag: 478-485 Acta Parasitologica. . (2013)
Swiderski, Z.; Poddubnaya, L.G.; Zhokhov, A.E.; Miquel, J.; Gibson, D.I. An ultrastructural study of the egg wall surrounding the miracidium of the digenean Brandesia turgida (Brandes, 1888) (Plagiorchiida: Pleurogenidae), with the description of a unique cocoon-like envelope
Article: vol: 253 num: 2 Pag: 114-118 Zoologischer Anzeiger. . (2013)
Sáez, S.; Obrador, B.; Bach, A.; Serra, L. Environmental footprints of Mediterranean versus Western Dietary Patterns: beyond the health benefits of the Mediterranean Diet
Article: vol: 12 num: Pag: 118- Environmental Health. . (2013)
Sánchez, S.; Serrano, E.; Gómez, M.S.; Feliu, C.; Morand, S. Posirive co.occurrence of flea infestation at a low biological cost in two rodent hors in the Canary archipelago
Article: vol: 141 num: 1 Pag: 511-521 Parasitology. . (2013)
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