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J. Solé; M.A. Arnedo; J. Barat; A. Enguídanos; J. Pujade-Villar; M. Franch; O. Cadiach; F. Aguilar; G. García; R. Pascual Range, population structure and morphological characterization of the small range endemic bush-cricket Lluciapomaresius panteli (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Bradyporinae)
Article: vol: 22 num: 5 Pag: 659-674 Journal of Insect Conservation. . (2018)
Japa, O.; Morand, S.; Karnchanabanthoeng, A.; Chaisiri, K.; Ribas, A. Detection of Neospora caninum (Toxoplasmatidae) in wild small mamals from Thailand
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Jiménez-Alfaro, B.; Suárez-Seoane, S.; Chytrý, M.; Hennekens, S.M.; Willner, W.; Hájek, M.; Agrillo, E.; Álvarez-Martínez, J.M.; Bergamini, A.; Brisse, H.; Brunet, J.; Casella, L.; Díte, D.; Font, X.; Gillet, F.; Hájková, P.; Jansen, F.; Jandt, U.; Kacki, Z.; Lenoir, J.; Rodwell, J.S.; Schaminée, J.H.J.; Sekulová, L.; Sibík, J.; Skvorc, Z.; Tsiripidis, I. Modelling the distribution and compositional variation of plant communities at the continental scale
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Kacem, H.; Miquel, J. Sperm characters of the bucephalid digenean Prosorhynchoides arcuatus and their phylogenetic significance
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Krüger, L.; Ramos, J.; Xavier, J.; Gremillet, D.; González-Solís, J.; Petry, M.; Phillips, R.A.; Wanless, R.; Paiva, V. Projected distributions of Southern Ocean albatrosses, petrels and fisheries as a consequence of climatic change
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Lagares, C.; Mestres, F. Spring collection of drosophilids at the Font Groga site (Barcelona, Spain)
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Laura Llorach-Pares; Alfons Nonell-Canals; Melchor Sánchez-Martínez; Conxita Avila Kororamides, convolutamines, and indole derivatives as possible tau and dual specificity kinases inhibitors for Alzheimer's Disease
Article: vol: 16 num: 10 Pag: 386- Marine Drugs. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/156538. (2018)
Ledoux, J.B.; Frleta‐Valić, M.; Kipson, S.; Antunes, A.; Cebrian, E.; Linares, C.; Sánchez, P. ; Leblois, R.; Garrabou, J. Postglacial range expansion shaped the spatial genetic structure in a marine habitat‐forming species: Implications for conservation plans in the Eastern Adriatic Sea
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Leiva, C.; Riesgo, A.; Avila, C.; Rouse, G.; Taboada, S. Population structure and phylogenetic relationships of a new shallow-water Antarctic phyllodocid annelid.
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Leopardi, S.; Priori, P.; Zecchin, B.; Poglayen, G.; Trevisiol, K.; Lelli, D.; Zoppi, S.; Scicluna, M.T.; D'Avino, N.; Schiavon, E.; Bourhy, H.; Serra-Cobo, J.; Mutinelli, F.; Scaravelli, D.; De Benedictis, P. Active and passive surveillance for bat lyssaviruses in Italy revealed serological evidence for their circulation in three bat species
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Llop, E.; Barbero, M.; Hladun, N.L.; Navarro-Rosinés, P.; Gómez-Bolea, A. Diversity and ecology of liches and lichenicolous fungi in 'Aigüestortes i Estany de Sant Maurici' National Park (Pyrenees, Catalonia, Spain)
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Lorén, J.G.; Farfán, M.; Fusté, M.C. Species delimitation, phylogenetic relationships, and temporal divergence model in the genus Aeromonas
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Maceda-Veiga, A.; Cable, J. Diseased fish in the freshwater trade: from retailers to private aquarists
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Maceda-Veiga, A.; Mac Nally, R.; de Sostoa, A. Environmental correlates of food-chain length, mean trophic level and trophic level variance in invaded riverine fish assemblages
Article: vol: 644 num: Pag: 420-429 Science of the Total Environment. . (2018)
Maceda-Veiga, A.; Mac Nally, R.; de Sostoa, A. Environmental correlates of food-chain length, mean trophic level and within-assemblage trophic level variance invaded fish assemblages
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Maceda-Veiga, A.; Mac Nally, R.; de Sostoa, A. Water-quality impacts in semi-arid regions: can natural 'green filters' mitigate adverse effects on fish assemblages?
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Macías-Hernández, N.; Athey, K; Tonzo, V.;Wangensteen, O.S; Arnedo, M.A.;Harwood, J.D. Molecular gut content analysis of different spider body parts
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Mammola, S.; Arnedo, M. A.; Pantini, P.; Piano, E.; Chiappetta, N.; Isaia, M. Ecological speciation in darkness? Spatial niche partitioning in sibling subterranean spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Troglohyphantes)
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Mannocci, L.; Roberts, J. J.; Halpin; P. N., Authier; M., Boisseau; O., Bradai; M. N., Cañadas; A., Chicote, C.; David, Lé.; Di-Méglio, N.; Fortuna, C. M.; Frantzis, A.; Gazo, M.; Genov, T.; Hammond, P. S.; Holcer, D.; Kaschner, K.; Kerem, D.; Lauriano, G.; Lewis, T.; di Sciara, G. N.; Panigada, S.; Raga, J. A.; Scheinin, A.; Ridoux, V.; Vella, A.; Vella, J. Assessing cetacean surveys throughout the Mediterranean Sea: a gap analysis in environmental space
Article: vol: 8 num: 3126 Pag: - Scientific Reports. http://hdl.handle.net/10023/12829. (2018)
Mantzouki E.; Vegas-Vilarrúbia T.; Trapote M.C.; Gomà J.; Obrador B. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of Environmental parameters, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins
Article: vol: 5 num: Pag: 180226- Scientific Data. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/160582. (2018)
Mantzouki, E.; Lürling, M.; Fastner, J.; de Senerpont Domis, L.; Wilk-Woźniak, E.; Koreivienė, J.; Seelen, L.; Teurlincx, S.; Verstijnen, Y.; Krztoń, W.; Walusiak, E.; Karosienė, J.; Kasperovičienė, J.; Savadova, K.; Vitonytė, I.; Cillero-Castro, C.; Budzyńska, A.; Goldyn, R.; Kozak, A.; Rosińska, J.; Szeląg-Wasielewska, E.; Domek, P.; Jakubowska-Krepska, N.; Kwasizur, K.; Messyasz, B.; Pełechata, A.; Pełechaty, M.; Kokocinski, M.; García-Murcia, A.; Real, M.; Romans, E.; Noguero-Ribes, J.; Duque, D.P.; Fernández-Morán, E.; Karakaya, N.; Häggqvist, K.; Demir, N.; Beklioğlu, M.; Filiz, N.; Levi, E.E.; Iskin, U.; Bezirci, G.; Tavşanoğlu, Ü.N.; Özhan, K.; Gkelis, S.; Panou, M.; Fakioglu, Ö.; Avagianos, C.; Kaloudis, T.; Çelik, K.; Yilmaz, M.; Marcé, R.; Catalán, N.; Bravo, A.G.; Buck, M.; Colom-Montero, W.; Mustonen, K.; Pierson, D.; Yang, Y.; Raposeiro, P.M.; Gonçalves, V.; Antoniou, M.G.; Tsiarta, N.; McCarthy, V Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins
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Marin-Guirao, L.; Bernardeau-Esteller, J.; Garcia-Munoz, R.; Ramos, A.; Ontoria, Y.; Romero, J.; Perez, M.; Ruiz, JM.; Procaccini, G. Carbon economy of Mediterranean seagrasses in response to thermal stress.
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