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Řezáč, M.; Arnedo, M.A.;Opatova, V.;Musilová, J.; Řezáčová, V.; Král, J. Taxonomic revision and insights into the speciation mode of the spider Dysdera erythrina species-complex (Araneae : Dysderidae): sibling species with sympatric distributions
Article: vol: 32 num: 1 Pag: 10-54 Invertebrate Systematics. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/161996. (2018)
A. Rodríguez; F. Ramírez; M.N. Carrasco; A. Chiaradia Seabird plastic ingestion differs among collection methods: examples from the short-tailed shearwater
Article: vol: num: Pag: - Environmental Pollution. . (2018)
A.Cañadas; N.Aguilar de Soto; M.Aissie; A.Arcangeli; M.Azzolin; A.B-Nagy; G.Bearzi; Campana; C.Chicote; C.Cotte; R.Crosti;L.David; A.Di Natale; C.Fortuna; A.Frantzis; P.Garcia; M.Gazo; R.Gutierrez-Xarxas; D.Holcer; S.Laran; G.Lauriano; T.Lewis; A.Moulins; B.Mussi; G.Notarbartolo di Sciara;S.Panigada; X.Pastor;E.Politi;M.Pulcini; A.Raga; L.Rendell; M.Rossow; P.Tepsich; J.Tomás; M.Tringali; Th.Roger The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: The case of Cuvier's beaked whales in the Mediterranean
Article: vol: 85 num: Pag: 128-136 Ecological Indicators. . (2018)
Adalid, R.; Torres, J.; Miñarro, M.; Fuentes, M.V.; Miquel, J. First finding of Ityogonimus lorum and I. ocreatus co-infection in the Iberian mole, Talpa occidentalis
Article: vol: 63 num: 4 Pag: 835-838 Acta Parasitologica. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/161157. (2018)
Aguilar, A. Relative contribution of blubber and other body compartments to the lipid body pool of large whales and their role as proxies of body condition.
Article: vol: 19 num: Pag: 303-303 Reports International Whaling Commission. . (2018)
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Article: vol: 127 num: Pag: 334-341 Marine Pollution Bulletin. . (2018)
Angulo-Preckler, C; Figuerola, B.; Núñez-Pons L.; Moles, J.; Martin Martin, R.; Rull Lluch, J.; Gómez Garreta, A.; Ávila, C. Macrobenthic patterns at the shallow marine waters in the caldera of the active volcano of Deception Island, Antarctica
Article: vol: 157 num: Pag: 20-31 Continental Shelf Research. . (2018)
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Arboleda, E.; Hartenstein, V.; Martinez, P.; Reichert, H.; Sen, S.; Sprecher, S.; and Bailly, X. An emerging system to study symbiosis, brain regeneration, chronobiology and behavior: The marine acoel Symsagittifera roscoffensis.
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Arenas, Conxita; Zivanovic, Goran; Mestres, Francesc Chromosomal Thermal Index: a comprehensive way to integrate the thermal adaptation of Drosophila subobscura whole karyotype
Article: vol: 61 num: 2 Pag: 73-78 Genome. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/131316. (2018)
Arregui, M.; Borrell, A.; Víkingsson, G.; Ólafsdóttir, D; Aguilar, A. Stable isotope analysis of fecal material provides insight into the diet of fin whales
Article: vol: 34 num: 4 Pag: 1059-1060 Marine Mammal Science. . (2018)
Aznar-Alemany, Ò.; Sala, B.; Jobst, K.J.; Reiner, E.J.; Borrell, A.; Aguilar, À.; Barceló, D.; Eljarrat E. Temporal trends of flame retardants and non-targeted analysis of halogenated contaminants in striped dolphins from the Mediterranean Sea.
Article: vol: 80 num: Pag: 265-268 Organohalogen Compounds. . (2018)
Azpillaga, M.; Real, J.; Hernández-Matías, A. Effects of rearing conditions on natal dispersal processes in a long-lived predator bird
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Baldivieso-Freitas, P.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Armengot, L.; Chamorro, L.; Romanyà, J.; Sans, F.X. Crop yield, weed infestation and soil fertility responses to contrasted ploughing intensity and manure additions in a Mediterranean organic crop rotation
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Baldivieso-Freitas, P.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Gutiérrez, M.; Peigné, J.; Pérez-Ferrer, A.; Trigo-Aza, D.; Sans, F. X. Earthworm abundance response to conservation agriculture practices in organic arable farming under Mediterranean climate
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Baldo, Laura; Riera,Joan Lluís; Mitsi, Konstantina; Pretus, Joan Lluís Processes shaping gut microbiota diversity in allopatric populations of the endemic lizard Podarcis lilfordi from Menorcan islets (Balearic Islands)
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Ballarin, L.; Rinkevich, B.; Bartscherer, K.; Burzynski, A.; Cambier, S.; Cammarata, M.; Domart-Coulon, I.; Drobne, D.; Encinas, J.; Frank, U.; Geneviere, A-M.; Hobmayer, B.; Löhelaid, H.; Lyons, D.; Martinez, P.; Oliveri, P.; Peric, L.; Piraino, S.; Ramsak, A.; Rakers, S.; Rentzsch, F.; Rosner, A.; da Silva, T.; Somorjai, I.; Suleiman, S.; Coelho, A. Maristem—stem cells of marine/aquatic invertebrates: from basic research to innovative applications
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Article: vol: 92 num: 2 Pag: 420-437 Journal of Fish Biology. . (2018)
Beilby, M.; Schneider, S.C.; Puckacz, A.; Martín-Closas, C. Towards an integrated understanding of charophyte biology and paleobiology
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Belaústegui, Z.; Belaústegui, A.; Muñiz, F. Fósiles urbanos: un patrimonio paleontológico que pasa inadvertido.
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Belaústegui, Z.; Domènech, R.; Martinell, J. An Ichnofossil-lagerstätte from the miocene vilanova basin (ne spain): taphonomic and paleoecologic insights related to bioerosion structures.
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Belaústegui, Z.; Muñiz, F. Icnogenia: cómo identificar el paso a paso en la interacción organismo-sustrato
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Belaústegui, Z.; Muñiz, F.; Neto de Carvalho, C. Bird ichnology: bioturbation, bioerosion and biodeposition
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