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Orengo, D.J.; Puerma, E; Aguadé, M. The molecular characterization of fixed inversions breakpoints unveils the ancestral character of the Drosophila guanche chromosomal arrangements
Article: vol: 9 num: Pag: 1706- Scientific Reports. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/133197. (2019)
Ortiz-Santaliestra, M.E.; Tauler-Ametller, H.; Lacorte, S.; Hernández-Matías, A.; Real, J.; Mateo, J. Acummulation of pollutants in nestlings of an endangered avian scavenger related to territory urbanisation and physiololgical biomarkers
Article: vol: 252 num: Pag: 1801-1809 Environmental Pollution. . (2019)
Ould-Ahmed, N.; Gómez Garreta, A.; Ribera Siguan, M.A. Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae from Algeria, part II: Ulvophyceae
Article: vol: 76 num: 2 Pag: - Anales del Jardin Botánico de Madrid. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/175286. (2019)
P. Lopezosa, M. G. Forero, F. Ramírez, J. Navarro Individuals within populations: no evidences of individual specialization in the trophic habits of an opportunistic predator
Article: vol: 229 num: 106427 Pag: - Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. . (2019)
Pagès, J. F.; Jenkins, S. R.; Bouma, T. J.; Sharps, E.; Skov, M. W. Opposing indirect effects of domestic herbivores on saltmarsh erosion
Article: vol: 22 num: 5 Pag: 1055-1068 Ecosystems. . (2019)
Pagès-Escolà, M; Linares, C; Gómez-Gras, D; Medrano, A; Hereu, B Assessing the effectiveness of restoration actions for Bryozoans: the case of the Mediterranean Pentapora fascialis
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Paredes, Irene; Ramirez, Francisco; Forero, Manuela G.; Green, Andy J. Stable isotopes in helophytes reflect anthropogenic nitrogen pollution in entry streams at the Donana World Heritage Site
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Article: vol: 40 num: Pag: 189-206 Endangered Species Research. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/151170. (2019)
Peguero, Guille;Sol, Daniel;Arnedo, Miquel;Petersen, Henning;Salmon, Sandrine;Ponge, Jean‐François;Maspons, Joan;Emmett, Bridget;Beier, Claus;Schmidt, Inger K Fast attrition of springtail communities by experimental drought and richness-decomposition relationships across Europe
Article: vol: 25 num: 8 Pag: 2727-2738 Global Change Biology. . (2019)
Perez-De la Fuente, Ricardo; Delclos, Xavier; Penalver, Enrique; Engel, Michael S. A new dustywing (Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae) from the Early Cretaceous amber of Spain
Article: vol: 2 num: 3 Pag: 279-288 Palaeoentomology. . (2019)
Perez-Llorca, Marina; Casadesus, Andrea; Mueller, Maren; Munne-Boseh, Sergi Inter-individual and sun orientation driven variability reveals antagonistic salicylate and jasmonate accumulation in white-leaved rockrose
Article: vol: 162 num: Pag: 115-124 Environmental and Experimental Botany. . (2019)
Perez-Llorca, Marina; Munoz, Paula; Mueller, Maren; Munne-Bosch, Sergi Biosynthesis, Metabolism and Function of Auxin, Salicylic Acid and Melatonin in Climacteric and Non-climacteric Fruits
Article: vol: 10 num: Pag: - Frontiers in Plant Science. . (2019)
Pessarrodona, A.; Boada, J.; Pagès, J. F.; Arthur, R.; Alcoverro, T. Consumptive and non-consumptive effects of predators vary with the ontogeny of their prey
Article: vol: 100 num: 5 Pag: 1-13 Ecology. . (2019)
Peterson, Megan L.; Morris, William; Linares, Cristina; Doak, Daniel Improving structured population models with more realistic representations of non-normal growth
Article: vol: 10 num: 9 Pag: 1431-1444 Methods in Ecology and Evolution. . (2019)
Peterson, ML; Morris, W; Linares, C; Doak, DF. Improving structured population models with more realistic representations of non‐normal growth.
Article: vol: 10 num: 9 Pag: 1431-1444 Methods in Ecology and Evolution. . (2019)
Peyre, Gwendolyn; Balslev, Henrik; Font, Xavier; Tello, Sebastián Fine-Scale Plant Richness Mapping of the Andean Páramo According to Macroclimate
Article: vol: 7 num: Pag: 377- Frontiers In Ecology And Evolution. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/144239. (2019)
Philippe, Herve; Poustka, Albert J.; Chiodin, Marta; Hoff, Katharina J.; Dessimoz, Christophe; Tomiczek, Bartlomiej; Schiffer, Philipp H.; Mueller, Steven; Domman, Daryl; Horn, Matthias; Kuhl, Heiner; Timmermann, Bernd; Satoh, Noriyuki; Hikosaka-Katayama, Tomoe; Nakano, Hiroaki; Rowe, Matthew L.; Elphick, Maurice R.; Thomas-Chollier, Morgane; Hankeln, Thomas; Mertes, Florian; Wallberg, Andreas; Rast, Jonathan P.; Copley, Richard R.; Martinez, Pedro; Telford, Maximilian J. Mitigating Anticipated Effects of Systematic Errors Supports Sister-Group Relationship between Xenacoelomorpha and Ambulacraria
Article: vol: 29 num: 11 Pag: 1818-+ Current Biology. . (2019)
Pintanel, Pol; Tejedo, Miguel; Ron, Santiago R.; Llorente, Gustavo A.; Merino-Viteri, Andres Elevational and microclimatic drivers of thermal tolerance in Andean Pristimantis frogs
Article: vol: 46 num: 8 Pag: 1664-1675 Journal of Biogeography. . (2019)
Piqué, N.; Berlanga, M.; Miñana-Galbis, D. Health Benefits of Heat-Killed (Tyndallized) Probiotics: An Overview.
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Pons, Joan; Bover, Pere; Bidegaray-Batista, Leticia; Arnedo, Miguel A. Arm-less mitochondrial tRNAs conserved for over 30 millions of years in spiders
Article: vol: 20 num: 1 Pag: 665- Bmc Genomics. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/177030. (2019)
Ponti, R.; Arcones, A.; Ferrer, X.; Vieites, D.R. Seasonal climatic niches diverge in migratory birds
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Postiglioni, Rodrigo; Bidegaray-Batista, Leticia; Simó, Miguel; Arnedo, Miquel A Move to stay: genetic structure and demographic history of a wolf spider inhabiting coastal sand dunes of southern South America
Article: vol: 17 num: 7 Pag: 635-649 Systematics and Biodiversity. . (2019)
Pujol‐Buxó, E.; Garcia‐Cisneros, A.; Miaud, C.:Llorente, G.A. Genetic relationships and diversity patterns within the invasive range of the Mediterranean Painted Frog
Article: vol: 309 num: Pag: 125-132 Journal of Zoology. . (2019)
Pujol-Buxó, E.; Mochales-Riaño, G.; Llorente, G.A. Mild segregation in the breeding preferences of an invasive anuran (Discoglossus pictus) and its main native competitor (Epidalea calamita) in ephemeral ponds
Article: vol: 40 num: 4 Pag: 425-435 Amphibia-Reptilia. . (2019)
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