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Granados, V.; Gutiérrez-Cánovas, C.; Arias-Real, R.; Obrador, B.; Harjung, A.; & Butturini, A.; The interruption of longitudinal hydrological connectivity causes delayed responses in dissolved organic matter
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Gras, A.; Garnatje, T.; Marín, J.; Parada, M.; Sala, E.; Talavera, M.; Vallès, J. The power of wild in feeding humanity: a meta-analytic ethnobotanical approach in the Catalan linguistic area.
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Gras; A.; Parada, M.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. Catalan ethnoflora: a meta-analytic approach to life forms and geographic territories.
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Gras; A.; Vallès, J.; Garnatje, T. Filling the gaps: ethnobotanical study of the Garrigues district, an arid zone in Catalonia (NE Ibet¡rian Peninsula).
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Gómez, Daniel; Lorda, Mikel; Font, Xavier; García, Mª. Begoña Revisión de la flora endémica de los Pirineos. Materiales preliminares para una lista roja pirenaica
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Gómez, Daniel; Lorda, Mikel; Font, Xavier; García, Mª. Begoña; Aizpuru, Iñaki Rareza en la nora pirenaica. Materiales preliminares para una lista roja
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Hinojosa-Alvarez, Silvia; Arias, Salvador; Ferrand, Sylvie; Purugganan, Michael D.; Rozas, Julio; Rosas, Ulises; Wegier, Ana The chloroplast genome of the pincushion cactus Mammilllaria haageana subsp. san-angelensis, a Mexican endangered species
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Jiménez-Alfaro, Borja; Font, Xavier SIVIM Alpine - Database of high-mountain grasslands in the Iberian Peninsula
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Joachim T. Haug; Dany Azar; Andrew Ross; Jacek Szwedo; Bo Wang; Antonio Arillo; Viktor Baranov; Julia Bechteler; Rolf Beutel;· Vladimir Blagoderov; Xavier Delclòs; Jason Dunlop; Kathrin Feldberg; Rodney Feldmann; Christian Foth;· René H. B. Fraaije; Alexander Gehler; Danilo Harms; Lars Hedenäs; Matú¿ Hy¿ný; John W. M. Jagt; Elena A. Jagt‑Yazykova; Ed Jarzembowski;· Hans Kerp;· Phyo Kay Khine; Alexander G. Kirejtshuk; Christian Klug;· Dmitry S. Kopylov; Ulrich Kotthoff;· Jürgen Kriwet;· Ryan C. McKellar;· André Nel; Christian Neumann;· Alexander Nützel; Enrique Peñalver;· Vincent Perrichot;· Anna Pint; Eugenio Ragazzi;· Ledis Regalado;· Mike Reich; · Jouko Rikkinen; · Eva‑Maria Sadowski; Alexander R. Schmidt; Harald Schneider;· Frederick R. Schram; Günter Schweigert; Paul Selden; Leyla J. Seyfullah; Mónica M. Solorzano‑Kraemer; Jeffrey D. Stilwell; Barry W. M. van Bakel; Francisco J. Vega; Yongdong Wang; Lida Xing; Carolin Haug Comment on the letter of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) dated April 21, 2020 regarding 'Fossils from conflict zones and reproducibility of fossil‑based scientific data': Myanmar amber
Article: vol: 94 num: Pag: 431-437 Palz. http://hdl.handle.net/2445/175747. (2020)
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